>tfw you will never relive election night 2016
Tfw you will never relive election night 2016
haha yeah selling out country out to the kikes was great
there will be the next election, lad.
At least you got to witness it
Not all anons survived the Great Meme War you know.
Election night 2020
Get ready for big laffs
nice bait
Who will the Dems pit against Trump? Zuckerberg would be very meme worthy.
because the US wasn't sold out to them decades ago...
>It's her turn
Such a fucking stupid campaign slogan, she deserved to lose.
Who wasn't the kike vote? Right you're a shill.
It's a slogan that's so stupid, it's brilliant. Serves as a reminder that women have an entitlement complex.
>one of, if not the most; underrated posts I've seen on Sup Forums
Tyler Cuckwold
May you continue your shitposting well into the afterlife, user. Rest in peace.
Midterms will be fun to watch as all of the Bannon candidates beat dems and Republicans get a filibuster-proof majority in the senate with a huge anti-immigrant presence.
this is as close as I can get to reliving the night.
Oprah or their dead
normies bitching and moaning every day have only helped Trump, since their crying confirmed that the right candidate won.
I really hope its the zucc. Trump would shred him Jeb! style. The guy is awkward as fuck and trump would exploit it.
thank you user I needed that.
Tuesday night whent Ed wins VA.
*2018* when the republicans get a super majority in both Chambers of Congress
2020 when the myth of a failed Trump presidency is erased from existence
F to pay respects
F, that's great
What a hero
kek bless
Hahaha with her black child.
F, what a glorious motherfucker.
Wtf happened to this year it flew by so fast
We've lost some good anons.
Or the Brexit vote
lol nice. anyone got the first drudge report screen when he won?
You can't be president if you're stuck in gitmo, though that would't stop niggers from voting for her, should they ever decide to vote.
rip user
We will. In 2020 (and 2024/2028, following the vote of the New American Constitution)
maybe he lived
we can hope
watching highlights of that night is like a monthly ritual. grab a drink and enjoy the utter leftist devastation.
>tfw you will never get to relive the joy of watching Pennsylvania turn red live with Sup Forums
Watching TYT during the election day was amazing. Watching Liberals foam from the mouth will never be the same. It was truly magical
You should watch the new Netflix movie about the election that just came out. It's called 11/8/2016. They follow half a dozen people on election day and get their reaction afterwards. It's amusing to watch all the leftists breakdown after being so arrogant earlier in the day.
we did it for him
I remember that thread. God bless that brave meme soldier.
Tulsi Gabbard and Boinie
Here's to you.
May they shitpost in Amenti.
>Who will the Dems pit against Trump?
They'll either choose some celebrity in hopes that the American public will elect another movie star, or they'll go FULL-SPEED-AHEAD-RETARD-O-RAMA and push some absurd "diversity" ticket like "PELOSI / WATERS 2020".
Personally, I hope they completely fail to develop any sense of self-awareness by then, and try to push another universally-hated DNC scumbag on the country.
Of course, that's still several years away, and they may all be in jail by then...
A year before my grandmother died. Sad.
not all heroes wear capes
Watched this live. the mexican chick swearing into the camera because people were making fun of her on twiiter was the highlight for me.
>he did not get to witness the final victory
Angels weep for hi.
I was celebrating
We really had something there, didn't we?
Why do you guys think this line of attack will have any effect here? Do you think the counter-semitism is blind and without reason or research, born only of irrational hatred? Do you think no one is studied in war or the classics? I just don't get it. I enjoy the baiting and the shilling but there must be some quality to it, some form of logic. Fucking get your shit together.
This is what it means to be white.
Dying and still wanting the best for your country before you go.
This is why whites get shit done.
>mfw Feinstein 2020
Rollig for Weekend At Bernie's
I posted my bets of Trump winning and some cheeky American recommended I bet on Trump flipping Pennsylvania.
It was definitely surreal, had to keep making sure I wasn't dreaming as he walked on stage.
That was incredible.
PA flipping was absolutely based
F. See you later space cowboy. They expected one of us in the wreckage brothers. The fire rises.
A true meme patriot. His efforts were not in vain.
2020 reelection will be pretty sweet but not as good as 2016 since the media shilled so hard for Clinton that they went full retard and bought into their own bullshit.
2020 relection will be great though lots of salt
Tulsi gabbard would be best, my bet is on Corey Booker, Liz warren, and kamala harris (even though the dems are memeing her because shes a black woman) Trump wins in landlside.
Best tweest of the night.
New face filters on Instagram today! This ine's my favourite so far. Good job team!
It has a greater capacity.
Either they will play their cards much closer to their chest. Or go full tilt.
Both have the chance for tons of butthurt.
F. We miss you buddy
>Won 20k off Trump winning
>blew it all in a year being a NEET travelling
God, I wish I went back and bet more money.
The threads that popped up with that photo as the subject were hilarious.
> Coal burner mom screaming at a cop
> Kid trying to pull her back
> Cop's grimace at this spazz