I go on a 7 day camping trip and come back to see this board spammed with about 30 different version of Le 60% Face, aka AmeriMutt.
Who is behind this shilling and how do we stop it?
I go on a 7 day camping trip and come back to see this board spammed with about 30 different version of Le 60% Face, aka AmeriMutt.
Who is behind this shilling and how do we stop it?
Other urls found in this thread:
They look like characters in Shadow of Morder
Divide and conquer. Even the shills who don't realize follow Alinsky and Soros tactics to a T.
>tfw your continent is becoming a caliphate but it's okay because you have cartoons of ugly people wearing american flag shirts
they made it "le 56% face" now
rollyo mongrol
Its all /bant/ trolling americans.
I think its funny. Its like shartposting. Although some of these amerimutts look suspiciously high quality.
Foreigners are supposed to hate us, it's what foreigners have always done. What's worse are the cringey anti-Americans who pretend they think it's funny as a way of sucking up to the foreigners. It's just so embarrassing to watch hem grovel for crumbs of appreciation from European soyboys.
OK you made me laugh at my dumb self.
I want to be triggered u fuck!
They were all made by twitter user hisperic. The reason they're prevalent is because the pictures themselves are funny, and they trigger the ugly Amerimutt "white nationalists" that infest this board.
The art style is leftist. It doesn't match Sup Forums. Worst of all its not really funny and gets the interpretation of the % completely wrong. Short in mart at least had some photographic basis in reality. This is just a tired and forced meme. Great job kikes
The absolute state of Amerishart posters
t. pic related
They’re funny just take the Bantu and move on
This artwork was done by leftists, you can tell it doesn't match Sup Forums's traditional aesthetic
They aren't funny that is why they are bad. I wish they were better
>"W-what?? Why would anyone make funny caricatures of us? We're the whitest, greatest nation in the world!"
>"I know! It's LEFTIST infiltrators and shills! No way someone would make fun of our country?!"
0 get!
Idk the 1 and 0% ones make me laugh
>Although some of these amerimutts look suspiciously high quality.
That's what I noticed too. They all look like the same person made them. And nobody would make all of them unless they were getting paid to do it.
Who cares, the more time they spend trying to call an apple a banana the less of anything else they are doing.
It makes them feel better and ultimately unifies the driving cause of the board st the moment just let it go
Honestly the images are pretty funny anyway
see never underestimate the power of a triggered anglo
>"eberything is shilling!"
why can't burgers handle banter?
It's not banter it's trademark kike D&C tactics with mass-produced shitty memes.
it's our duty to teach these "new Americans" how to embrace western values. Racism can NOT be allowed if we are to succeed as a nation.
its just a matter of it being very (((suspicious))) bantz
This American orcs shit cracks me right the fuck up
Shills are working 24/7 ignore them and flame them . ShareBlue most likely
That's not really funny. It's just creepy.
you guys are putting out too much too fast. shows your hand rabbi
draw one like this
>someones making fun of Martshartia
Thats just a quick zbrush sketch my dude, but i agree this meme is being forced
Jews, as always. This reeks of being coordinated. They all appeared at the same time.
They are afraid that the white awakening will be global. They are terrified. They want to d&c the white countries.
It won't work. What the Jew doesn't realize is that bantz make us stronger and makes our bonds deeper.
>They all appeared at the same time.
So it's not just me. Good.
America is too far gone as a western euro nation. We must embrace civic nationalism or kill 3/4ths of the population.
I'm 5, till I g to confirm
That is a much better reference, thanks bongbro
it comes from Sup Forums
This meme was created because euros can't handle being called muslims.
>they all appeared at the same time
>must be soros CIA deep state psyops shilling
are you so fucking stupid as to not understand how memes work? You burgers talk so tough but absolutely lose it at the tiniest bit of banter
it was actually created by a chilean
It's butthurt Eurofags feeling blackfilled about their own countries and trying to dump that feeling on others.
Install chan-x and filter out the most common title words used for le 56% threads.
That meme pick is Toronto in a nutshell.
theres a ton that look like they are made by the same person and they came out of nowhere. im not mad about the bantz its just clearly jewry
Chileans ironically are nearly all part native.
Yeah, its been played out. They went full retard with this meme and killed its humor.
I told them so but only got el goblino in response. Truly the world seems to hate america, never seen such an anti american board like Sup Forums and not seems like this board is on the same path
Yeah, and they all kinda look like Alice Cooper
Of course, mutants are best equipped to deal with the world today. Who else? The Ghouls? Please. Normals? They brought nuclear death to us all. This will be the age of mutants! Mutants.
I like the art style, its gross af. I just want to appropriate this and troll the shills who think they can control forced memes. What do you guys think?
Alice Cooper is cool.
If you think that this is how memes "work", you're either a fucking idiot or you're being paid to post here.
Memes spread naturally. Forced memes can be spotted from a mile away. And this meme is very obviously forced.
The original face was an organic real meme. The sudden influx of new faces is a clear coordinated effort. It also lines up with their tactic of D&C-- they want the white nations to turn against each other, and it falls completely in line with their "is X white" shilling tactic.
In other words: fuck off kike. We know what you are doing.
Quit pretending that you're not the one posting them!
>keep throwing shit at other countries
>can't keep its shit together when the banter is directed at them
It must be the CIA
I agree. Do a German one.
if your white you shouldn't get butt hurt
Pol is anti-everything.
Better a Swedish version.
I wish you would just be a 14 year old. But you're probably a lot older.
Conehead is my favourite amerimutt.
Do you want the meme answer or the real answer? The meme answer is that all Americans cannot take any banter at all because we're all just ass blasted all the time due to Tyrone stealing all of the "wite wimmen".
The real answer is a bit more depressing. You Europeans and Australians have managed to find America's major identity flaw without even really trying. You see, you guys have the boon of traceable lineages and (relative) purity in your lineages, along with ancestral claims to land. You have familial records going back Centuries, and in some cases, Millennia. You have racial claims to a homeland! Americans, however, do not. Americans have no real attachment to their land, and due to numerous reasons including mixing of all of the European subtypes, have no ancestral identity, no true homeland. All we have is Nationalism, and pitiful attempts to reconnect with a "homeland", leading to the, "I'm 1/64 Irish!" thing being a thing. This meme therefore strikes home for a lot of Americans, and really pisses them off.
There's also the fact that Sup Forums takes itself too seriously, that doesn't help at all.
Looks like the Risk Of Rain artwork.
The eye lighting on 0% looks like every eye lighting in that game; just check the monster manual.
>Amerilards getting so upset over this (statistically accurate) joke lmfao
Mutt collector here. Ask me anything
dont do it
best one
this fucked my sides
/r/ the iceberg infographic
no its not rouski
The European heart thrives in war, be it physical or cultural
This will make you stronger, but you have to fight it
>This meme therefore strikes home for a lot of Americans, and really pisses them off.
you shills keep using this exact same argument. very clearly being taken from a list of canned responses that you have to push this shill campaign. you guys literally glow in the dark, and like everything else you try its going to fail.
I just can't for the life of me wrap my head around the apparent fact that there is nobody amongst you, from the bottom all the way to the very top, who isn't a complete and totally incompetent idiot. Its not just that you're shilling, its that you're so damn bad at it. I love it because it means you lose, but I really do find it amazing that you guys can't put together one single group of people actually intelligent enough to figure this shit out.
Rlling4 9
>Soros shill here. Ask me anything.
How do you sleep at night?
this is the best one
If it was banter you wouldn't be forcing it so hard. There's a very clear agenda here. They don't want international solidarity among white people.
The Jew is terrified.
Post 'em, Hans
im american and im not le 56%
>inb4 jewish one drop rule
>Honestly love you Germany