How do we rid the earth of the filth known as trap music
How do we rid the earth of the filth known as trap music
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Make synthwave popular or bring back rock pls.
What about indie? Any good?
indie is for hipsters
I agree with this, or just stick to metal
Math Rock is the best genre
by bringing back that tru killa shit
Trap is fucking great faggot.
some of this guy's music is influenced by trap and it's fucking awesome.
Op is talking about nigger trap retard.
Just fucking kill them.
Ride more bicycles.
All modern popular music over the past 100 years originates with black people, you cant escape it unless you only listen to wagner or polka or some shit
Seriously look up rock, jazz, house, blues, soul and rap (obviously)
You won't accept it but black people are musically superior.
Not to say white people suck at it, classical music is good and white people have done their own stuff with black music(like metal), but black people are next level.
blak musiceans sonny
Kill rappers too.
listen to ultra white genres
like black metal
or shoegaze
trap isn't entirely bad.
shoegaze is much much worse.
ask my how I know you're a nigger
>trap isn't entirely bad
Wow, based black music amirite fellow pede?
I love trap music but not todays shit
a valid political question, not.
I don’t mind trap whem I’m fucked up, but when I’m sober it’s almost impossible to even find something ok.
So blacks "OOGA BOOGA" with some drums.
Whites and others then take the "OOGA" and turn it into "OOOOOOOHHHHHH, SANTA MARIAAAAAAAAAA".
Whites and others take the "BOOGA" and turn it into "BOOGIE DOWN, YOU CAN TELL BY THE WAY I WALK......."
Whites and others take the drum beats and do a cluster gang rape on it from crazy early 50s and 60s drum solos all the way to funk and disco beats, all the way to Georgio Moroder and house music all the way to fucking hard metal insane solos all the way to skrillex, wubstep, EDM, tiesto, etc.
So many other cultures dominate "black music" so hard that the very paragons of "black music" have to sample the creations that whites (and others) made to make their modern day music.
(((wonder why so many jewish producers are rich? Let me show ya.)))
I don't know why people in this thread are falling for the ludicrous meme that niggers "invented" trap.
Trap was scientifically designed in an Israeli research facility to turn the listener into as stupid and ethically pliable of a goy as possible, regardless of race.
Trap is the ultimate zogbop tune genre to brainwash the gentile cattle and turn them into degenerate retards.
Jews themselves would never be caught dead listening to trap. They respect themselves too much.
Jews listen to stuff that the goyim are mostly forbidden to even know about. Stuff like psytrance.
Sure, you can google it, if you know about it already. But who would tell you about it? After all, if something isn't suggested to you on your social media feed, then it doesn't exist.
You can watch videos of Israeli music festivals, and you'll see they're always psytrance-related. The Jews who attend respect each other's personal space when dancing and are all so friendly with each other. It's a joy to behold, unlike the sodom and gomorrah shitfest you witness at "trap" and "EDM" music fests in the Goynited States of Weimarica.
There are secret abilities that can be unlocked in the human mind when listening to psytrance.
I listened to psytrance while working on my last project.
In particular, Vibe Tribe's album Destination Unknown.
I became incredibly wealthy from that project.
It wouldn't have happened without Jewish psytrance.
Thanks, Jews.
I was pretty unimpressed till he started playing the guitar. Dynamite link my dude
Hip hop industry piggy backed the genre from edm producers and rode that bitch into the ground
You're all fucking CIA niggers fucking niggerfaggots.
Except for the people that write it
FUCK am I glad I don't live in the US.. No offense meant to white Americans.
boy thats a reach
you know what ya wanna do with that, right? put a bangin donk onit.
The only black thing about black music is the artist. The music engineers, the creators of the beats are all white.
>bring back rock pls
This is bothering me for a while. Why are there two different music genres with the same name.
Compare "the glitch mob" with "the glitch mob with some dude talking over the top of it"
>How do we rid the earth of the filth known as nigger shit
That's better. Also the answer is to: Remove niggers
>nigger trap
why do we still let them shit up western culture?
>reddit detected
What is trap music? Songs by a man thinking he is a woman?
The glitch mob is good music. Very fun to drop acid and listen to.
It's not that bad. I expected worse. It's just bleh
It's not bad. Normies just ruined EDM/techno after years and years of straight up rejecting it since the Internet made it popular enough for the Jews to notice it was making money and they assaulted the genre with their attention whores.
Exactly what I'm talking about. I'm gonna say most people enjoy techno for the lack of stupid lyrics. Then when it got popular, you got rappers and R&B people and singers throwing their shit all over the music. I think the genre sold out to them because it wanted some recognition and reward finally. But they got chewed up, used and spit out.
Rap is a cancer on music.
I work in the industry and can confirm this. It's hilarious setting up a show for a rapper and seeing his entire fucking crew is white dudes. Like when the competent shit needs to get done, surprise, it's white people.
When it's time to be a dumb lip syncing monkey, here comes the rapper.
Although I just want to state for the record I worked for Lil Wayne and he's actually cool as hell and I like him and tolerate his music. I'm not a hater, they aren't all automatically bad.
>drenched in grease
>grinning like a brain damaged moron
>Skittles stuck to teeth
Why would anyone want to look like this?
I was a fan, but then they didn't make it to rainbow serpent one year, then I noticed one of their sets "rapped" to the point I couldn't stand it.
>Why would anyone want to look like this?
Because some girls find it attractive. That's literally dude would do literally anything, somehow it's getting him laid.
But seriously quality post (see what I did there above). The Story of user!
(BTW I want someone to redo that video as Cuphead).
Just let it be. Any real man doesn't give a fuck about music. It just make the enemy waste time so it is good.
Absolutely fantastic.
If anyone is wondering what he's doing in the beginning - he's setting up the different beats and instruments and then looping them.
Similar to how instrumental drum & bass can be alright, but then you have some British MCs deciding to ruin it by yammering over it in their psuedo-jamaican babble
>14 million views
>21k dislikes
It's catchy though. Is it English?
EDM Trap has similar characteristics as nigger trap (rolling hi-hats and snares, 808 bass, etc).
>Can't even listen to or create music
Why would anyone want to live like this.
Trap music?
>black people are next level
Its literally all white people who advanced these genres as well. Black people are complete retards and their music is just repetition with some random progression here and there, even their best compare with the worst white musicians. But of course you're a complete pleb. Not to talk these things they did were done already but weren't commonly used because they have been seen as low class and modern music is easily digestible and a mirror of the society's degeneracy. You don't listen to music to hear something uplifting and life-changing, you listen it because you want some "cool" beats to black out on or to satisfy your adhd.
literally 3 minutes of pain, who listens to this shit? How is that Trap and not "rap" All the trap I have heard is super white washed nerd music.
To be fair, you have to really intelligent to understand the depth of this trap
For this post you must have at least one (you) and a cat picture.
>real men don't give fuck about music
Man this is some next level denial
trap is gay
if there's an actual plan i am up
No it's not
You have to invent an even more degenerate genre of music to replace it, duh.
Are you kids for real? Two genres at the same time with the same name ?
>imagine being such an upset beta that other people like something you don't, you have to start a circlejerk among strangers to feel better about it
thank god i can't
fuckin losers lollllllllll
>bring back synth wave
>i agree with this
>dont listen to indie
Do you realize how stupid you are
>listen to metal music
I assume you were never born with a brain and just mashed the keyboard though somehow coherent it was still fucking retarded.
wigger detected.
Actually rock and blues is Irish according to black music professor at Columbia. Ssshhhh don't tell anyone.
Imagine my triggering until i realized the context of niggerdom here. This is "trap" in my mind:
Listen to IDM/braindance instead, specifically the absolute gods Aphex Twin, Autechre, Boards of Canada, Kettel, Secede, Wisp, u-ziq, Plaid and Squarepusher.
Allow FrankJavCee to show how it's properly done:
fucking love this guy