How do we feel about this, politicly.
it's utter shit
He is controlled opposition. The government feeds him obvious bull shit, and he deceminates it to the masses for a profit. Most ufologists are schizos.
Anti grav tech exist, there are no green men
back to sleep kids.
>there are no green men
Well what colour are they?
Aliens aren't real user.
Aliens are real. They're probably still on their own planets though.
I want to believe though.
Wrong. We're the center of the universe.
Yeah. It's a CIA nigger.
Than who is flying the ufos? Didn't really think this through did you.
Seems like a total fucking weirdo and he also may be some sort of disinfo agent.
I mean, he sounded confident in what he was saying. But I have a hard time that some shitty guitar player is meeting with high-ranking government officials and all this crazy shit.
One of the stranger things I have ever seen, for sure.
sure is a faggy way to disclose the tr3b
>roswell was german
He might be redpilled
How dare you assume the ayylmaos gender.
That's a scary proposition.
The truth is scary.
>Mfw tom Delonge was a rent boy rape recepticle for the entertainment industry who was only able to cope with the horrors by rationalizing an alien narrative behind it
What was Delong's family like? Any military or glow in the dark connections? Hmm?
1st you have to accept we have exotic technologies (and ets exist) locked in programs and military industrial complex companies, then you have to understand the elite have exclusive acess to said tech, finally you must understand this is ((their)) trump card to pull when the truth comes out as it is now. Delong is in effect a face to ((their)) attempt at limited disclosure plain and simple. They will attempt to use this as a majpr distraction when they have no other viable options.
being alone is scarier than aliens coming to kill us.
Apparently his brother was special forces or special operation forces
geomagnetic storm aint much
Delonge literally glows in the fucking dark
Weird how the aliens will only give us zero point energy if we unconditionally support Israel's illegal wars of aggression.
Nah. Aliens aren't real. Being alone is something all humans need. If they aren't okay being by themselves something is wrong with them.
Glow in the dark
fucking KEK
dont talk to me or my son ever again
Say no more. And thanks, user.
not going to go into a whole lot of detail but i've worked in some pretty upper echelons and i will just state unequivocally that aliens do not exist. at least, not in the realm of them coming to earth in a spaceship. we (humans), is all there is.
>we can't even get along with the same species of our own planet
Yes it'd be amazing if ayys show up!
I always felt that way, but I'm always an outlier.
I sweat metal sometimes, does that count?
Yeah in a universe with more habitable planets than there are grains of sand on earth, surely the hairless apes from terra are the only sentience. Neck yourself spook.
i'm sorry do you have proof of alien life you'd like to share with the class?
>same species
My point, as I brought up about a week ago in a thread about the JRE episode, is the only part that got me interested is when he started talking about terahertz radiation on that piece of metal.
It was clear to me he didn't understand it, but someone who did tried to explain it to him. It's an induced Josephson magnetic effect. It's probably the way to do antigravity with a superconductor.
Someone he knows or has contact with is legit.
The alien belief is a retarded one proposed by (((them))) to basically dilute or make anybody who believes in the theories a complete nutjob, Its a anti-redpill as it doesn't bluepill you but maintains your previous status. Before I was redpilled anytime I saw any video with redpilled people and it contained aliens it automatically turned me away.
Its undeniable that alien life exists or will exist at some point but I 100% doubt that the government would hide alien technology rather then use them in another war or israel wouldn't just steal it and sell it for 6 gorrilion dollars.
>Advanced harmonic alien scanner pulses
>Alien whirring noises, a HWNDU flag appears above the craft
>Screams the tortured combined entity that was once Shoah LaBouf and Stephen Colbear, as it grapples with the spade ship controls while panting into the alien megaphone
What did he mean by this???
black manta a cute!
We have the best USAPs, don't we folks?
I'd say so. I need to prowl to see how much has been stolen though (for a lot of it, if you don't steal the right parts, it doesn't really matter). I'm just interested in the concepts, not the applications.
They better not be space niggers.
Heres the best concept Ive heard for one. Or the most easily explanable one
Somehow, a pede confused this with humor.
>Or the most easily explanable one
That's the catch.
what sound does a frog make?
>we surrender
Hes literally a coke addict wacko, he actually believes fake ufo videos on yt
Large portions of foriegn goverments firnly believe in them.
Probably just a recruitment tactic though, aliens would obviously realize they could have a much larger influence on the world if they actually showed themselves to more people.
why do they always look dirty? Are they supposed to be from crashes n' shit?
his rogan interview was interesting until he pulled up that shitty cgi video then it became sad
Im pretty sure he was high on speed
is mr delonge schizophrenic
>christfags actually believe this
What are the upper echelons in a country like Canada, eh? Tim Horton's night shift manager?
I've seen this at 200 yards for several minutes. Not like anything else, definately "ours" though. Silent as fuck.
This, he's a disinformation outlet for the CIA