I know Jews are bad but

What about Jerry Seinfeld? Can anyone show evidence Jerry Seinfeld is an evil kike? Is he one of the good Jews?
His jokes are clever and I want to like him.

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He is a nonbiased observer. As his comedy. I like it. Hes a cool guy in my book.

>His jokes are clever

>So I was on an airplane the other day
>Yeah I know right, who rides airplanes these days
>And some guy bumps into me
>And I'm like

Jews are fine idk where you got that meme from.

Dad-tier jokes and he dodges politics like a wizard.

He SHOULD be the precedent for all following comedians.

Patrician tier.

*insert Seinfeld riff*

>When he was in his late 30s, Seinfeld began a four-year romantic relationship with then-17-year-old high school student Shoshanna Lonstein when they began dating.

If he would ever acknowledge just HOW jewish his show was, I might be able to respect him. Jewish nepotism needs to be recognized and derided

Best sitcom of all time. It's also nice to watch to reminisce on a time when New York was a white city.


Seinfeld is cool
So is Larry David

He seems alright. Doesn't push anti-white shit. I doubt he is really bothered about the browning of America but probably preferred the whiter America of the 70s and 80s.

This. I quite like the Jews.

I still can't get over that Wayne Knight is a goy

He supported Richards during the 2007 nigger-incident, so he is decent

I can’t figure out why this Jew has such an obsession with Porsche cars.

Larry David is my absolute favorite Jew. As far as I know, he stays pretty silent on politics, as in he does not post pics of himself with a decapitated head of the POTUS and shit like that. His jokes never fail to make me laugh.

cant blame the man i mean just look at these things

>one of the good Jews
You gotta be Brother Nathanael tier to make that list and he's ascended to Christian by default so I don't think good jews exist because they stop being jews once they become good. Therefore yeah.

Jerry Seinfeld has some genius observational humor. There is something about that dudes world view for just seeing the funny we miss. Thats like the only way I can describe it.

>If they're bigger than you're head, take her to bed


well, you can like him and laugh about his jokes. but never forget what he is. never forget his nature. it's like having a pet scorpion.

This is the only funny Jew.


Who is this girl and what did she do?
>cant blame the man

good goys, pay your debts

Honestly they never had to, the jewishness of Seinfeld is a complete given.

Thats a tough call.
She seems happy there though and I cant say for sure I wouldnt have done the same of I had the chance. You probably would too.

khazar milkers strike again


This. His jokes fail to stimulate my mind to the level Rick and Morty achieves

He is the master of his domain.

thats his 17 year old girlfriend on her 17th birthday, he was almost 40. its more than fair to assume they were "seeing" each other when she was 16

Bee Movie was based



What is it with faggots thinking we hate jews? This is my favorite jew. youtu.be/fGTp1Q162Gw . Plus everyone loves Khazar milkers.

The nose knows

YOu aint fooling me NEWMAN


Jerry's all right

So? It's legal here.

Anyways, anyone that spends that much on his car collection, especially his porsches (who made it big designing tanks for the nazis) can't be that much of a jew.

>when she was 16
poor girl was probably pimped out by her white hispanic family.

>(((Wayne Knight)))

Two years later he had his first role on Broadway. Knight is descended from an ethnically Jewish family.

you just look at jerry and you know hes /our guy/

Larry David and Seinfeld are not religiously Jewish. They poke fun at it all the time especially in curb.
Plus the both stood up for Michael Richards


Seinfeld is like a clean version of Its Always Sunny, it shows how ridiculous and self-absorbed people are.

I love watching seinfeld takes me back to a simpler time. technology is so invasive these days I think the 90s were perfect. no normies on the internet, outrage culture non existent, almost no cell phones, i wish i could go back

Seinfeld was one of those shows meant for Jews to have a laugh at themselves. This is why all the characters in Seinfeld are so neurotic and unreasonable.

Seinfeld's appearance on the Norm MacDonald podcast was interesting because he shares an example of a joke which you need to be Jewish to 'get':


The comedy Jews prevent me from being completely antisemitic desu. This motherfucker is still my all-time hero.


Seinfeld taught me why people hate kikes so much.

not funny as a comedian, also dated a 16 year old when he was like 40, typical kike. Rewatch Seinfeld without the laugh track

also the entire show is pretty much degeneracy all the time

Go die in a fucking fire.

Hes jokes have obtained meme status.

Just the fact that that stuff was once a popular joke is not a joke in of itself.

>not posting the original

>white hispanic

This reminds me of the "Mexican intellectual" thing

Has badass auto collection and sold many of them over last year. I dont know how good his skills are in a road course i imagine it has to be decent with unlimited time and money. porsche.
Still like him and old show is still funny.

He's the only okay Jew.

Retards seem to think that is the extent of his observation, but that's because they're remembering people mocking mockery of him. Memed into oblivion.

Seinfeld is an alright guy.
>17 year old girlfriend
Boo-fucking-hoo. Real pedo shit starts lower. Shit, 17 is still the AoC in some states here. Strayans have a fucking retarded view on pedophilia to the point where they demonize small tits (meanwhile your politicians and leaders are raping missing children in the northwest.)

Sandler is a pretty cool guy but he's losing his sanity. Maybe he's done some shit that he wants to forget. Maybe he's just seen some shit he wants to forget.
Probably not many decent kikes in the entertainment industry. They need to have dirt on you.
I think Rob Schneider is another decent guy.

There's based jews out there, in fact the average jew isn't even bad, just the elites, Sup Forums will disagree with me.

I love Aesop rock, dude's a jew, Seinfeld is great, very funny guy.
>two gentiles meet each other on the street
>one asks the other how's business going?
>the other says "good"

Jerry Seinfeld, Michael Savage, and Stephen Miller. They cool

I want to fuck that cartoon

Why do u think Jerrty is clever

Makes me laugh every time.

how many times do you think the artist masturbated to his own drawings while drawing this?

George Zimmerman is jewish but the media called him white hispanic. I decided to take a jab at the poor little sex slave by stripping her of her jewishness. I suspect there are women who might want to accuse Seinfeld of sexual misconduct these days given his proclivity for young meat.

to be fair...

Isn't judging people based on their race/religion fucked up thing?

Take a number

That's literally half the point of the movie. Which is itself a mental masturbation.

It's not a great movie, but it's neat.


What is the DEEEAL with 4 chan?
It's not a channel and there aren't four of them

You guys are pretty butthurt about Jews. Obsessed.


Thanks grandpa

The fact that this thread shows up so often makes me think Seinfeld is getting a show soon on Netflix.

Yeah, I'm sure the Lornsteins were total Mexicans you retard.


>you retard.
oh the ironing

>Jews are evil
>Oh! except for Jews x, y, and z

You're so close to realizing your racism is based on nothing.

He is clever. He phrases mundane things in such a way as to make them humorous. I think thats a talent.
People try so hard to be funny these days trying to think up topics and shit.

> Shoshanna Lonstein
> Mexican

You're pathetic. I'm gonna fuckin' kill you you fuckin' faggot.

>”THE” 2007 nigger incident
This world never ceases to humor me


>Jews actually hate themselves the most..that's how the Jewish psychologist was created.

>so whats the deal about peanuts? You don't pea in your nut.
Music qu *bejonjonono de jononon*

>You're so close to realizing your racism is based on nothing.
Antisemitism, they have their own word FFS. Have some respect! 6,000,000,000,000,000 people died for that. You seem like the type of Cis that doesn't ask for a persons pronoun before addressing them.

>I'm gonna fuckin' kill you
I'm terrified Paco. Sop up my smegma with your sisters catfish stache.

jerry is truly unexplainable

>What about Jerry Seinfeld?
What about a verb in your question, retard?

is he, dare i say, /our kike/?


elaine normalized being a total whore to millions of young white women

>good goy, breed the whore elaine
>meanwhile i'll take this virgin



his best joke


Just when I couldnt hate the US any more, along comes the Jew love thread. You're all doomed.

Dude, old enough to bleed, old enough to breed.

>That beta interviewer just softly saying ok after every sentence while Jerry scolds him

There are two types of Jews. The Public ones, and the private ones.

He's a public Jew. A Jew meant to play the public. That's literally it.

>>*bejonjonono de jononon*
the australian version of seinfeld had weird incidental music

Trying to btfo the Israeli autist pls help