Triggered comments or news? IIOTBW
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>it's just the same person "sweetie" posting all over the flyer
I love the question marks filling dead space. As if they couldn't figure something hateful, but demanded that space be used. Wow. That only goes to show you how dumb people are, and it is a shame.
>same handwriting
unbelievably triggered nigger detected.
wow that is the best one, they did EXCATLY what we wanted them to do, showing their faces.
truly the mind of a generation
War is unavoidable. Read:
Thanks for sharing all those. SAVED AF SENPAI.
Good work compiling this stuff user. This is good stuff.
>"Why are you so insecure?"
>Proceeds to scribble a dozen messages all over the post to feel validated
>not whomst'd've
Writes race baiting propaganda, don't sign (((their))) name. I wonder who it could be...
I'm going to print 100 in the next couple of days
And post them around town in Kitsap area
U da real MVP.
A fun experiment would be to put a "It's Okay To Be Black" poster alongside the White poster and see how universities respond to it.
> racist pumpkin incident
Is this satire? I can't tell anymore.
A more fun experiment (but separate from this) would be to print the (((fellow whites))) tweets that expose the race baiting jews.
Leftists are batshit crazy, didn't you knew?
>muslim extremists do something bad
>don't you get it they want you to be angry you have to accept them doing bad things
>people put up posters with mildly offending messages
>mildly offending
How is it even an iota of "offending" to say it is okay to be the race in which you were born?
>have we started a fire?
They got this far due to whites not fighting back
they don't realise what's going to happen
It's not okay to be white.
Unfortunately, it can't stop here.
People in the West have become complacent to a degree far beyond this.
We've come to a point where there are massacres, and people don't care anymore.
People forget about a sandnigger blowing himself up in a major city two days after it happens.
It's going to take a movement, an uproar the likes of which have never seen before, to truly wake these people up.
you aren't in the working class are you?
People are angry, very angry, and no amount of social media manipulation can hide it anymore.
it's getting to the point they can't contain it anymore. This is why they are "cracking down" on hate speech. this is why they are arresting people. if they still had control they wouldn't need to do this.
But what can we do that we're not already doing?
This was an important first step - demonstrate the establishment to be inherently anti-White and damn near genocidal.
But where do we proceed from there? We're on a clock here, and some countries will be beyond redemption within the next decade.
i can't wait for someone to get caught so they can try to make the case (either in real court or some student court) that this is actually racist in any way.
We need to push harder.
Use this momentum to keep pressing the memetic attack. The more we attack, the more the left CAN'T because their busy defending. That is what they've been doing, we started to flip the pressure ontu them and ITS WORKING. We got to keep pressing. There is LOTS we can do we are not doing.
Are we exposing the (((fellow white))) jews to the normies IRL and online? We are, BUT WE CAN PUSH HARDER and expose them even more.
Are we fighting to have social networks become public utilities so we can destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley (tech and big data)? NOT AS MUCH AS WE SHOULD.
We must keep the memetic warfare going, WE MUST TURN THIS INTO A 247365 MEME-WARFARE BLITZKRIEG.
Remember the election and GamerGate, when we focus our autism we can achieve YUUUUUUGE things. Lets keep it going, improve our methods and our discipline and KEEP WINNING.
Fug saved
The projection is strong in this triggered SJW. IOTBW certainly does it's job in outing racists.
It would be an H-bomb for our memetic warfare efforts.
I swear down, there is a direct quote of me talking about the point of iotbw on one of the news reports from a thread on here
Kek confirms.
>they can try to make the case (either in real court or some student court) that this is actually racist in any way.
Won't be that hard.
pure coincidence, your honor... i'm sure you've encountered *many* (((coincidences))) in your time on the bench, no?
Lol, if they do that, normies will support the right even more because everyone knows leftists are race baiting anti-white anti-West racist fuckers who are going to get terminated as soon as SHTF.
Oh yeah.
Also: KKK was founded by a jew. If they want to go that road, the kikes will only get exposed further.
We then could use the KKK angle to further expose the kikes, because KKK was founded by a jew. Hahahahaha. Leftards are going to get BTFO, by law or force, and they better pray its by law.
>me ? im not white im jewish - the post
the kikes cant keep getting away with this
>pure coincidence
Sure. It's pure coincidence that a Nazifag messageboard used the same phrase as a Nazifag song and a Nazifag website. Face it, you're a pawn in the Nazifag meme war.
What nazis?
According to the left, everyone to the right of Marx is a nazi...
Lol, you and your kike masters are going to see the oven sooner than you think.
Feels good man, the cat is out of the bag kikes.
Boy, they're quick to catch on aren't they?
Everyone to the Right of Stalin, is a Nazi to you shit balls.
fugg it's real, they work with google, facebook and some governments,
>ISD's One to One programme uses a similar approach to dissuade and disengage extremist sympathisers online
So many attacks happen, make a headline to show the right as new york.
I'm photoshop challenged mate, I stole that meymey.
Lol, EU, UN and the globalist kikes want to genocide whites out of existence and then cry victim when people realize what is happening and start spreading the truth. How nice of them.
>criminology expert
In ZOG America, it's a crime to be white
Holy shit, why haven't I seen this before?
I'm pretty sure Marx would be considered a nazi if he were alive today. Especially old Marx.
You should try layering the signs/stickers so when they tear one down there's another under it.
Or permanent maker with 'It's still OK to be white :DDD' under the original.
*smacks lips* hol' up. Ok let's break this negro nonsense down. In a vain attempt to sound more intelligent than the low test brainlet he actually is, we have a pretty fast and lose use of English syntax here.
First of all 'whomst' is not a fucking word. Nor has it ever been a word. Look back through thousands of years of English history and whomst will not come up. A quick google search reveals it's actually a ploy created to trick silly blacks into expanding their already mutant vocabulary with a dubiously retarded sounding pronoun to anyone else, but a fanciful zinger of a word to your mentally undeveloped groid.
But let's go deeper. The rule of whom is to replace the pronoun of who when the subject is a past tense noun such as him or her.
You would might say...
>who is hanging these posters up
Or with whom you would phrase it
>with whom were you hanging these posters up?
But this is already to much to remember for the average groid. So moving onto to the syntaxical 'st' which I can only imagine is derived from the old English clause on a word. Such as in
Which hasn't been in use for about a 700 years.
It's all a very sad affair. And nothing convinces me more that these kiddies have no place in an institution of learning than when they open their mouths.
Still funny as fuck tho...
>rumors unconfirmed
kek, but we'll spread them further anyway, because we're just so damn honest!
>racist pumpkin incident
did we reach peak retard yet?
lel, did we start the flyer, brother?
its motherfucking NATO tactics, white supremacists are going to take over the entire world omfg!
We said the same years ago before Trump.
What makes you think that this will be the same?
>that seething hatred
They honestly think they're the good guys. Frightening.
>when the newspaper distributes your flyer for free to its paying subscribers
>be me, wagecuck but got paid yesterday
>have a few bucks leftover after bills clear
>go to bank and withdraw all cash in increments of $100's and $50's
>cruise back to the house
>write "It's Okay to be White" on front and back
>return to bank and deposit said cash back into account
>rinse and repeat next pay day
inb4 illegal. It's not.
United States Code: Title 18 Part 1 Chapter 17, Section 333
Whoever mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking association, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System, with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.
atlean is a juicing fake-natty faggot
Lol. What guys do you listen to for /fit/ness info?
>do you feel uncomfortable in your university space
>this coming from peoploe who actively campaign to ban people saying things that hurt their fee fees
literally nothing, sometimes other guys at the gym.
Depends on where you are at training-wise. Last time I plateaued from strength training I just started doing a variant of GVT and now im juicy again and overcame said plateau
just switch it up between endurance and strength, eat right and go to the gym
The problem was never about consent, even an animal can understand consent, the problem was/is not having the life experience and insight to make that decision.
Lol. These guys accusing others of "sparking racial division"