QR code in pic related links to this vid:

War is unavoidable. Read: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147886871/#q147886871

If we want to maximize the chances of a hot war to be avoided, we need to achieve 4 main objectives (in order of priority):
1- Destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley (tech and big-data);
2- Destroy the globalist backed MSM that keeps lying to the normies;
3- Destroy the jew backed entertainment industry that keeps trying to manipulate the normies;
4- Destroy the globalist/commie entrenched grip that as taken over the education system and is using it to fill the ranks of the alt-left with Western naive children.

If we win the war against the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley, we can win easily all other battles because the left has nothing but lies, appeals to emotion, shaming and censorship.
We have the facts and the truth on our side, if we can destroy the censorship, we can easily spread the truth and convert the non-retards to fight against the globalist machine.
Read: archive.is/pzO4k
Watch: youtube.com/watch?v=if1bo00_RVo

Why jews make it easy to support Hitler:

Why antifa needs to get done by the authorities:

The Antifa "Professor" who advocates preemptive violence:

Keep uptade on the storm: dystopiausa.com/storm-week-4-cresting-sticky-post/

Confirm QR is legit here: zxing.org/w/decode.jspx

Other urls found in this thread:


Deep State on suicide watch: theconservativetreehouse.com/2017/11/03/uranium-one-previously-undiscovered-foia-documents-could-be-game-changer-in-investigation/


Check this out: dystopiausa.com/storm-week-4-cresting-sticky-post/

Check the entries about 4th November and the writing about the Saudi authorities arresting billionaire Waleed Bin-Talal for corruption, which Trump had tweeted about in the 12th of December of 2015 saying that:

“Dopey Prince @Alwaleed_Talal wants to control our U.S. politicians with daddy’s money. Can’t do it when I get elected. #Trump2016”

If after reading those links you don't get the importance of banning islam in the West (it's not only about the terrorism, its about the Saudi political subversion of politicians using the education system), you're a dumb nigger.


Cia pls no honeypot

Fuck off kike shill, read the links.

I provide steps to make it so that we avoid a hot war.


>If after reading those links you don't get the importance of banning islam in the West

Preaching to the choir man.

thanks, based RT, for telling me I should kill my neighbor! I believe you have no no bad intentions and don't want to weaken the US to play into the geopolitic strategy of shithole russia.

Check the QR for legitimacy here: zxing.org/w/decode.jspx

Make sure the link is not an IP grabber by using the archive.is to check it first. Here: archive.is/3WJyr

I only tell you to purge if SHTF.

If everything gets fixed peacefully, its better.

And the fact you don't aknoledge the jew and saudi influence as much greater in USA than the Russian influence just proves you're a shill.

Nice to see so many shill in my threads, means globalist cunts are afraid of the people putting together the info in them.


This is what your QR says, according to this site: zxing.org/w/decode.jspx

This is what my QR says.

Kikes are afraid of the truth getting out there. Lol, too late kikes.


This is what the jew backed alt-left promotes.




Good bread, read:



bump for interest

Have a bump m8

Thanks bros.

ayo nigger give me a (You)

Here (you) have it mein neigger.

haha thanks you fuckin chump i just ripped you off

I knew you were a neigger :(

bump for you portugal

That's very noice of you mate.

Bump. Nice one Portugal.

you fucking faggots


Are you imblying my QR code is not what I say it is? Check it yourself.

1) Go to: zxing.org/w/decode.jspx
2) Left click the pic in OP and select "Copy image location"
3) Paste image URL in the site provided in step 1
4) You'll see site showing pic related in 5) ??????


I legitimately want to fight this faggot, I would love to just beat the shit out of this cuck for a solid hour.

Ty fren.

Who wouldn't?

Remember, we need to PUSH HARDER.

Press our advantage on the enemy. KEEP THE PRESSURE UP.

bump for good docu

There is the same video on LiveLeak if JewTube decide to shut this one down.

Social Media

The 4 pillars are crumbling.


Oh yeah.

We still have much to do thou.
We must pressure the politicians into getting rid of censorship on the internet. In EU it will be harder, but that is the top priority.

MSM keep stepping on their own dick but we need more Project Veritas kind of projects.

Entertainment is also getting exposed, we have to pressure authorities into punishing the jew rapists and abusers.

Education is an important one, we need to expose the jew backed alt-left even more, pressure authorities into getting rid of them and if needed we need to show them that we have their info and if SHTF they're going to get targeted for termination due to their treasonous brainwashing they did on Western naive and vulnerable children.

We must keep ramping up the pressure and the meme warfare. No breaks, 247365 memewarfare blitzkrieg. We must be like our Dolan, untirable and relentless.

Weaponised autism for the win.


Am I the only one who sees a Happy Merchant in that QR or is it just psychosis?

Now that you mention it... HOLY SHIT!



The civil war will erupt at several hot-spots: Molenbeek, Rhurgebiet, Malmö, Paris, Marseilles. The muzz plan is to create enclaves, and later connect them by conquest (IS strategy). Preceding any initial outburst is something called signal response testing: smaller and seemingly unrelated attacks to test the response time of government forces. Then the enemy will attack infrastructure, especially power plants (see Mau Mau terrorism). Be prepared for power & communication outage. (Maybe the EU will additionally jam some frequency ranges to prevent radio communication.) EU/NATO will try to get the citizens to comply by controlling food & water supply. Iraq war is a perfect case study for this. Any resistance does good to be prepared for this. Just hoarding food & water isn't enough, you'll need supply networks.

There is currently the effort to form an EU army that is specifically trained for civil unrest and to combat nationalist resistance. EU/NATO going openly against Europeans is possible, yet the worst case scenario. More likely is they will "just" try to restore order and go against any involved side - which will result in them constantly fighting against muzzies (because muzzies chimp out & want caliphate) while we are able to play hide and seek in our warfare against the muzzie scum.

Thank god Hillary didn't win because the Clintons would go full "peace mission" on us: helping the muzzies with their caliphate while suppressing resistance, like they did in the Balkans. This is the phase of 'crisis' followed by 'normalization' Yuri Bezmenov warned us about.


In their current state and with Trump/Putin against them the EU/NATO is rather powerless (in a ridiculous manner). Thus the most concerning thing at the moment isn't EU/NATO but: Marseilles.
If southern France falls into the hands of the muzz caliphate then they'll be able to open gates to the entire Maghreb/middle east and we will see a REAL invasion…

The consequences will most likely be the complete loss of western Europe to the enemy, with the remaining Western Europeans retreating to Eastern Europe or fleeing as refugees to other regions of the world. The video embed at the bottom gives a pretty good preview of this scenario (TRIGGER WARNING: Blackpill). So while Ruhrgebiet/Molenbeek/Netherlands will most likely catch a lot of attention due to intensity we mustn't forget about Marseilles!

They key to winning the civil war is timing. We are seeing a nationalist renaissance sweeping all across the west. The ascent of nationalist forces is inevitable and unstoppable. The more immigration continues and the muzzie population grows, the more it will clash with European society, which again will create even more support for nationalists. This is an exponential function!


The critical point is when we have nationalist majorities in parliaments (or in another way significant influence, for example by coalition).

- If the nationalist ascent is too slow, then the civil war breaks out before we reach critical point. And we'll see ourselves opposed to a most likely muzz-friendly (aka "humanitarian") EU & national governments while not entirely prepared to go into a civil war (in terms of numbers, support, equipment, structures).

- If the nationalist ascent is too fast we'll get into power too soon - and might even be able to avert civil war by imposing strict immigration ban. However, as there is no escalation we will still be bound to human rights and other gay values of our time. The result is that we'll have to deal with those who are already here in a civic nationalism kind of way (aka gay kind of way). Extremism will be suppressed, moderates tolerated. And our race and culture will be diluted by assimilation and miscegenation.

- If the nationalist ascent is perfectly timed to reach critical point shortly before or during the outbreak of the civil war, then winner winner chicken dinner! We'll have both the legislative and executive on our side, we'll control the military, plus we'll have the support of the vast majority of the native population for basically going full reconquista meaning we're optimally prepared in terms of numbers, structures, and equipment. This should be a walk in the park compared to any other scenario. (It will still be bloody though and good men will die. Fathers will have to carry their fallen sons to the grave and widows will mourn their husbands.)

Any external involvement such as Russia, USA, or UN peace troops is difficult to predict. However, with Trump in the white house house things are definitely to our advantage.


That makes 100% sense. Thanks health pack bro.


Cocaine for one



A religious war is unavoidable.

Good thing is after we take Europe back from the treasonous globalists and their african and muslim attack dogs, we'll be more like Eastern Europe in terms of mindset regarding the jew backed progressive bullshit.

I want to kill as many traitors as possible during the civil wars, everyday I dream of that at night and during the day I workout thinking of it.

We shall prevail.