What is a blowhard?
What is a blowhard?
A big talker with little intelligence to back it up.
A loudmouthed buffoon
>globalists supporting globalists
ur mum blows hard
idk, but it probably describes Trump perfectly.
An englishman
Fuck that CIA nigger, at least Trump never puked on a head of state
Liberals think all republicans are evil racist, and then these evil racists back their candidate, crossing party lines and risking careers.
Really activates the almonds.
>George "one term" Bush
what an embarrassment
>voting for the wife of the Guy who cucked you out of a second term
How much of a cuck can you be?
We voted those Bush men out. Of course they're mad.
I bet he smells like shit constantly.
Oh and did George H.W. Bush accidentally red pill millions? Millions that may be asking why would the likes of him support Hillary Clinton? Haha old senile murdering bastard. The two parties are a sham, it's all about the cult of personality now!
Thank you user, I'll ask her about it.
Trump is a blowhard, but he was the best option.
Why the fuck would anyone care what a family of neocons think?
>Votes Clinton
>Starts molesting women
Seems about right
Bernie is still a bigger cuck
>being this butthurt about Jeb! getting bullied that you vote for the other party
Its not easy to see a man who raped your son become President.
Trump is a narcissist but I wish he would tweet better (and less)
day of the rope for baby boomers when?
Didn’t he rape someone?
Would you push him out his wheelchair for fun? Who's gonna stop you, dubya?
>What is a blowhard?
It's someone who embarrasses your retarded son.
Something you do when Jamal arrives.
I love how articles like this are written to make us think "See?! Even GOP legends are against Trump! That must mean he's REAALLY bad!", when in reality it just cements the idea even further that they're all just soulless puppets serving the same masters.
>Deep State globalist voted for a fellow Deep State globalist
to absolutely no one's surprise? Trump rammed his way past the treasonous nevertrumper neocon traitors and human garbage like McCain and the Bush family, who are allies and supporters of groups like al-qaeda and the islamic state.
Well, Trump made Jeb look like the biggest pussy in the world on national television and brought him from a front runner loaded with cash to a 1% nobody. He might as well have voted for Gary Aleppo in protest.
According to David Icke he's a massive paedophile.
The Bushes and the Clintons have been quietly working together since funneling drugs through Arkansas when Bill was governor.
An orange piece of shit that sucks Jewish dick and uses too much teeth
When this old cunt has to use one of those lung capacity machines.
It's a big stage play that nobody seems to recognize. The GOP and DNC are opposites and always at odds, but the moment someone unaffiliated with either comes by they all switch to "OMG OMG WAIT WE'RE ALL FRIENDS HERE"
Like all the nice shit the media's been saying about McCain after basically dragging him through the dirt 9 years ago. Not that I like McCain, but it's interesting to watch this desperate shitshow unfold.
A strong and capable leader of a country.
you're mum
Does no one stuck on the teat of the official narrative not find it completely fucking strange that many of our presidential choices comes from these two families the bushes and Clintons??
Every Bush voted for Clinton.
That's how fucking shit they are.
Exactly. And they pulled this same shit with Bush if I remember correctly. They kept bringing up older Republicans who criticized him on anything and pulled the same suggestive shit. It's kind of pathetic that they're rehashing already used tatics. So early into his Presidency too.
Also Trump doesn't take a single insult. The Bushes better shut up before Trump ends up releasing information on horrible shit they probably did and got away with.
Something less bothersome than a dirty old man who uses stupid jokes as an excuse to grab a random woman's ass.
Yeah that gets me too.
>Media in 2008: McCain is so horrible. Worst candidate ever. Lets tell you how bad he is!
>Media in 2017: McCain is a respected statesman who's opinions we must hear and consider!
It's amazing how they turn so quickly on a predictable narrative track.
>says the toothless cocksmoking franklin sex scandal havin cannibal