ATTENTION EVERYONe the "alt right lose their virginity seven years later" meme is fake. it is a PHOTOSHOPPED ARTICLE. there is no article. there is no study. this is just a means for them to slander us. don't be fooled by their fucking bullshit. like half of the people in the _ actual _ alt right, as in the people who march with the tiki torches you all love to hate, are fucking war veterans who fought for this country and are ten times more fit and good looking than your average joe.
don't be fooled by the bullshit. simple good search reveals that this is nothing but a bullshit slander campaign. and you can try any variation of search terms you want. it will all come up the same
this is the supposed article referencing a "columbia study" don't be fooled by this BS. there have been multiple threads about this already
Carson Wilson
Go back to r*ddit, take your alt-lite faggots wih you. Youre a cancer on this board
Kayden Wright
lol stfu LARPER
Carson Morales
Im serious, take your shills too.
Christian Hughes
Justin Hill
Wow look at all those reliable sources you've got there
Caleb Parker
Imagine being this retarded
Christian Ramirez
>Sup Forums user makes joke >it's the jews lighten up
Logan Smith
did you even read the god damn post you idiot?
Alexander Hernandez
Chase Scott
shut the fuck up dude. it's obvious propaganda. if you want to say its no big deal then IMO you're one of the faggots trying to drag this board down because we are a threat to you. i'm playing games with you faggots. i'm gonna call you out on your shit at every turn. sick of seeing my country fall to shit because of your manipulation and lies.
Austin Allen
>the "alt right lose their virginity seven years later" meme is fake Op, to you realize that you're the only who fell for it. Well, wait, wait, just try to imagine situation. Here comes journalist to random man and asks "are you alt-right? what age did you lose your virginity?" Isn't this ridiculous for you. And ask yourself what is "national average".
Jason Sullivan
Caleb Adams
I'm nearly 24 and in a virgin
I just don't feel the urge to have sex, I masturbate maybe 3 times a month maximum
Elijah Fisher
you're so pissed off that i outted your little faggot club and their little faggot games making fake articles and studies and trying to pass them off as real. fuck off, you filthy kike nigger. this board is for winners and nazis and if you're not both you're neither.
Isaiah Price
sure you are, whatever you say goyim
Landon Kelly
gotta live one boys
Jeremiah Gonzalez
>one of the faggots trying to drag this board down Oh the fucking irony, that was already done over a year ago when you fucks showed up.
Adam Ortiz
I've been here since '12, you are the newfag here kike.
Ryder Moore
>Sup Forums user makes joke >USA falls to shit that already happened with the trump campaign
Jeremiah Adams
No one gives a fuck mate. But keep samefagging. The more threads you make the more you get that sweet chinese funded shareblueshekel.
Noah Smith
hahaha ur so seasoned, you've been on Sup Forums forever. we're just silly nu-pol.......oh wait, pic related, we've been on to those tricks for a REALLY long fucking time, you fucking kike faggot. get gassed bitch.
Blake Diaz
Slander? Since when has not being a degenerate a bad thing?
Luke Jenkins
Holy shit, youre the edgiest 14 year old ive ever seen. >if they dont agree with me theyre a shill Nice logic, but seriously, go back to redd*t
Hudson Foster
Who cares? It's not like the article in question would ever delve into the reasoning.
I wanted my wife to be a virgin, and was willing to abstain until we were engaged so as to show that I wasn't being unreasonable in what I was asking for. I got married at 25, and she was 22, and I lost my virginity at 24, and her at 21. I could have lost it more than a dozen times before then, so it's not like I was unsuccessful with women.
Jordan Gutierrez
fuck off lefty, there have been a shitload of threads about this "alt right people lose their virginity 7 years later" and everyone is getting fooled by it and nobody is calling anyone out. if you're all so appalled and threatened by someone calling it out then you're a fucking rotten commie subversive and you can get gassed as far as im concerned.
Isaac Collins
I think OP is saying that article is false. Why are you so pissed off that he's saying so?
Jaxson Brooks
Want to know how I know OP is a virgin?
Logan Perry
>Who cares? It's not like the article in question would ever delve into the reasoning. who cares? yeah, who cares that there's a coordinated campaign to smear us and make us look stupid, and weak, and like we're just a bunch of losers. who cares that the enemy is working one of their tools of subversion and manipulation and propaganda. hur durrrr sure who cares?hahahaha silly me. i must just be a silly goyim huh????
Jace Perez
because he is pic related. all of the people in this thread flipping out about the fact that i am exposing their lies basically look like pic related
Noah Wood
even if that were true how is it an attack on the ideology? >smart nerdy guys are members of the alt right. >smart nerdy guys lose their virginity later. >smart nerdy guys are smarter than most people and more well in formed. >the alt right is full of well informed intelligent nerdy type guys with calculated and well thought out opinions. >haha they don't get laid!
i think their argument goes like this though >alt right guys dont get laid >guys who dont get laid have pent up anger and cant think straight
stupid as shit
Nathan White
Even if it was true, not being a virgin doesn't make you a better or more important person or makes your opinions more valid. Most people that think sex is the most important thing in the world are virgins themself, kids or immature manchilds. Nothing changes, you're the same person before and after having sex for the first time.
You should ignore that kind of thing, not be this mad about it.
Dylan Jenkins
>and like we're just a bunch of losers you're on Sup Forums, an anonymous anime-related imageboard
Jaxon Brown
Anyone who considers themselves or calls themselves "alt right" is a fucking retard.
Dylan Gonzalez
You only look stupid and weak if you don't stand for the values you claim to stand for.
>Lol he's just an angry virgin! >What's wrong with rejecting the notion of premarital sex? It's not like I haven't had the opportunity. I may be angry, and I may be a virgin, but those two things are not connected in any way whatsoever. I'm proud of the fact that I am standing up for traditional values in an age where people treat sex like its nothing special, and pressure others to do the same.
Aiden Reed
>hur durrrr goyim, how is it an attack on you to say that you lose your virginity 7 years later than average? this is the fucking depravity of commies and jews. this is literally how fucking sickening their bullshit is. these are the lengths they will take it to. they will never stop. they will always keep trying to find ways to mentally fuck over the goyim and manipulate them. always. even when called out, they'll run mental gymnastics and keep defending their lies. same with (bonus shill points for nazi memeflag, fucking transparent faggot)
Bentley Hughes
I don't think that's how the average person views it. Refer to
Elijah Bennett
>alt right lose their virginity seven years later Even if that was true, what would be the issue exactly? That just means people on the right value sex and relationships more than the degenerate normies on the left, as they actually want their future marriage to be positive and durable. It's something to be admired, not insulted.
Connor Sullivan
haha dude im not saying its a personal attack, it is. im saying its ad hominem I agree...
also virgin detected
Sebastian Myers
See You crying isnt helping your argument.
Ethan Thomas
on the off chance that any one of you morons are actually serious and not just flaming shills (enough though i know its not the case) let me explain it really clearly for you
some fucking commie over on /r/latestagecapitalism or /r/fullcommunism or /r/anarchism or any of those places decided he wanted to attack us and make us look stupid and weak and like low T males (because that is the narrative that the media and left has been trying to sell about us ever since we became a political force to be reckoned with).
so he photoshopped this fucking fake ass vice article as a way to HUMILIATE YOU ALL and make you look stupid and weak and pathetic. and if ANY of you are actually serious about saying "it's no big deal" and "hur durrrr who cares, it doesn't make us look stupid!" then maybe you are really typical stupid whites who can't tell when you're being fucked over by the jew unless you see it right in front of your god damn face.
wake the fuck up, Sup Forumsfaggots.
even though i still know you're all shills and not real Sup Forumsacks.
Chase Roberts
I don't understand how they think turning on Trump will do anything. The idea is still prevalent in people's minds, that something must be done to save America. They'll vote for the exact same kind of people so long as their issues remain unsolved.
Ryder Williams
>seven years later oh noes we lose it at 14
Brandon Sanchez
There's nothing wrong with having the opportunity to lose your virginity, and declining. You act like every guy in your group would never turn down the opportunity for sex, and would sacrifice all the values they stand for in the name of getting laid.
The attack is only as effective as you let it be. So stop "REEE"ing over it.
Jeremiah Price
you know it would be one thing if it was one thread.but its not. it's multiple threads. i've seen this article a bunch of times now and everytime NOBODY CALLS THEM OUT. NOBODY FUCKING SAYS 'UHHHH, THIS IS FAKE'. you all take the fucking bait like morons and then the thread gets 300+ replies and hits bump limit. wake the fuck up you fucking ignorant retards.
Carson Campbell
every fucking time this thread is posted "hur durrrr uh well you know so what? so what if we lose our virginity later hur durrr" no faggot, they are saying you are bad with women because you are a bunch of weak beta males. can't you get that? can't you understand? god all of you ignorant morons. maybe you really ignorant weak betamales that lose their virginity later. for fucks sake. if you're too stupid to understand this simple concept maybe you really are the bottom of the fucking white barrel.
Kayden Walker
Yes, but you are letting them equivalate correlation with causation. It's not. They don't say that the men would lose their virginity before marriage, given the opportunity.
Absolutely nothing goes into the motivations. The article is only bad if you think not having premarital sex is bad. Anyone that throws the virgin card at you can't do shit if you say that it's by your own choice, and that you had opportunities.
>no faggot, they are saying you are bad with women because you are a bunch of weak beta males No. That's what they are implying, but they aren't explicitly saying that, because even IF the article was the real deal, there is no causation given into that. Again, treating virginity like its something to lose with the woman who becomes your wife is nothing to be ashamed about. They can spout statistics, but you can spin them to your advantage, to make you seem more respectable, instead of the "all men are pigs," trope, which they would love to do.
And believe me, if a legit study ever came out saying that the alt-right had an average of 20 sexual partners, you'd get that label. If the alt-right had sex younger than average, you can bet they'd imply that your mentality came about due to mental scarring due to partaking in adult activities too young. Statistics are meaningless without causation.
Nathaniel Hernandez
omfg listen you moron, nothing i'm saying is up for debate. it's a meme designed to debase you and make you look stupid for the public. if you're too stupid to see that and why it should make you angry then IMO you exemplify the reason why europe is getting overrun with immigrants right now and why the USA is probably already lost and still there are white families out there touting their pride in "multiculturalism"
Carter Perez
look im sorry im getting mad at you. im sorry im calling you retard and mean stuff. you're a fellow white person, and Sup Forumsack, so i love you bro. ok? i don't mean to be hostile to you. but IMO you should wake up and learn how the other side harnesses propaganda to harm us and effect public opinion of us in a harmful way
Asher Gutierrez
and no homo on that love stuff
Carter Bailey
>omfg listen you moron, nothing i'm saying is up for debate. it's a meme designed to debase you and make you look stupid for the public. How? How would me being a virgin by CHOICE until age 24, and happily married for 6.5 years, with no end of that in sight, make me look stupid? THEY are the ones who would look stupid, for trying to shame someone for standing up for completely respectable values.
>if you're too stupid to see that and why it should make you angry Never let your political opponents manipulate your emotions. Keep calm, mock them for using disreputable tactics and treating something like a guy NOT being a pig as though its a bad thing, and keep up your attack based on logic.
Brandon Lopez
>treating something like a guy NOT being a pig as though its a bad thing Hell, you could spin this right around on them and say that they are promoting toxic masculinity, which you don't believe in, but they claim to stand against.
Josiah Rogers
>alt-right >Sup Forums
Jaxon Nelson
none of the stuff you are mentioning matters. i'm talking about propaganda and how a fake article and fake study was created to alter public perception of us in a negative way. it's lefty propaganda. that's the point. you can do all of this thinking and mental gymnastics about it all you want but the point is that they made it so that people will see it and say "ahahahaaha hur durrr, alt-right guys are losers! i don't wanna be one of them! praise multiculturalism cuz that's what's cool!". this is the shit lefties do, they use really deep propaganda and manipulation and fake articles and studies like this one aren't even 1/10th of what they can sometimes come up with. sometimes they actually pay organizations to actually DO the research and publish it and try to get it through peer review. like remember the famous "1 in 5 women in college will be sexually assaulted" studies from a few years ago? they paid for those studies to be done and broadened the definition of "rape" to make it include almost everything, including being asked out on a date you didn't want to go on and stuff like that.
this is how they work their fucking propaganda.
that's the only point
i'm sorry if i called you guys retarded and stuff like that. i just get emotional and fired up sometimes when people don't see how they're being manipulated by fucking demoncrats
Justin Howard
Jesus you are 14. Thats what i was saying
Tyler Moore
Fuck that. We should attack them for virginity shaming.
Juan Johnson
>Jesus you are 14. whatever dude
Luke Scott
>I'm talking about propaganda and how a fake article and fake study was created to alter public perception of us in a negative way. it's lefty propaganda
And if we had sex with more women, we would be toxic masculinity. If we had sex younger, we would be scarred people looking to inflict our pain on others. It doesn't matter, user. These propaganda pieces are completely irrelevant when dealing with individuals, which is all they will ever be directed at. Every time they use it, it will be against a person with a face, who can give motivations as to why they are or are not a virgin. Hell, you could just ask them to link the source, since its fake, and the argument would be taken out immediately.
Our memes are effective because they are usually funny and memorable, and, more often than not, also true. This meme isn't funny, it's not particularly memorable, and, by your own admission, it isn't true.
Don't let anything they do put you on the defensive, because the second you do, you've lost.
Connor Carter
>And if we had sex with more women, we would be toxic masculinity. yes no matter what you do the lefties will attack you and try to spin you as something non-desirable. that's the point. but what you're missing is that politics is a game of public opinions, at the end of the day, and even though there might be a lot of truth to what you're saying if you sit down and think about it, it doesn't change the fact that the ordinary person doesn't see it this way. they just see "hur durrrr, losers!" and that's it. and then the left wins. that's all im trying to explain to you.
i don't think there's anything wrong with not losing your virginity at a young age. i think it's actually a good thing. but that doesn't change what the real message of that article was and what it was really saying about you and what it actually does to public perception of you.
and since it's been posted here time and time again and it always gets a ton of responses and people actually believe, it needs to be called out for the BS that it is.
Robert Ortiz
No shit
Jeremiah Fisher
Why do you care so much? Are you one of those t_d faggots who identify as alt-righters and need to go back?
Zachary Ramirez
>trying to sexually shame men, just like women do
How's that worked out for you?
Zachary Bell
stop it why do you say such stupid things? nobody on T_D is alt-right. they're civic nationalists, everyone knows that. so why even say things like this?
Josiah Sullivan
>but what you're missing is that politics is a game of public opinions That's what you're missing. Even presuming the article was both real and statistically based, it gives absolutely no grounds as to the causation. Which means your spin is just as valid as theirs.
I really have nothing left to say, because if you haven't grasped it by now, you aren't going to.
I'm not even alt-right, by the way, so this is coming from someone with an impartial view towards the article.
Propaganda pieces are going to happen. If it wasn't this, it would be something else. They only work if you actually let them work. And you losing your shit over something that you can literally hand wave away with a "I've had opportunities, but I'm waiting until marriage," tells me that it's hitting you very close to home.
Christopher Baker
im not sexually shaming anyone. i'm just pointing out a propaganda piece, that is fake, that is a meme based on material that doesn't exist, that was photoshopped to make it look like it exists, which exists to try to sexually shame you. ok? does that make any sense? i am not the one sexually shaming you. the lefty or demoncrat who photoshopped this stupid meme vice article is trying to sexually shame you and the rest of the alt-right and by extension everyone on Sup Forums since that's what ordinary people consider you to be. ok? that's all im pointing out. im not making fun of anyone for being virgins. they are.
John Smith
It's because he's a virgin.
Once you lose your virginity you stop giving fucks about this.
Daniel Moore
There is probably truth to it. Well off conservative kids playing vidya and going to cheerleading practice won't be raping each other in middle school.
Caleb Scott
bro im sorry to even ask you this because i genuinely don't mean it in a mean or hostile way but do you have the autism? because i think what you're doing here is presuming that the way you think about this article will be universal. that EVERYONE will think the same way when they see it, when in reality the overwhelming majority of people would chuckle at it and say "hahahahaha stupid alt-right losers! can't even get women!"
that's the whole point. that's all im trying to explain. autism question is genuine, not intended as an insult towards you.
Jeremiah Campbell
Because here we are anonymous. Identifying yourself as something just to get attention from random strangers is a very redditish thing to do.
Daniel Robinson
Uh, I know dude, I can read. I'm speaking about 'them' and their redundant tactics.
Austin Peterson
IMO there is probably truth to the fact that people who get really into politics of any wing or ideology are less likely to get laid. i don't think that's news. either way, the article and the "study" are both fake. it's a photoshopped thing meant to discredit us and make us look stupid, weak and like we're bad with women. that's all i'm trying to explain to people and they seem to be angry at me for simply trying to point it out
Nolan Kelly
ok ok well i didn't know, maybe i misunderstood. no big deal.
Camden Cruz
> Haha guys it's totally not true
Colton Perry
A kernel of truth makes misinformation much more convincing.
Landon Gonzalez
yeah their whole point is like "hur hurrr look at the lame, shitty alt-right people! hur hurrrr they are losers! can't get women!" this is how lefties operate man. this is the level of depravity. they photoshop this shit, and it's pretty well done, just to plant the idea among people that the alt-right is bad with women to make them look uncool and it's kind of sad how so many people here didn't see through the con and refuse to see through the con even when im pointing it out to them
all lefty literature since marx is basically about subversion. it's about manipulation and propagandizing and fooling people in order to bring about communism, so it's no real surprise they manage to do shit like this
Kevin Baker
Shame only works if you actually feel shame. How are you not getting this?
If you were going to college for engineering, and someone tried to shame you for not going for women's studies, would you freak out over that, too? "user doesn't care about women's issues, and isn't willing to study how to make himself a less toxic person!"
>bro im sorry to even ask you this because i genuinely don't mean it in a mean or hostile way but do you have the autism? No, but I'm seriously starting to think you do. Out of pretty much everyone in this thread, YOU are the only person who is so sensitive to the fact that the enemy is using propaganda attacking a generalized group's sexual activity.
>that EVERYONE will think the same way when they see it, when in reality the overwhelming majority of people would chuckle at it and say "hahahahaha stupid alt-right losers! can't even get women!" Why does this bother you so much, but the other lies they've spread not bothered you? I mean, Maxine Waters literally said that you want to kill her.
You are FAR too prickly about the virginity claim. Your opponents have claimed MUCH worse, and its had no effect.
Hudson Garcia
>Shame only works if you actually feel shame. How are you not getting this? dude lol ok because this isn't true when politics is decided by VOTING and popular opinion. so can feel all of the non-shame you want, but if lefties are allowed to spread their propaganda unchecked and unaccounted for then they will win all of the elections in the future. ok? understand what i'm saying now? it's about elections. it's about policy changes. it's about POLITICS ok? it isn't about you and your personal outlook and feelings towards things. i think that's nice that you don't feel shame. that's good. i'm not a very shame-centric person either. it's fun living that way. but it doesn't really matter what OUR feelings are when OTHER people go to the polls to vote. >Why does this bother you so much, but the other lies they've spread not bothered you? all of the lies they've spread bother me, my friend, and the reason they bother me is because they translate into negative elections victories and policies that ultimately hurt us all. remember americans accepted immigration changes largely because they were told by demoncrats that "it would be good for the economy" and nobody, not even the republicans, effectively called them on their bullshit
Jordan Butler
OTHER people aren't going to go to the polls to vote and say "well, green user 7TXaGSvF didn't feel shame about being called a virginal loser, so therefore i'm sure i'll just vote republican!". instead they're going to say "hahahaha those alt-right losers are just low T males who are bad with women! i'm gonna vote for hillary 2020!" or whatever, ok? that's the point. that's all i'm trying to communicate to you dude.
Hudson Harris
>dude lol ok because this isn't true when politics is decided by VOTING and popular opinion. so can feel all of the non-shame you want, but if lefties are allowed to spread their propaganda unchecked and unaccounted for then they will win all of the elections in the future. ok? Are you brand new to politics? Were you not here last year, or the year before? Lefties ALWAYS do this. The proper response is to MOCK THEM. That is exactly how we won last year, because we ignored it while slinging our own shit. What manner of names was Trump called? Racist. Sexist. Islamaphobic. A baby. Drumpf. "Literally HITLER." How much of that shit did he actually defend?
>understand what i'm saying now? I have never NOT understood what you're saying. But either you aren't understanding what I'm saying, or you aren't listening.
Kayden White
like what you are trying to say? that we didn't call out left-wing lies during the campaign last year? cuz i'm pretty sure exposing CNN and the MSM was a HUGE part of that campaign. come on man.
Lincoln Richardson
We sure as shit didn't freak out about their lies, the way you are now. We MOCKED THEM for their lies. We turned them into the butt of every joke for their lies. We laughed at them for having to resort to lies in order to have any sort of narrative that made them seem like they were pushing the right person.
Nolan Hill
>muh tone policing dude whatever, fuck off. i'm sick of your crap in this thread. "hur durrr what are you doing calling the lefties out on their effective lies that Sup Forums isn't see through" like are you even serious? just cut it out.
Carson Gutierrez
Sure thing. I'm gone. You can continue your REEing in solitude.
I hope you can get comfortable with your virginity, user. Legitimately. Because that's the only way I could see anyone get so upset about this. It's obviously struck a nerve.
Thomas Edwards
Redditors push shitty threads to the top all the time. Just ignore or sage and drop a redpill. You can't get mad over this shit. The redditors will get bored over time from these shitty bait threads and when there is a good thread like with the buzz feed soy goy they can't do shit against it either. Just sit back and ride the tiger my friend.
Eli Fisher
Isaac Walker
Or maybe you're just coping because women don't want to fuck you.
Sex is a biological urge for men that's natural to fulfill. If you're unable to get pussy it shows a man's failure to achieve something he's biologically programmed to do.