Jordan Peterson really knocked this shit out of the park. He is also looking fashy as fuck.
Essential Sup Forums viewing.
Jordan Peterson really knocked this shit out of the park. He is also looking fashy as fuck.
Essential Sup Forums viewing.
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You seriously think Peterson is a Fascist? lmao.
Dude gave advice to Sup Forumsack and silently agreed with 1488.
Bump for other anons. He gives away some free promo codes during the podcast too
ughhh Ethan made him talk about the hollow cost for half an hour
It wasn't that good, the jocko podcast was a million times better
Ethan just wasn't prepared for jordan
>giving this kike views
Im not giving that dirty fat jew any views
I feel the same, but I still want to watch it.
Anyone got a hooktube version?
>those subtle redpills on uncle addy
>subtly implying the holocaust was pest control
Jordan, you sly devil!
Give a rundown on what he said I'm not going to watch it.
called you a faggot directly
nice quints
Coming from the country who has literal state sponsored cuckoldry on tv.
Nice advertising, kike.
Shots fired!
>le fashy
kill yourself, homo
Stop lying. Peterson doesn't like nazis.
His entire philosophy is built on not letting the horrors of collectivism happen again.
And pewds doesn't visit Sup Forums.
NIce try.
Mister Peterson is quite good
I watched this last night and it was actually really good. Also he humanized Hitler to a couple of Jews. lel.
Is this a picture of Mohammed?