When does trolling eventually just start meaning being an asshole?
When does trolling eventually just start meaning being an asshole?
when it feels like a job
it's okay to subvert propaganda for your handler
pretty much immediately thats the whole point right?
The moment the other side can't laugh about it, that's what trolling was originally was about. Trolling these days pretty much just means being an asshole.
When I fuck your dad in the ass and cum in your mom's eyes
trolling is when you do it for their reaction, being an asshole means you do it for the desired result
Daww, babby need a hug?
When it's not goading an overreaction
Why would you think that I'm upset?
Literally just answering OPs question, you discount nigger.
Trolling is mostly a form of coercive and corrective behavior and often times the goal is largely holistic... I.e. Helping someone quit their shit
People were literally trolled into killing themselves in the olden days. Nowadays, it's politically correct, le ebin reversal.
You have to go back
I'm an asshole in real life. Trolling is just the icing on the cake
What happens if you have your cake and it eats you though?
>People were literally trolled into killing themselves in the olden days
You couldn't be more wrong you oldfag larping piece of shit. "Back in the days", your country didn't even have internet.
I swear to God, the Tricolor triggers the fuck out of Germanics. I used to wear a memeflag, and people would take everything I said seriously.
That's a risk we all should be willing to take, user
least we have blonde hair, ahmed
What if it's a layer cake though?
Edoardo?? Wtf?
Ahahaha that's the second time this evening your stupid combo has been broken
Nah I basically ignore memeflags. You're all right Drafi.
What's Drafi?
Drafi Deutscher famous German gypsy pop musician
I don't know how to feel about that.
Do you feel like turning off your VM at least?
Nigger, you're hypnotizing me.
From the start
thanks for the based patriot image
How about a game of solitaire?
I'm just a humble caravan jew. You must have me confused with some highfalutin FSB operative.