So if plants are alive when you rip their skin off and boil them alive then how is this ok with vegans?
Are all *ans anti-abortion?
What's their logic?
So if plants are alive when you rip their skin off and boil them alive then how is this ok with vegans?
Thing is, you're not killing the plants when you harvest their fruit, it's usually just their delivery method for seeds and such. You're essentially eating their sperm, you fucking faggot. Stop chugging plant jizz.
lol what a homo.
>sees pic of potato
>calls it plant sperm
>didnt receive a bachelors in biology
>doesn't realize potato is plants food reserve
>being this retarded
top kek
But potato is 100% alive and ready to grow into new plant given optimal environment. potato is an equivalent of a baby, not a sperm cell.
Because plants can neither think nor feel pain, retard.
Plants don't have a central nervous system, you fucking unscientific retard.
youre a retarded nigger
>A number of studies have shown that plants feel pain, and vegetables are picked and often eaten while still alive. Animal rights activists are often in the news, but has anyone ever protested for vegetable rights?
All animals below fish don't have central nervous system and can't feel pain. This includes for example insects. Why aren't you eating bugs and sea fruits?
pick up a biology book and educate yourself, no ones going to give you a source to such a fundamental fact.
>Cites a random user submited question as oriif
>No actual mention of the "number of studies" in sight
A number of studies shows you're an idiot
Basic biology
Pro-choice lefties are never vegans. I'm as opposed to abortion as I am to animal consumption. Plants do not feel pain or suffer in response to external stimuli in the same way all the animals do; they're not equipped to. Stop being stupid.
>mexican intellectual
Plants can be easily farmed and reproduced without much waste. Unlike animals who use up many resources and contribute to climate change
But why having the ability to have reflexes using neurons makes a creature better? You are discriminating plant life because they use different cells to feel?
>But what does have to do with
You're not even trying
It is a known fact that attacked plants send chemical signals to other plants from their species to alarm them.
For example trees attacked by giraffes make nearby trees produce more poison.
their logic is probably this:
animals can feel pain because they have nervous systems whereas plants don't, not to mention the fact that plants drop their fruits at some point anyway which would then rot on the ground if no one were to eat them
this is just an uneducated guess though
Same thing with insects.
You can feed them waste like styrofoam.
They will eat anything, get most water from air and produce fertilizer as waste.
sending chemicals through air is not common for all plants, also the movement in the gif with the pudica plant is caused by water movement, has nothing to do with higher thinking
plants are self-replicating food source
>For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off.
But following that logic if eating some plants is ok then eating some simple animals should also be ok.
how simple are we talking about? There are animals out there that consist of a single cell that im sure most vegans would be ok with eating
Vegetarians can eat bugs as a protein alternative. There's literally millions of them and there's no harmful consequences of farming them.
I talking everything that can't feel pain. This means fish,insects, crustaceans, lower mollusca and everything below. Pretty much most of life animal life.
>Vegetarians can eat bugs as a protein alternative.
Is this canon?
>What is sentient being, what is nervous system, what is brain.
Braindead meatmunching morons and their retarded arguments.
What if the animal has no blood?
no blood = ok to eat
Animals are also self replicating idiot
have a final (You) for your troll post. Gonna go on pornhub and watch white guys fuck black women
i'll humor you OP. if plants cant feel pain why do they develop thorns to protect themselves from predators?
Are you discriminating against those with no nervous systems? Are the ones with central nervous systems the pure, divine ones?
I'm vegan because the way that meat and most vegetables are grown is atrocious and unsustainable. We also grow too much food for the Mexicans, south Americans and all the other poverty tier countries while being subsidized by the government through our taxes. If there was someone who raised and slaughtered properly raised animals at proper prices I would purchase that because yes, meat is fucking delicious.
>What's their logic?
Simple. They're fucking childish CIA niggers I'd consider faggy vegans to be almost subhuman.
Wish I could kill them...... *sigh*
animals are food consumers, not food source tho, literal retard
the only nutrition you get from an animal is the nutrition from plants that animal ate
that's why the worse meat comes from animals that eat other animals
kys brainlet shithead
Good thread. Kept me busy for long enough.
We aren't going to be free from our food system any sooner than we are going to be free from the federal reserve. It all has to go down at the same time.
just being vegan isn't enough
Because human meat is poisonous to other humans. You can get many diseases from that meat including brain damage due to prions.
if this is not bait, considere this, what doe you feed to animals? Plants, soething like 60% of crops are fed to animals, veganism is not about being the perfect human, and not cause suffering, its about reducing it as much as possibe. If you feed "living plants" to animals and kill the animal you increase suffering, because lots of energy is lost in the process, and you kill the animal.
>what doe you feed to animals?
Bone dust and insects?
But yeah, also plants.
I advocate my friends to eat local from local farms especially ones that promote good animal husbandry practices. But here in Hawaii we have idiot island niggers who only get into agriculture because of government grants and keep growing fucking shitty carb heavy island nigger roots and fucking tree potatoes.
You're supposed to know about produce. You're not a very good Mexican.
But who said that causing suffering is bad? What if I'm not Christian?
so whats your point then?
If the Plants feel pain agrument was completely true, veganism would still make the most sense, right? Just from a moral perspective?
>bad for animals
>have tones of farting animals that destroy the climate
>bad for health
You can cause suffering, there is just noreason in my oppinion, you wouldnt rape a women if it gave you aids right?
then you will suffer as a result of your ignorance, nothing new
Plants have no nerves.
Though neither do some animals, and vegans who are against eating them are even retarded as vegans go
so do fertilized chicken eggs
>Just from a moral perspective?
From a moral perspective I should give 0 fucks about murdering biological machines because they are here to serve me and they have no soul.
That's what god said.
Inb4 morality without god.
Slaughtered properly? Lmao.
How dumb are you??
Vegans are fags - to every vegan here: I'm not your friend anymore.
You can cause suffering by being alive. Everything causes suffering somewhere.
Because plants dont have central nervous systems or feel pain.... derp?
Eggs sold in stores are not fertilized ;^
I don't know if you've ever encountered a plant before, but they don't seem to be bothered by bodily harm. In fact, one might even say they are indifferent to it.
I'm not taking soy substitutes for my protein intake you damn hippies it's bad enough that there's a shitload of estrogen in the water and no one gives a fuck.
I want a pig that slit from the throat clean and proper, then processed down by a person who knows what he's doing. Not these fucking minimum wage yokos that think it's funny that their pigs fell on the factory floor spasming in their own feces, urine, and blood and then fucking do shitty cuts with fucking bone slivers in my pork chops infected with ecoli.
yeah m8 but reducing it is preferable to all, like I said we could all act like savages, but its in the interest of all humans to no do so.
Also the health claims were the most compelling to me, even if it was completely justified to kill animals etc. its still bad for your health to consume them, and acting against my long term self interest is not rational.
The end result is a dead pig. It was born to die. What difference does it make?
you don't need any meme substitutes, the very basic raw plants are all you need, everything else is just marketing to make you scared and take your shekels
>buying eggs from the (((market))) for $3.00 a cartoon
Hi everyone!
Fuck all vegans you all oughta be deported to Africa fucking niggers.
The quality of meat.
Potato can
>its still bad for your health to consume them
Leftist science.
Just don't fry or grill meat and you will be fine. The meat itself is safe, it's the type of thermal processing that makes it unhealthy.
we get it, you're ignorant and insecure, now fuck off, no one cares about your iq40 shit
go on, be a virus then.
A piece of meat is a piece of meat. If two pieces are chemically identical I will get the cheaper one as I'm not a consumerist retard.
Inb4 taste.
Fuck taste. I can add my own taste using spices.
>Leftist science.
ok m8 if you think there is a global conspiracy funded by the tofu industry I really can prove you wrong.
I mean it doesnt even make sense, like why would vegtables and nutd be healthier then meat that is loaded with colesteral and saturated fat.
educate yourself, my man. Oh and I'd rather enjoy ingesting my protein with some steak sauce. when lab grown meat is available I'll happily switch to that.
Because plants are loaded with pesticides which cannot be removed by water? Meat is less toxic.
>Water movement
>Reaction to external stimulation
Cause and effect bro. By your definition a human being stabbed with a knife and bleeding to death is also a "water movement".
They aren't chemically identical. When it comes down to it pork that has better genetic modification, care taken with less antibiotic use results in a better marbled and flavored piece of meat. Also a farm that doesn't depend on government kickbacks by raising commercial levels of meat to be sold at cheap supermarket prices makes me happier as a tax payer. You aren't understanding I am vegan because I don't like and will not support the system. I think it's bad how we treat food. We can increase quality and efficiency to this system while cutting out the spics and niggers and their fucking ecoli ridden practices.
>we get it, you're ignorant and insecure, now fuck off, no one cares about your iq40 shit
No you don't get it. Fucking CIA nigger begone fucking half-Slav vegan niggerfaggot. I'm gonna be eating chicken tonight and I'll be eating it blissfully - But what will you be eating other than sadness?
Fucking freak....
>Meme flag
>Telling someone else to be a virus
The hypocrisy is astounding.
>pork that has better genetic modification
I don't live in burgerland.
Our pigs are 100% non-gmo.
>our filthy industry contaminating plants means plants are bad and you should eat lab grown meat
kek, good for you, bimbo, enjoy it
>because plants are loaded with pesticides which cannot be removed by water? Meat is less toxic
> Meat is less toxic
im assuming you dont have any leftist science to back that claim up?
In germany there are lots of regulations on pesticides, if you live in the USA it might be different.
fuck you mom im not eating my veggis, fuck you, you cant tell me what do to, i will smoke crack and fuck aids ridden hoocker if i want to, dont tell me what do mom.
Your car industry showed everyone how good Germans are about keeping up with regulations...
So I kill a cow by drinking it' s milk and kill a bee by eating it' s vomit?
Vegans confirmed mental pussies.
> if it doesn't feel pain you can kill it
So can we kill people in thier sleep?
You are bullshitting then. GMO is genetic modified organism. Or better yet all fucking species. Genetics isn't static and in nature is affected by every thing from the radioactive sun in the sky, to the myriads of viruses that hijack and make genetic changes to our cells. Selective breeding is a form of GMO albeit a broad spectrum one. Most food vegetables that are resistant to blights are genetically modified to resist them.
the slaughterhouse could use that edge, join them, you filthy moron
great argument
But when I kill a cow there' s no pain involved. A cow dies in one second. Where' s the evil "pain"
lol i think i struck a nerve with this one fellas. Brb gonna warm up some pork ribs i have leftover. Hell I might even timestamp it just for you.
>Selective breeding is a form of GMO
>implying I was ever your mutha
Jesus since when did I start fancying myself a cross dressing disaster???
Also fuck vegans especially slovakian vegans, they're almost as bad as niggers. The Bible should add vegan slovakians to their Blasphemy list. Fucking blasphemic CIA nigger cocksucking faggots. I don't like em, never have and never will.
>he thinks he can struck a nerve with a god fearing bible reading christian who understands theology
>he will now eat dead corpses to prove how smart he is
kek, brainwashed atheists truly are the edgiest
please also incluede you your great physique, that was built using only animal protein.
No Argument
If I take a far relative of an apple and breed it with your organic apple, and now it produces an enzyme that prevents an apple blight it's now genetically modified to be resistant to that viral infection. Now a small sample of a population might be sensitive to this enzyme and produce allergic responses whoopdeedoo.
>the slaughterhouse could use that edge, join them, you filthy moron
You're wronger than ISIS but here have another image.
>he will now eat dead corpses to prove how smart he is
look, I know you think you're the ultimate troll and everything, but i've been here a while and i know the rundown of things.
veganism is unhealthy. Humans are meat eaters.
You can't introduce genes from other non related species using selective breeding. GMO can fuck up the genome in unknown ways, selective breeding will keep things predictable. Don't mix established definitions.