what did go wrong?
Wolfenstein II
>knows something went wrong
>stops reading there in order to ask what went wrong
Besides the politics was the massive shift in tone. Someone said it well in another thread that Wolfenstein 2 is basically an exploitation action movie from people who've never watched one. The previous Wolfensteins were ultra over the top, campy, full of crazy occult shit. The last game starts with an insane air raid then an attack by nazi cyborg dogs. This game starts with cringey child abuse background story that nobody cares about.
What a deranged piece of shit. I bought it, sorry /pol, and wow, the cut-scenes and dialog are garbage. Ruins the rest of it.
even without the obvious political shilling, it's just not worth the money. You have more cutscenes than gameplay
Is PUBG really that good?
Thanks for making my day OP
They marketed it as an anti-trump game, ignoring the fact that the people who are against trump are not gamers.
>what did go wrong?
Alienating your main demographic is never a good idea.
Tumblerina don't buy videogames.
anytime friend
who the hell is still playing cs source?
>First three minutes in the game
>BJ's father yelling at mother about BJ being a pussy
I didn't want to believe in the hype about this kind of shit, but all of it was true.
It's goty you triggered DRUMPFTARDS!
PUBG got major publicity from all the youtubers who play and stream it. Squads and completely loot based stuff also make it a pretty damn good game for casual gamers who cant be bothered to grind and unlock gear like in COD and such
>still playing new vidya titles in 2000+17
Bing Bing wahoo stole the momentum.
COD buried the game alive.
From reviews on Steam, it's all buggy, short and overall not fun.
I guess white people aren't all that interested in killing vidya Nazis after repeatedly getting called Nazis in real life for having beliefs that go anywhere near right wing politics.
>what did go wrong?
You mean aside from that fact that literal faggots made that game and advertised their shitty political narrative incessantly? Lel
>main guy 110 kg muscle dude
>has nu male voice
This game is a cringe fest. Also
>black woman with afro again
Very diverse having the same shitty character in every game
Is the Wolfenstein series actually popular in 2017? I thought they've just been releasing shovelware riding on brand recognition like they've done to Duke Nukem or Sim City. Apparently the last few were massive successes? What the fuck? Is there a big market for DOS reboots or something?
They essentially made it Ultra serious. Hell the previous game had some over the top moments and wasn't a blatant Libshits propaganda piece
It lacks the shit other games have. No grinding, no cutscenes, no cinematics, no plot, no characters with dialogue. Gameplay is all it has.
Its good game. You should try. It is a bit like CS:GO but has better gameplay.
I'd happily play a game where you mindlessly kill nazis for the fuck of it, but when you get an anti-white pro-commie message in - fuck off.
If the US is occupied by Nazis, get patriots to kill them. The French resistance was nationalistic.
Real men.
Lmao, its getting beat by mudrunners. Literally a game where you drive trucks slowly through mud
>It is a bit like CS:GO but has better gameplay.
thats every fps on the planet minus one
It's good but it could have been great. Now I'm afraid they're going to take the money and run. It's horribly optimized and needs additional content, there's no excuse these motherfuckers have made tens of millions of dollars.
boring fucking linear shooter with a gorillion cutscenes and like 5 hours long tops
Because people know the game is a leftist tool for subversion.
Because this game panders to leftists so fucking hard and the pc version is shit
If that bothered you so much to stop playing the game, you're an idiot.
Sure there are afro-niggers all over the place in the game. Race mixing, whitey looks like the bad guy, oh fucking well. It's a single-player game. Just focus on the gratuitous violence instead if the storyline has you that... t... tr... triggered. Weak faggot.
When the fuck did the right-wingers get thin-skinned like the left?
The numbers you see are majority cheating chinks and chink bots playing trough vpn and farming crates that they sell for money. dota and csgo have own clients for chinks who play those games in millions so steam doesnt count them in those numbers. pubg is casual, for chilling and good game overall but if you are into really competitive skill based games then get csgo, if you are more for chill then pubg.
And don't forget the obligatory Racist white father that says Nigger a lot, while the (((mother))) protects her son.
Is it actually as leftist as claimed? Some things i saw seemed to be mocking the shit out of lefties and libshits.
>"French Resistance"
Literally hundreds of different groups ranging from Communist to Fascist.
Killed more Frenchmen than the Nazi occupation
Had to be lead by British Intelligence to actually be effective, by in large after D-Day they sat on their assess holding on to their guns and occasionally went out to murder their fellow countryman.
It's completely different but only because they're forcing an agenda down our throats and we're sick of it, but are unable to actually stop it. They're whining but for literally no reason.
no, not at all, not even a little bit
who's this guy
It was left for dead....
Maybe most of the degenerates who would be interested in playing a video game where the protagonist is a commie kike don't believe in property rights and just pirated it instead.
Me you fucking nigger. Fuck that skin CoD-clone garbage called Global Offensive.
"Oh, please, love us! We are cool and edgie and SJW as you want us to be!"
is this real?
4 hours of cutscene
how long is the game
About 8-9 on the hard difficulty.
is that counting cutscenes?
is the game really half cutscene half gameplay
>More people play Factorio than Wolfenstein 2.
No way. I thought I was the only one this autistic to play this game?
Bobs and Angles mods btw make the game very interesting.
>more people play cuckout than wolfenSTEIN II
>more people play source still
it's not the fact that it's leftist, but it has that characteristic SJW narrative embedded in it. Political content in games can be done well, i.e. in a detached manner, or it can be done horribly bad, like in this case. You don't feel like you're assuming the role of an SJW when mowing down nazi troops in RTCW (you feel like an allied super-soldier), but in this game you do. Also, they used the SJW narrative not only in the game, but in the marketing as well. It's an SJW game, period, and nobody wants that.
That being said, it was also a mediocre game. Most of the bad steam review comes from tech issues though. Gunplay was decent, so it may be patched a couple of times and player numbers will probably pick up after it goes on sale.
I like the original.
People love being able to play as nazis in WW2 multiplayer games. It just feels right.
People are becoming more and more aware that post-WW2 propaganda demonized the nazis. They're also becoming more and more aware that the Western world has been in decline since embracing leftism.
So people are no longer open to propaganda bullshit that demonizes nazis and runs on appealing to mindlessly killing them.
How the fuck is a paradox game played more than Wolfenstein? I thought Stellaris was a small community game.
The only reason why it's so far up because apparently it's really popular in Chinese internet cafes. Seriously, over half the player base is Chinese.
jordan peterson
He's worth listening to for his exegeses of biblical texts and mythologies, and his self-help stuff hits the nail on the head. His anti-postmodernist rants are pretty poorly informed, though I totally sympathise with where he's coming from. Certainly worth a listen.
Yes, including cutscenes. I finished all the sidemissions and everything and my Steam time clock has 11 hours on it.
It seems that the game's story just isn't that good. The SJW marketing bent did it no favors, but you can have SJW stuff all over your game and still be successful if the game itself is good enough. W2 got various complaints about crashes and the story had its share of complaints as well. The result is lackluster sales.
One could argue that the W2 mess shows that deliberately antagonizing one side of your fanbase in hopes the other side will rally to you and make you successful is not a winning strategy.
These morons are opportunists.
I mean, I liked The New Order a lot! Not as much as Return to Castle Wolfenstein but it was great. On both games I was killing nazis. The plot has coherence and the progress inside the plot was good.
Now they release a game with sjw agenda and scream #killthenazis. Like, if you don't like thi game you are a nazi.
Opportunistic motherfuckers.
>Not taking the ultimate redpill
>Not playing Cities Skylines
>Not subscribing to so many mods and assets that it melts your GPU and RAM
>Not building hyper-realistic cities
What are you blue-pilled faggots doing?
It's one thing to start a new experience with a bang.
It's another to walk into the room having heard stories about how hot it is, thinking it's probably just 30°C, feeling it's more like 80°C and when you open your eyes seeing you're in hell.
There are videogame threads here every day, each of them recommending it for its xeno-genocide and custom race abilities.
>less players than Warband
This game is good, goy. Buy two copies
Enemy Territory was the best Wolfenstein game, fact.
Castle Knatterfels: Curse of the zombie krauts is more entertaining then this pile of shit. Also you can fap to it
have you played the 2009 wolfenstein
failed marketing campaign complaining about the evil alt-right supposedly complaining about their game.
Did you buy the game? If so you probably have a better idea than any of us.
Fun game
Id spend hours bayoneting fuckers in the throat
Or as everyone seems to put it on twitch, "the American alt-right"
God forbid there are otherthinks in Europe.
That'd make them suicidal.
>what did go wrong?
you fuckwits in Sup Forums didn't listen when we warned you about SJWs going after you next
you fags just called us paranoid nazis after showing what happened to the comic book, movie, TV, & literature industries
so why don't you go back to Sup Forums and cry there for your freshly cucked industry
I'm glad L4D2 still has a healthy playerbase, but I'm fucking sick of going into versus and being stuck on a team that has less than 40 hours ingame combined across all 3 of my teammates.
Fuck sake, the game is 8 years old, how are new people still flooding in and shitting it up?
Oh and another thing
ANIME is next so you fags might wanna tell the tards in Sup Forums
She is horrendous.
>ANIME is next
It won't happen, the government would get involved at that point because that could easily make Abe walk away from the US-Japanese alliance.
They forgot one thing tho. Sjw dont actually play any video games. They only complain about them
We can't possibly lose
>t. some guy with a weird mustache
Buy the patrician non-Jewish game Sup Forums. Of course I mean Call of Duty WWII.
the vg "journalists" sucking the publishers dicks with serrated teeth won't ever let them realize that
in case you're wondering who's responsible
Pete Hines is an idiot even in non-political ways
>Literally every single person that's behind hacking/present in the hacker's closet for the resistance is a SISTUH
If the entire movie side of the game didn't play like a story straight out of Tumblr it'd be okay, but shit like this on top of the MC constantly talking in a terrible voice and at least 1/3rd of the game taking place in a very small, confined area ruins any positive aspect of the game.
Pure gameplay in the age of cutscenes and button prompts. Whether or not you enjoy it is subjective.
It's coming out on XBox One soon too so there is even more money coming to them. I see them not doing much to the current product and just working on developing a sequel to maximize profits.
The japanese are immune to the jew virus. They have a strong sense of culture and national identity and hentai and all other sexual anime might be the most degenerate form of entertainment to watch it is purely japanese unmolested by kike hands. The best the kikes can do is to rape the japanese financially.
But hey atleast we can laugh at all these SJW cucks;s failling power.
Being anti Trump, pro SJW seems like a winning strategy for making money, I guess based on market research?
I doubt it translate into real money though, I'm surprised Spiderman homecoming did so well...
Seeing a black person in a movie or game was never an issue in my life, I never cared or thought about it. But when they force it, it's hard to watch.
the game literally ends with a communist revolution and it's played as a good thing.
"Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer"
there's a quote for the Sup Forumss reading this thread
>tfw Mount & Blade Warband has more players than a brand new triple A title
Chances are, theyll follow the original school of thought where the communists were okay when they helped us fight Germany, but then ended up enemy number one. So perhaps Wolfe stein will turn into a commie gatting simulator in the next two games.
>AOE 2 HD edition
That game will forever be the best. But people need to fix their damn ping.
What civ do you play?
a large number of gamers are now totally against any left wing political statements in vidya after the events of the past few years. Its the wrong industry to push this shit in. It won't stop them continuing to try though.