Sup Forums art thread
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What's the title of this pic? 'jermal goes to Egypt and robs a museum'
The merrimutt thread is that way >
nice mascara faggot
why is this queen letting that drag queen grope her?
*cringes at your cringe*
The fuck is that ball supposed to mean?
man black people are really wacky huh
>Not just making one half in photoshop and mirroring it
only woke brothas and sistas can undastand
stop opressin us you rasis ass cave devil crackas
i swear to the most high
karma will hit yall hard
Halt mal
*breathes through 50 cm nostrils*
Du be sayin?
*sniffs for some kfc*
Hol up!
*yells Worlstar*
Look at all of the extra knuckles on this hotep and his patra
yes, wipe it good
did little Wayne become trans?
Song starts at 25seconds mark.
Great song desu
yall were crawlin in caves an all fours and knockin' each other over the head wid clubs when we ruled empires.
raising the quality (oc)
Man, this guy could hammer nails with that jaw.
you could almost use his ugly skull as measurement tool shown in pic
I actually enjoy corny looking art like OP posted. It makes me feel all fuzzy and sleepy...
You know Africa was probably a really neat place before colonialism. Colonialism was bad not because it was oppressive, it wasn’t, it was bad because it modernized, or at least it tried, Africans.
The thing I hate the most about seeing niggers is seeing them with technology. An African tribesmen with a plastic bucket is just downright appalling. An African Warlord with a 70s baseball cap and an AK who looks like Waldo is just dumb and unnatural.
Imagine the majesty of Africa when it was purely African. Waterfalls, rivers, uncharted lands, mysterious creatures with horns, and hidden tribesmen who are as strange as the land itself, and all of it ripe for exploration.
Must have been quite the time.
This guy has clearly never heard of either a color checker or the simple concept of glazing several dozen layers of color in order to create the proper appearance of depth in the skin.
>he has a white bitch's name tattooed on his back
That's earth in the background retard they're on the moon.
>USA using AKs