don't let his memory die.
donna brazille wrote in her recent book that she was haunted by the death of seth rich and feared for her life. she feared that she would end up the same way.
source for anyone who doesn't believe me:
if seth rich was just murdered in a "random street mugging" as we are led to believe, then why would the former chairperson for the DNC be so afraid of "ending up like him"?
seth rich was murdered by the DNC and Clinton Crime Family for leaking the emails to wikileaks (not a "russian hack") and the russia narrative has always been a tool to cover up his murder. those are the facts. his murder has been covered up and nobody memes him here anymore. there are probably a lot of n00bs around who honestly have never even heard of this guy before and don't know this entire story, which is crucial to understanding our current political landscape.
Don't let his memory die
Other urls found in this thread:
pic related is the clinton body count. so many people committed suicide by shooting themselves twice in the back of the head
let it die, we've all been duped before
pic related from wikileaks podesta dump last year
wow that is brutal dude. sick you try to genuinely cover up a mans murder just for your political ends
He will be avenged, in this life or the next. Seth rich will have his say. Book it
my political ends?
You will burn in hell you fucking shill. I hope your first born suffers the same fate
yeah if you're saying seth rich wasn't murdered and trying to say discussion about his death is just "bots" and stupid nonsense then yeah you can only be saying it to cover up your political agenda because any sane and reasonable person would be able to see he leaked DNC emails to wikileaks and then got promptly assassinated for it and the dems have been running this russia play for the last year IN PART to try to create a scapegoat for the leaks that came from within their own party (DNC staffer seth rich, who was upset about how the party was treating bernie)
he wasnt the only one (if he was), it was just the one the alt-right fanboys got off on
No shit Sup Forumslacks use bots to spread our message. We can tell you aren't from here, you've never even been in a twitter ops thread. Seth Rich was assassinated for leaking DNC and Podesta secrets to WikiLeaks and fuck you for contributing to the cover up.
nah i think it was a (((coincidence))) but i thyink it was used to hide other shit and shift the narrative, not that the narritive that hillary is a cunt is wrong, theres just other shit that could've been looked into rather than something that will always be seen as a tinfoil enthusiasts conspiracy that wont be proven
i dont have twitter
oh dude trust me i know that he isn't the only one that died suspiciously tied to the clintons. did you see my post here ? check that shit out. someone did a real good job on it.
"alt right fanboys" as you call them (i guess that's me cuz im pro white and right-wing) jumped on it because it was a clear cut case of an obvious murder that got totally covered up and because of the importance of the emails at the center of the entire thing.
>seth rich wasn't murdered
>muh tinfoil
you're a sick person
my only real issue with the "alt-right" (apart from it being kike led and is a sales pitch to sell media that is just as retarded as everything else) is that they pick a side
pretending that the "right" or "nationalists" or whatever arent as corrupt or exploitative as anyone else is pretty naive
"we" are an emerging market and products etc will be made to suit us and guide us
you have to have some semblance of perspective, how do you think you would be seen from the outside?
whatever dude, i don't really care, i just want a white nation for my children to grow up in. i don't think its right for me to support damning them to multiculturalism and possible racial oppression due to their newfound minority status
all of the stuff you are talking about is just meaningless to me. just so meaningless you have no idea
Why does The_Donald care about a fucking democrat so much?
>i just want a white nation for my children to grow up in
be rational about your approach, you, or anyone, wont destroy the system that has been used to create the situation we all face today. the easiest (it isnt easy) way to do anything is to use the system, it is fallible and exploitable.
The best any of us can do is change ourselves, that might be corny but apply it to the grander scheme. Become a politician.
im not sure what you mean. the guy got shot twice in the back in a supposed "mugging" but nothing was taken from him. no watch. no wallet. no phone. no laptop. all of it was still on him. there were numerous irregularities with the coroners office and subsequent "investigation", as they always are with these things, and then julian assange basically came out and said that he is the one who leaked the emails. although he didn't say it 100% directly, sure, because wikileaks has always maintained a strict policy of not disclosing their sources. but still for all intents and purposes it's what he said.
when you consider all of the info that has come out about how the DNC servers weren't ever "hacked" and all of the analysis of the data that shows it was directly downloaded, that means there was a leaker from inside the DNC. the only candidate for that leaker would be seth rich, who promptly got murdered off right after he would have leaked.
and then to top if all off there is the whole Rod Wheeler saga, the leaked audio, and the Seymour Hersh stuff and basically there is no rational, real way to deny that this was the guy who leaked the emails to wikileaks and then got murdered.
you want to shill on this one, whatever, you're covering up a human beings murder for your political ends. it's sick. sorry. i am a huge trump supporter but i don't think i could even come close to covering up murder for him. not even close.
why are you so threatened by people exposing the truth about how he died??
hehehehehe ok jew
Not to mention Assange has mentioned his random "murder" multiple times, one of those in reference to how dangerous leaking information to wikileaks can be.
you should listen to some of these leaked tapes if you're really interested
Listening now, thank you user you're a good guy.
Normie friendly Seth Rich rundowns. Share them around, make neutral normies aware of the truth before propaganda reaches them.
One America News:
Julian Assange:
Don't let this thread, or any Seth Rich threads, slide.
isnt seth rich literally a liberal jew
i think so but he leaked the DNC emails to wikileaks because he saw all of the corruption within the DNC party so you know, that counts for an awful lot. also he was murdered by HRC and DNC and they got away with it scot free, as they've gotten away with so many others because dems rabidly defend them
See this is how we know you're a shill or retarded.
>Why shouldn't we "use" the death of a liberal jew if it destroys the DNC and some of the heads of the beast which also serves justice to a murdered patriot.
We should of course do this. Even if we didn't believe he was murdered by them we should also push it as propaganda to damage the dems further.
there is no justice in this world. im probably going to delete this tweet from my comp after i post it just because something about these pictures creeps me out so badly
His name was Seth Rich.
For a better world