>"the free market rewards innovators and thinkers. lazy people that leech of the work of others will fail"
uhhh... cuckpitashits.... explain this then
"the free market rewards innovators and thinkers. lazy people that leech of the work of others will fail"
Other urls found in this thread:
>man gives his idea away for free in a capitalist society
This, the guy was a fucking retard
If you are good at something, never do it for free
this, whenever my boss asks me for ideas i tell him to pay me
this guy is the embodiment of a corporate slave. what a fucking moron
An injustice, plain and simple
It would have happened the same in any other system, the retard here are the owners that don't reward and help mature such a good assets
Thing is, Sup Forums is made of contrarian who think the only injustice in society is white girls fucking niggers because their dick is bigger
>work for big company
>submit suggestion to improve productiveness
>be surprised this happens
I know exactly the type of person to do this. The type that thinks their workplace is a second home and all the colleagues form a family.
If you are smart enough to come up with great ideas like these and your company's structure doesn't allow you to move up the ladder, it's time to quit your job, become an independent consultant and sell the idea for what it's worth.
If you're too much of a coward to go through with this, a 10 pound gift voucher is all you deserve.
Implying they would listen to his idea or respect his opinion given he's just another wageslave worker bee. He should have copyrighted the idea beforehand though.
Corporations are not people
Don't do things for free
If you are smart then work for yourself
Otherwise you end up like this poor fuck
Good. Stop being pussies and negotiate for what you want or fucking die already! This applies to absolutely everyone.
It's not like he could go into a boardroom meeting and present his ideas. If he asked to do so they would have laughed him out the door.
He is a retard though, I'm a chef who works at head/sous positions in Rosette awarded places, whenever I leave I take my recipes, methods, system admin, and all other paperwork with me. I never "publish" any ideas. Trade secrets.
Agreed, but that's why you don't say anything. You say you have ideas, you demonstrate your motivation to move up in the company, give them one and hold the others if you have to.
Use it to your advantage in some way don't just fucking give them all away for free without even being asked or submitting for promotion or haggling salary.
Fucking hell. Poor bastard.
This exact same thread was started a week ago. ShareBlue?
Copyright is granted by default.
Why is this a sob story in the media anyway? He's obviously a privileged white man, they should be suggesting the 1.5 million should go to some black children in Ethiopia or at least some Muslim refugees, this guy has a steady job and isn't malnourished or even on welfare, so he shouldn't ever be complaining or entitled to anything.
It is in your fucking contract that your ideas are the company's ideas. Everywhere. Have you ever held a job, OP? Everyone who lives in capitalism knows that you make your own enterprise about your ideas - that's what the USA and the West was built on, entrepreneurship.
Maybe his employment contract has a clause that anything he comes up with on the job is automatically owned by the company. Also I seriously doubt when you go about sharing business ideas and somebody hears one and implements it, you're entitled to a profit share.
Thanks, Argos. You are struck off the list as well.
>Maybe his employment contract has a clause that anything he comes up with on the job is automatically owned by the company.
Not maybe but most certainly, see as well.
That is not to say it's impossible to profit from having a good idea while working for a big company though because it has happened many times before.
Either you negotiate directly with your employer or you start your own business. In any case though, you should get a lawyer ASAP and work out legal options. It's very possible that clauses like these get thrown out in court depending on the circumstances.
It was just a suggestion. Maybe he shouldn't give his ideas away for free? You know just like in communism/socialism? They don't reward you at all, that's why you never see real innovation come from communist/socialist countries.
Change is costly so what if they didn't listen to his suggestion? Who implements this change? Does this change just happen on it's own? No. Ideas aren't worth that much without implementation. That's where money is saved, by people doing something. The most important part is choosing which idea/suggestion makes the most sense then implementing them. How did they come up with the 1.5 million number? Is it saved instantly or over many years? I'm pretty sure it's over many years.
>suppose they want brilliant thinking. From employees.
>oh that is no concern of mine!
>Suppose a man of genius. Makes suggestions?
>Watch that genius get suggested to retire!
This is basically the response I'd expect from any hardline Capitalist. I am in no way a Communist or interested in using that as the alternative, but I see some pretty glaring flaws in Capitalism that show how it's not serving us very well either. This situation outlines those flaws pretty clearly. The fact is if Capitalism worked in the beautiful, magical and infallible way that it is championed to work this man should've seen substantial reward for his efforts. Mocking him for giving away his ideas and work for free isn't really a valid argument, and even if it was it only outlines major issues anyway. In an ideal Capitalist society it would be completely reasonable for this man to assume fair reward for such a substantial contribution, he worked for the company after all isn't this how we're told you excel in Capitalism? Oh now suddenly working hard, being smart, and taking the initiative isn't enough. Now we're supposed to accept that it's still great, but if you really want to be successful you can't have any trust and also you have to be a dickhead with lawyers or it's okay when you get screwed over. The fact is at the end of the day Capitalism does not promote or reward the type of people and behavior it should be rewarding. It barely even promotes or rewards the best qualities it claims to, at the end of the day success in Capitalism is found by being kind of a piece of shit.
We live in a society where hard workers and smart people thrive. If you're smart and a hard worker you will thrive even better. This man was a hard worker but he wasn't smart and a psychopath took advantage of him. Capitalism would probably work a lot better if humans weren't so apathetic.
He is old enough to have grown up in a society with older respectful values. He would of grew up in a time where if he did suggest and idea to save a company this much money the company would of rewarded him by giving something back to him.
It's sad to hear the stories of when me grandparents finished working in the factories after 25 years the factory boss would buy them a custom made watch
These days capitalism sucks
>Save 1.5M$ for company
>capitalism: get 10$ gift voucher
>socialism: get honorary banner
Capitalism is 10$ better
Egg Zachary. This guy had a good idea, based on his years of experience in the industry. You know what he needed to do was take a risk, put his money where his mouth was. Instead he let someone else (his company) take the risk. They spent the time and money to implement his idea. They deserve the reward. If you want the payout you need to have big balls. This guy is beta.
> co.uk
Fake news.
>being kind of a piece of shit.
What do you mean? He got a 10€ voucher.
Thats pretty nice.
Spoken like a real capitalist.
Capitalism is the reign of scam. Scamming is virtue in (((capitalism))). No wonder anglos love it so much.
That's like telling your bull how to fuck your wife better instead of just fucking her proper yourself
This man should have his gift card revoked for not overthrowing his shitty bosses
People are actually defending this. Jesus fucking christ how cucked can you be? Oh you have an idea? Great just uh get a lawyer copyright it be a massive asshole negotiate with people (which will tell you to fuck off and wont even start the negotiation) you have been so fucking brainwashed by the capitalism bullshit propoganda its not funny anymore its scary. You all sound like you would sell your own fucking mothers for a couple thousand. Wake the fuck up.
Your glorified capitalist society (the current one) requires you to be a cut throat asshole to succeed and thats just not right you bloody idiots
And no im not saying that communism is better.
>gives them ideas with no mention of incentive or financial reward
>thinks he should be getting like 20k or some shit
The free market dictates that he should've taken his ideas and used them in his own business which would inevitably out-compete his competition.
Hey kid, Im gonna give you this amazing red pill for free that will let you realize how this world works.
You are worth shit, some people are even worth less than shit.
I don't fully disagree with you, but this situation isn't nearly as bad as you're making it out to be.
He freely gave away his ideas on improving a company, and the company took the risk to implement them. He risked nothing and negotiated for nothing. He got what he asked for. The system worked just how it should here.
>Hey boss!
>I have a really great idea.
>I bet it'd save your business.
>You should totally do this.
>Woah now... did you just listen to my advice?
>Pay me.
>There's no way you could have come up with a similar idea on your own.
>The moment I spitballed the concept at you, I became entitled to a share of anything you do that vaguely resembles that.
>Who cares that I did so unprovoked and you never agreed to that.
Fuck off.
Sure, he's demonstrated value to the company and they're being stupid by not tapping that resource and the gift certificate is basically a "fuck you" on top of that. But at no point did anyone establish that he was actually owed anything. If he wants to get rewarded for his insight, he needs to find someone who values this skill, as his current employer clearly does no place much value on at all (something you're free to do by virtue of not being forced to pay for shit you don't want and never asked for). If this isn't just a one time fluke, then whoever headhunts this guy will have a competitive edge on his current employer.
That's what happens when your boss is a jew.
this is not the sort of world we should be living in. im no socialist or communist but i do agree with some socialist viewpoints.
i see no problem with sharing wealth with people who do their bit in society. it's the free handouts that im against. but the current society that our economic system breeds is not right in my opinion.
wastefulness, gluttony, greed, materialism, hedonism and consumerism that is what western culture has become. all this distracts us from the most important things in life. and if you dont think the economic structure we live in has anything to do with this moral and cultural decay then you are blind. humans have to be controlled and steered down the right path or they become reckless.
our current form of capitalism is destroying our culture, our tradition and our heritage. i understand that economic growth is iportant above most things but surely there must be a compromise
i agree.
free markets doesn't mean give your ideas for free
>wastefulness, gluttony, greed, materialism, hedonism and consumerism that is what western culture has become. all this distracts us from the most important things in life. and if you dont think the economic structure we live in has anything to do with this moral and cultural decay then you are blind
Marxism is 100% materialism and western society is dying because it has accepted every leftist critique of its culture and religion.
Freedom is dangerous, individualism is greed, so "security" and "equality" are the only values left and your politicians are hard at work building the prison you deserve.
You idiots fall for this image every single day
Sup Forums is nothing but brainlets
You can't copyright most businesses plans. It's not usually a "creative work".