>inb4 "Slidethread"
What's wrong with it? Aren't you guys also pissed that niggers are fucking your women?
Why do you guys hate /r/AsianMasculinity?
Other urls found in this thread:
such a small occurance that I don't even consider it a threat.
I live in a diverse area and I've never seen AM/WF, therefore the posts rarely bother me as I know it's rare as fuck compared to something like BM/WF or WM/AF.
Polite sage, thank you for your time
Nobody here cares about it. Nobody here would even know about it if it weren't for the autistic hapa that spams threads with black dicks and asian male/slavic mail order bride pics
hapa subhuman
all mongrels deserve a violent death
Because you fuckers are on the wrong site
i dont even know what the hell that is OP. i also dont care
noone cares because an asian guy managing to land an asian woman is in itself a rare accomplishment; an asian guy with a white gf is like meeting an albino or watching a sloth cross the highway or a downs kid do something spectacular. It's inspiring sort of.
You're even more pathetic than us, get lost faggot.
because they shitpost cuckporn here constantly and plot against whitey on their plebbit forums. I used to like asians before I came across them.
I hate niggers. Not asians
mfw not even black men like the constantly chimping out niggresses
She's probably jewish.
I don't have a problem with Asians. I mean, I don't want my country to become Asianfied, but it seems in no danger of that. So far. /r/AsianMasculinity seems pre-occupied with how the other races, whites included, emasculate them culturally. That's my impression from the few times I've visited it. I can never stay long because reddit's format is just such shit it always drives me back home. But anyway, the masculinity issue with Asians is not my concern. I don't hate them for caring about it, but it's not my problem either. For what it's worth, I don't put down Asians as lesser men because I don't believe they are.
/r/asianmasculinity posts their stupid cuck shit on an political discussion subforum of an anime image board instead of somewhere where it matters, like anyone here is stupid enough to notice how sad it is to be posting 16 pictures of the same amwf couple from a nation of 400 million
Oh. Okay, I didn't know. I always just hide BBC and cuckporn threads by default.
Cmilk a shit.
Because it's cringy. If asian men believe they are masculine they shouldn't feel like they need to create an entire subreddit to convince people they are.
>Elsa Hosk
I would fuck both her and her boyfriend
Why do you people know what retardedasianmasculinity is?
>Boy crying because wanting to look like mom
Looks are for women.
That father has already earned my respect because i KNOW hes a winner for being able to get a white woman.
Beauty is for females. Willpower is for males.
>Why do you guys hate /r/AsianMasculinity?
hmmm... so is it ok for asian men to be effeminate?
Fucking lol.
Just put your tinder location in Thailand, and you'll have about 100 matches by the end of the day. All of them said they hate Asian men.
his children will never be attractive again user. did you miss the "im this beautiful because both my parents are white" chang?
it's a fact AMWF and their families go on to do extremely well, even though they are rare.
>Looks are for women
typical burger post.
His son doesnt have to be attractive
Kids got winner's blood in his veins
Daughter will be fine in a feminist shithole with 110+ IQ and a father that disciplines her
She'll probably marry a young CEO and invent a new type of energy.
White people fetishize beauty rather than just appreciate it.
When you become a narcissistic male obsessed with beauty, youve killed your race. Men are supposed to be manly and have willpower. ONLY FEMALES SHOULD CARE ABOUT THEIR BEAUTY
No i mean swedish men obsessed with their "beauty" are pathetic cucks
Beauty and genetics is quality for females
Willpower and spirit is quality for males
you want to destroy white beauty because you cant have it
>typical non-white
>typical chang
Beauty should be valued, just not obsessed over
Stop obsessing over porn gayboy
Im not a chink and I want to preserve white beauty
The top 2% of asian males sleeping with beautiful white females isnt a threat to white beauty. It is a cure for white narcissistic entitled cuckoldry
you are not white. you cannot value what you will never be.
Some of theme might said they are actually men.
What is origin of this pick? At first i though it was some Rednecks, but then i saw a nigger.
What are you implying?
bbc cuck porn spammer, Tenda Spencer. Eurasian Tiger.
fuck off back to r/hapas. you ugly Eurasian cuckold
Sup Forums bbc cuck porn spammer. Tenda Spencer. Eurasian cuckold
>why do you hate Asian masculinity?
There’s no such thing
Tenda Spencer the Eurasian cuckold
/r/AsianMasculinity went out of it's way to get me banned from reddit.
Ironic, since you live in Australia, chink
Hapa here
that's not how it works.
regression towards the mean
just because the parent has a high iq or is pretty doesn't mean the kid will be. all possibilities exist in the gene pool when assembling the kid. you don't know what you are going to get. adding an inferior race into the mix is adding those possibilities into the mix
>White boys coming to defend their "dignity" in this thread
Jesus Christ you "men" are pitiful. Show me a dick pic to prove your maniliness
That's kinda oxymoron...
kill yourself.
>t. fatty
Obvious overcompensation. You drive a truck don't you
Hapa here. Nobody cares, yo keep spamming shit got attention.
Also you're all leftwing faggots
This is so true. Thanks user for opening my eyes
Damn user dropping truth bombs
>Hapas will eventually create a blonde haired blue eyed muscular Jap that can fly and shoot energy from his hands
The Japs have been planning this since the 90s
Neither AI robots, nor Alien invaders, nor Jewish Reptilians nor the devil himself cant beat or mind control a Japanese Super Aryan:
Fat is ugly
Fat is like parasitic niggers in a nation but slightly more useful in moderation
Fat ugly is the same problem as too much narcissistic beauty obsession=society collapse
Be attractive and appreciate beauty but dont obsess over it
Looks dont matter if the son has winners blood in him and the daughter is smart with a strong father
This overobsession with superificial beauty is what has led to the makeup/social media cancer destroying women. THEY CARE ABOUT HOW THEY LOOK MORE THAN THEIR CHILDREN
1st and only person to have achieved Ultra Instinct is asian
> ____ hate thread
> why do u hate _____ Sup Forums thread?
> 0.2 shekels have been deposited in your account
>90% of nons will fall for this crap
hate threads are pushed on people because sjws need hate to justify the existance of social justice warriors. fugly lezis sjws hit on the plan to create primitive hate in white males by showing imagary of amwf. You can't tell them it doesn't work like seeing shitskins with white women, because they think you're just trying to stop them propergating their hate pushing campaign. tHe fact is seeing amwf doesn't trigger resentment from white males nearly as much as seeing shitskins with white males. Why should it? Independant Japs had a decent civ, which is saying a lot considering how cut off they were from competitive advancing white technology. Whatever logic or reason u tell the sjws trying and failing to push hatred here, its not going to work because (a) they are too stupid to pay attention to reason (b) these hate pushing campaigns are scheduled for 6month minimal duration.
>shitskins with white males
* shitskins with white females
You know why the people on asian"masculinity" are pathetic? Because instead of promoting asian men dating asian women, they OBSESS over white people. People here on Sup Forums are as disgusted by coalburners as they are by oil drillers, but these asians are all about posting the same 12 images of asian dudes standing next to white girls to... prove a point? I don't even know.
And niggers doing messed up white girls are an irrelevant problem as well. Demographic change comes from people marrying their own and making a lot of babies
Do r/asianmasculinity unironically like seeing subhuman-looking males breed? Even if you're an anti-white racist it shouldn't really sit well with you. Or maybe it does because you're also a similar ugly subhuman.
Pick one.
You dont think its because of the women realise that they have to spam swiping right and not have high expectations to keep the birthrate high? I mean that webm isnt even a comparison.
...And all of that muscle you get from your European genes.
If you didn't have you're European half you'd just look like a thai fuckboi.
Why have half your genotype be shit when you could just be full Aryan godman ?
You all one in the same. Spending your time hating, projecting, complaining, and whining.
/pol blames the Jews, the spics, the chinks, the niglets, the niggers, and the niggers for their problems
/hapa blames evil white men, asian whores for their problem
>The Asian whore is ugly, white guys can't get good looking asian women!
>h-he's n-not that bad looking, got a nice jawline and pretty fit
Why do r/asiamasculinity sugarcoat the ugliness of Chink males? You never call them out on their subhuman looks but you are quick to demonize the appearance of Asian females? Is it just a coping movement for uggo's beta uprising?
Except superior big white studs cucking Asian men are the source of the Asian mens problems in the west.
Which is why they should just stay in Asia. They simply can't compete, so stay in Asia.
I see a lot more /fit/ Asian chads in public these days, and think "good for them, the asianmasculinity trend is working. I wish white men had the same trend"
tenda spencer is also the one who does the am/wf spamming on Sup Forums
Pretty much.
But even those bait threads are whatever.
Wow, you seem pretty cool Cleatus.
>Why do you guys hate X or Y ?
If you can't handle the bantz, I suggest reddit or Tumblr might be good alternatives for you.
>implying hes a burger
Swede bro,pls
Nonsense. Some of what I read here is truth but alot of it is bullshit too. Has no one broken down the common denominator here? IQ. If an intelligent person has a kid with another intelligent person then the world is a better place. Do certain groups display greatly disproportionate numbers of low iq and high aggression, yes. Are asians one of them, no.
>Except superior black men cucking white boys are the source of the white mens problems in the west.
Same thing
filthy race traitor
>not /fit/ and /fa/?
Pick one
American Chinese are low neoteny/hyper masculine but everyone wants high neoteny boys.
As an ugly guy from an Asian country I wanna know how these ugly cucks landup hot chicks?
Didn't his mother kill herself?
yellow fever
I mean you are a poo....
even normies know about the
>show vagene
>bitch lasagna
kinda turns people off you know
No one wants to accept the importance of male looks in life or dating.
Seems like you got everything in your post backwards.
>American Chinese are high neoteny/hyper feminine but everyone wants low neoteny boys.
Red pill/incel talk is inherently part of the Asian subreddits. That's all they talk about so why do they make an exception on genetic trash Asian males?
>muh ugly short balding white sexpat
Is among their most common phrases.
That guys not a nigger, he's a chink. She is obviously older as well.
While immoral, she made a sound financial decision - she was probably in her mid 30s, had hit the wall a decade ago, and now her biological clock was about to expire. She found a nice effeminate hairless asian boy with a big bank account and low sex drive. Now she has money, gets to play house, and probably doesnt even notice ching chong's tiny little weiner when he gets his bi-annual sex.
What's yellow fever?
Sorry new to Sup Forums here