Does this mean there is something wrong with Trump?
Where is his wall?
Does this mean there is something wrong with Trump?
Where is his wall?
Maybe he realized that landmines works better than wall
>Maybe he realized that landmines works better than wall
Or maybe he's 10 month in office and doesn't get shit done.
how long did it take Obama to get his healthcare plan off the ground after he initially announced it?
>how long did it take Obama to get his healthcare plan off the ground after he initially announced it?
How often did Obama brag about getting it done immediately after going into office?
but obamacare sucks and everyone hates it. so much for his "legacy"
you just want to bully trump into rushing shit out too quickly so you can criticize the half baked result
good things take time to do right
What exactly should he do? He can't do much with a shit congress that won't pass any legislation. He's relied on executive orders
Trump is 10 months into his 8 years. he's got plenty of time.
>why can't he just snap his fingers and have a wall up?
Fucking retard. Here's the start of the process. I'm not even a huge Trumpfag, I thought he'd keep blowing it off and start promising it again in four years near election time, but you're delusional if you think this isn't the start of the wall.
>where is his wall?
Presently being fucking built.
Cringe. Someone has no culture and doesn't keep up with the news.
>Hurr trump hasnt built a 2000 mile long wall within 10 months!
>Design being chosen from prototypes
>$10B+ approved for wall
>muh lame duck president
dont forget to sage all memeflag threads.
>everyone hates it.
Obama had zero culture, and was also an ignorant nigger, so yes, he promised to immediately fix healthcare. He also promised to end racism, war, and the keystone pipeline.
>actual solutions
Sub-Zero. Glad that Obama, the ignorant low-IQ Nigger, only has one legacy: Donald J. Trump.
Now go bash your teeth out on a table corner, because that's the only reward you get.
>Trump is 10 months into his 8 years. he's got plenty of time.
So? He promised to make great deals immediately after going into office. Didn't happen. So he was talking out of his ass on that.
Also if he can't get shit done now, why should it change in the future?
Construction has started and its only been a few months
>you're delusional if you think this isn't the start of the wall
>ordered a prototype
If you think that ordering "prototypes" on something as simple as a fucking wall is the start of anything, you are delusional.
>Construction has started and its only been a few months
Shit has started. Ordering a prototype is nothing. Just look at all the long list of defense project that never went past prototype phase.
>Trump* has zero culture, and is also an ignorant nigger
Stop being Fucking retarded, people have pointed out how you are wrong, just stop making yourself look like an ass.
>He promised to make great deals immediately after going into office
So did every other president. Sounds like this is your first election.
We are getting closer...
Alright you fucking kike I'm sick of hearing this shit from you
Oh yeah some Sup Forums larper with a meme flag is a wall expert, right? You're fucking retarded.