Good morning desu, make me laugh
>inb4 its not morning where i live on the other side of the world
No Sup Forums humour thread, let's change that
Other urls found in this thread:
>going to Sup Forums
>to laugh
Not here, kiddo.
>a .gif on chicken eating fried chicken
why tho?
humans are are stupid as chicken are
OP would you like a link to 9GAG or iFunny?
Does this count as cannibalism?
because they're chickens eating chicken nuggets
>not laughing at the state of the world
that eagle is nu-male
Are you implying the chicken content of chicken nuggets is 0%?
But a felled tree can be used to make all sorts of useful things
It was on Sup Forums.
OH shit
That is dark desu
But eagles and hawks eat other birds all the time too?
good point
I'm sure there's a joke here somewhere
14 genders?
>defense against the white arts
now I get it why it's called chicken nugget.
The Belgrano got sunk during the Falklands war. The argies are still mad butthurt about it.
We sank the belgrano during the Falklands war.
>human eats monkey
>not cannibalism
>human eats another human
do you understand now?
You'll get kuru either way
Yeah but at least we're not trying to pretend that HMS Sheffield was a war crime.
>aircraft illustration
one job
Kek trudoh would
There's no way that Troodoo isn't a bottom
I read that as
>Does it get any snicker?
at first, and yes, yes it definitely did.
B-based turkroaches?
Yes, you can make candles and soap out of tallow.
Quality polak meme.
Like being used in a fire
i ve got so many of these idk what to do with them
A felled tree isn't good for someone looking for healthy trees.
>m&b memes
>genius, will go to college for sure
Very interesting.
Can't even hold Dhirim lmao
for some of us the redpill was a suppository
I don't think he's even in the country any more