So Sup Forums has agreed to ask /mlp/ to the Winter Ball due to the april fools joke that brought our boards together.
Winter Ball 2017
this is gay and nobody cares
>tfw April Fool's is why I'm here now
Nice call back.
>Newfag who came over from T_D doesn't like the Winter Ball
Wow, shocker
/mlp/ is a good choice but don't we have to argue about taking /x/ again for a few days first before we select?
It's kinda funny. Bright colored decorations. It'd be like having the downs nephews running and throwing tinsel around the house instead our autistic preference one strand on the tree at a time.
This. We need to ask /x/ out first
/mlp/ is talking about Sup Forums or [s4s]
*petting intensifies
/x/ rejected us last year I don't see why they'll accept this year
wrong we are asking /o/ again OP stop being a double nigger
> Create a discord and summon drawfags. I'm not going to participate in any of this, but i hope to get good art and funny bantz.
> Get on board other boards (no pun intended)
So who do we know is going with who so far?
We took /o/ last year, we need new art.
You went with /o/ and before that /lgbt/. Sup Forums should take /mlp/ because it was fun or /bant/ since both together are insufferable.
I like /x/ though
who is /bant/ mascot?
that whore can die in a fire
Does art exist for /bant/? What's the personification
Ugh I want to see that thing fire at the end of the drift for terminal backwards velocity
never took lgbt though
> First one, two pigtails little blond girl.
> Second one, insufrible red head leaf woman.
> Actual, two pigtails girl grown up (still loli)
It could use a lot of love.
I don't know, I haven't seen one, I'll ask for a tan.
Sup Forums's autistic teenage daughter, according to 1d4chan.
There's so much art on /polgbt/, 2014 no?
I think it should be the be black-haired Sup Forums guy, but dressed as Thompson from Fear and Loathing with an almost-empty bottle of booze in his hand
pol taking leaf to a ball
yeah that will happen
The official theme of /polo/ is top tier austictic awesomness
our -tan is so powerful, he has his own -tans and we can summon entities like ebola-chan and Kek
Poetic justice desu
/mlp/ here.
Consider the following: We'll take both you and [s4s]. Cool?
Actually they are mascots of the boards.
Sup Forums, /[s4s]/, Sup Forums (vivian) have a lot of mascots
And other boards have their own mascots.
But yeah... Sup Forums become the bigger board thanks to they irl shitposting and trolling.
Most edgy teenagers come from Sup Forums for the lulz instead of Sup Forums.
Your digits are weak, as is your faith. /mlpol/ is the future.
We have to try asking /x/ if only be ause we need the rejection to fuel the despair that drives us to /mlp/ or /bant/. That’s how relationships work in real life.
When was the last time Sup Forums actually even did something?
Sup Forums is almost always the reason Sup Forums would be in the news.
Also we are taking /o/ again. /x/ just wants us to steal our magic, /lgbt/ are literal fags and /mlp/ was a one night stand
I don't see the reason for this. Why to ask the most degenerate board because its's most degenerate? Could just as well ask /t/ because they are all fat dick lovers that hate jews.
Also /o/ is best ally.
we refused and rejected that coalburner a long time ago
I like [s4s] it's a nice board and we get mlp too but that's just me.
Yeah... Sup Forums is just to powerfull to be contained.
For example "pepe" and "wojack" were popular memes of /r9k/.
But Sup Forums made them insanely popular.
Literally stealing a meme of /r9k/ and using it to win and election.
Intermediate gestalt on the relations /o/ had to charlottesville, please
how about /k/ ?
Right wing death squads
Sup Forums and /x/ could have a good time. We gave them long threads about spiderman-and-elsa videos on youtube.
how about /po/ ?
Sup Forumspo/t always had that strange chemistry
> /lgbt/ are literal fags and /mlp/ was a one night stand
Let's be nice, /o/ probably wants someone else.
Take /r9k/, they are the ones most desperately in need of redpills.
Holy shit that is some old-school-style Sup Forums goodness
All things in moderation, user. They're fucking hardcore, you don't wanna fall in with them.
/mlpol/ was good fun
it be nice to see the art come back again...
Could [s4s] help make Sup Forums a nice board?
They want our meme magic, succubus swerve
I vote for /po/
we need to combine our 14 with their 88
Some draw fag made a loli for /bant/, don't have the pic saved.
Makes sense since they are they newest board.
On the other hand its kind of like Sup Forums's daughter so it would be weird.
why not? We could weaponize that autism.
/hc/ has almost as much blacked/bbc/ir porn as Sup Forums. They could be our Aryan ai gf, and everyone knows that Sup Forums is a nigger.
Is /adv/ just out of our league?
Gas the bikes. Race car NOW.
The level of creativity on Sup Forums boards is insane...
> winterball
> Sup Forums cup
> Sup Forums christmas card
Some creative endeavors
> /lit/ collaborative book
> Sup Forums parody musical productions
> Sup Forums rpg maker games
> /tg/ custom rpg games
Some of the Sup Forums musical themes
> Make Way For DLC! - An Aladdin Parody
> Cis-Fire, A Hunchback Parody: Sup Forums - The Musical
By any means necessary
And that song lel :^D
>inb4 new faggots dont understand what this is about
When did we ask MLP?
What the fuck is the winterball?
All rude posters must be exterminated.
Yes. Perhaps we must have this dance.
>/polpo/ will thousand fold paper bricks for the wall.
Sup Forums
They're yandere as fuck for redpills on der juden.
Can talk about WW2 documentaries all night.
Sup Forums is responsible for /bant/, no other board can tolerate the bastards
They asked us out with [s4s]
Do we have any confirmations on who is going with who so far?
Let's take /lit/.
if we went with /bant/ wouldn't that be like fucking our Sup Forums love child?
How about /diy/. Has anyone even asked them out? We keep talking about the end, and they're prepping for the end. Seems like a good match.
>deja vu! I have been into space before..
Life is not always all about fucking.
A father can take his daughter to a ball, if no one else will.
Did we make a formal reply?
Lets, dibs on variant B F-35 :^)
I don't want to be rude to other anons. I want to persuade them to pick mlp[s4s].I hope I win.
We should remember that this has been Sup Forums‘s year. All the boards envy us. We got elected President of the US. We were revealed as a Russian troll factory. The world fears us, and fear makes other boards wet. We can take anyone we want to Winterball if we just want it bad enough.
That which is powerful must show his humble side too. For arrogance kills. We could ask out an oddball board, who never get asked out.
Very nice.
Trump did say don't b rude
Rudeposting is illegal
God bless this autism
I remember the anti /x/ feeling on here being quite loud so I don't see how we got rejected by them?
there's actually an /mlpol/ site
>choosing to fuck some autist when you can fuck scarlet johanson
That's so beautiful user
Where can I watch the cup?
why not going with /k/
they are Sup Forums's right hand man after all
fucking a whore
time to post /polo/ guys
/k/ikes hate us
>settling with a person with a lower innately value
The good of the fan art, is that reflect the boards pretty accurately
since when
/k/ has always been an ally
No sharing.
how is that value assigned exactly?
>our greatest ally