A "Finnish" politician of the Green Party made waves 2 days ago by making a facebook post in a private group, regarding living in the countryside. The post was leaked to the media who then subsequently published an article about it.
Fatim Diarra had this to say in her post
>If you want to live in a forest, be my guest, but don't expect the same level of service and its dreary. The only reason to move there is incest and so that noone hears when you beat your wife
Well Sup Forums, does she have a point?
A "Finnish" politician of the Green Party made waves 2 days ago by making a facebook post in a private group...
>incest and so that noone hears when you beat your wife
Isn't that the same as living in Arabia?
>finnish politics
No, it is about ending finnish politics.
Can't you revoke her citizienship over this?
Fuck her and fuck shitskins.
Why white people even allow this shit collectively is beyond me.
Helsinki should be all ethnically Finnish.
This is just sad. No, don't enjoy the beauty of nature, live in a concrete, traffic fumed filled city, because if you don't you're racist and sexist!
Day of the puukko when?
why the fuck would anybody want to immigrate to finland.
She has also since been targeted by online harassment, with her social media being plastered with people calling her a dumb nigger, et al.
She is now trying to turn the narrative from her inflammatory comments into how she's being victimized.
Semd her back from where she has come from
Africa or germany ?
I love the irony in "green" parties around the world.
They all live in the cities and want to prevent (((Climate change))) Yet they all live in the cities and are always the worst at live as they praise.
It is the same with feminists in Sweden, Some of the biggest advocaters of it in Sweden (Soran Ismail/Fredrik Virtanen) are currently under investigation for rape lmaoo.
As they say, The more someone is pointing the finger at someone, the more likely they are the ones responsible for it.
Absolutely hate those hypocrites.
>fatim diarrhea
I wouldn't mind, It feels like Sweden but 15 years ago.
Not a bad place to live in actually.
The leadership of the Green Party made a belated comment on the matter. But instead of disavowing Fatims comments, they branded them as "black humor" (The choice of words also created hilarity in the comments section)
it looks like a depressing shithole where everyone is too shy to talk to anybody and its constantly dark and muddy.
>Implying there is a differance between the two in current day
Another aspect about the Green parties is how they all want to move people from low CO2 countries to high CO2 countries. Immigration is more important than "green" in every case. The media never asks them about this.
>The only reason to move there is incest and so that noone hears when you beat your wife
Oh, I can think of another reason. No diversity
That is basically all of Eastern Europe/Scandinavia.
Iam already used to this, so its not a problem for me kek.
Kek when Binland sends their people they don't send their best!
>so that noone hears when you beat your wife
So how does she now about the rural Finnish beatings. She couldn't have heard them.
>instead of disavowing Fatims comments, they branded them as "black humor" (The choice of words also created hilarity in the comments section)
Black humor amirite?
>live in woods
>don't have to deal with scum like this
Good times.
>Well Sup Forums, does she have a point?
Kind of. I bet no one wants to hear her getting beaten when they're trying to watch TV.
As if you don't already live in a dark muddy depressing shithole
look outside right now m8. bright as summer in spain.
Well they say here that "Saving lives" is worth more than nature or that is how they basically argue here.
I just can not fathom how they descend to such levels of stupidity.
quintessentially Finnish
That is implied with the incest comment. You know when whites have children with whites its incest.
>Fatim Diarra
>arab/african mongrel talking about incest
oh the fucking irony.
quintessentially oven crawler
Tfw your name is just a "he" away from diarrhea.
>Kek when Binland sends their people they don't send their best!
Well hey, atleast he is white. When Sweden sends their people they don't send their white people.
Oh, you mean this?
>In an interview with weekly paper Die Zeit, Mr Schäuble rejected the idea Europe could close its borders to immigrants, and said: “Isolation is what would ruin us – it would lead us into inbreeding.”
Finland has always had a white minority population(Swedes).
There should be a size limit for noses in politics.
I can't even consider the humanoid trash we sent to you as people, Sorry for sending them you know our gov is disgusting motherfuckers.
They even gave them traintickets to the border!!!
is this an average finnish child?
Guess why they are so good at maths?
>>The only reason to move there is incest and so that noone hears when you beat your wife
Projecting this much
Source to post?
Kill it with fire. Or a knife, you Finns love your knives.
But yeah. KILL. IT.
>'New European' gains position in 'her' new country and proceeds to call the people that don't vote to let more 'New Europeans' in rural and suburban retards who aren't like the sophisticated pro mass immigration city folks.
>implying pic related is something to be embarrased of
>drowning faggot mocking others
Do Muslims live in Finnish forests now?
Yeah it's idiotic. Inbreed happens only in very small starting populations with small selective pressure (the Amish for example) or between close family relatives (dependent up to third degree cousins). Also the implication that in this context genetics are real but in all other cases "social construct".
>Fatty Diarrhea
Who comes up with these names?
Its kind of funny, like seeing a dog in clothes. God knows we need entertainment during the long winters.
Cute as fuck.
Heh, no, that's a Sami, the indigenous people of the arctic. There are more of them in Sweden and Norway than in Finland.
>Heh, no, that's a Sami, the indigenous people of the arctic.
wtf, i thought they lived in canada
>Dumb fucking nigger thinks that the reason why people move to the countryside is for incest and wife beating
God all fucking niggers need to hang.
Finland has a diverse gene pool anyway because Finns come from over 10 different tribes so the inbreed meme is just stupid in that sense, too.
>he thinks Sami are indigenous
Canada might have some too, thought I don't know for sure
>Doesn't want to live in the Europeans natural home
Not really surprised.
teespring ( d o t t ) com / new-its-okay-to-be-white
>ape politician
I thought Finland was uncucked.
Virtanen is quintessentially bugman. Sounds like he's oven-ready, judging by his words and actions
free everything + lots of dosh on top
if you're brown, that is
why is a literal ABORIGINE involved in finnish politics to begin with? i thought finland was an asiatic peoples.
The nig nogs are invading they must be lynched user.
Some of our 5-year-old children were sent to Sweden when Russia attacked in the second world war. That's why we now have this giant debt to repay for the world, and we absolutely must take as many African immigrants as possible. And now that we have tons of blacks here, we must do everything we can to help them, since they suffer immensely from our racism and backwardness. Pic related, Miss Helsinki. Beautiful. Brave. Progressive.
I believe she is second generation immigrant. Otherwise spot on.
Yes in Northern part of Finland
Wow they really AREN'T white.
Germans did nothing wrong when they burned down lapland
No western country is uncucked. It is becoming a problem even in Eastern Europe thanks to europhiles.
>miss finland
I did not know that Finland was this progressive
Greens have been cancer since Eero Paloheimo left the party.
remember, finland was one of the places to host shia le cucks gay art exhibit.
Media called she an ape in Estonia
Hopefully the collapse of Western Europe will settle an example not to follow.
The time will come when people like that will get hanged. I hope it will come soon enough that I can volunteer for executioner. I'll do it for free.
That's how it went and some finns here were mad about it.
Daily reminder, that Finland is not independent. No 100-parties, for that is more than blashemy at this point. Maybe someday again, but for now it is what it is.
>Hanging someone over a joke
Fritz, your people truly lack any humour
She also commented to the media during the debacle. As a proof of her knowing what she is talking about, she said this
>Two years ago I spent a month on my friends farm in Urjala, because I wanted to learn what its all about. I partook in all of the farmwork, I took care of the sheep, I was with cows and horses, fed chickens. It was horrible. Absolutely horrible.
>Source to post?
The post is in a private group, cannot access.
This is the screencap, but even it is in Finnish, so.
t. Shekelberg
She looks like one. It's objective truth.
>It was horrible. Absolutely horrible.
>lol fuck the people who feed me, they are all dumb farmers who beat their wives
fuck this bitch.
That's because one of the artists involved was a Finnish chick.
Finland in general is pretty strange compared to the cucking levels of the rest of Europe. We get nowhere near the tidal wave of illegals that other places do, thanks to our geographic location, and the ones that do get here have to deal with both the shitty climate and autistic culture. Quite a few have left. However, the Finnish political/media/academic establishment has always aligned Finland with the West, and so is just as cucked as Sweden. This leads to situations like this one with Diarrhea, and especially Helsinki looking like any other multicultural capital in Europe (though nowhere near the extent of Stockholm). On the other hand the people in the smaller cities and towns and the countryside are fairly down-to-earth simple types who don't mind foreigners, but certainly don't want a Sweden situation. The countryside and smaller towns are basically with the exception of the obligatory local kebab place and occasional Thai wife, exclusively white.
The way I see it, because neither the elite nor the normal people really see the downsides in full force as elsewhere in the West, while still thinking of ourselves as the West, there's a very dangerous naiveté towards the current situation.
I hate nogs like this, who aren't so dark, they seem more insidious than those pitch black Bantu midnight niggers.
I don't know what animal this is, but it is obviously closely related to her.
>I partook in all of the farmwork, I took care of the sheep, I was with cows and horses, fed chickens. It was horrible. Absolutely horrible.
Having to do real work as opposed to getting paid for race baiting on Faceberg. Horrible. Absolutely horrible.
If this is true. You will be we fucked just 5 to 10 years later.
She only went there for incest, work was not expected.
Proboscis monkey
>they seem more insidious
Higher IQ as a result of Arab/white admixture.
Be glad they don't have Ashkenazi IQ
imo gorilla
No mutta eikös siinä ole nenä-apina?
I only know its latin name, Missus Helsinkius
Greens went downhill after they didnt took Linkola seriously.