Quit beating around the bush with them. Quit validating their awful choices. Most women are too stupid to figure this out for themselves, so we have to help them realize why they can't find a decent man. If you burn the coal you pay the toll.
When are men going to start being blunt with women about what they want?
Other urls found in this thread:
That's actually a really sad little blurb.
I feel bad for these chicks. They are just doing what the media told them they're supposed to and they're too stupid to know what's going to happen. Women are more susceptible to (((media))) brainwashing and I imagine most of the girls in these situations grew up with no dad or worse, a liberal dad and they never really had a chance.
You could have printed the rest of her pathetic resumé
So this is the point: they must be scared by the fear of never settle again, after coal burning.
And coal burners with mongrel offspring IMO are far worse that those who just “tried” noggers
Worse, but both either is beyond deal breaking
Women with children are nearly always more trouble than they are worth.
Indeed, women tend to stick with what is more popular... if the media says so, they will play accordingly the rules.
The Leaf speaks the truth.
The white pill: generally, niggers mate with the low-hanging fruits of the white race and their kids will be niggers no matter what.
The problem is high-IQ Shiksas breeding with jews and this is not very well addressed by you Sup Forums
She seems insufferably stupid. I wouldn't be interested in any woman with such a vapid personality, kids or no kids.
I'm trying to understand what you mean. Are you saying that someone who has pity on a "coalburner" and tries to rehabilitate them is worse than the "coalburner" themselves? Because it will only encourage their behavior?
I think most poltards would take anything they can get, desusenpai.
You're right. But it's a free society, you're free to make dumb decisions, so in that vein it's hard to feel bad for her.
>Not one, but TWO lil nigglets
when will they learn?
This has been true for decades, but has become less so as multiracial relationships and sexual novelty continue to be fetishized by the media.
Yes, because it validates their choices and encourages others to do the same. Without consequences people will indulge in whatever fancy or trend strikes them.
considering most of the white women end up beaten or burned to death after fucking niggers i say its natural selection
burn the coal pay the toll bitch
everyone is responsible for his own sins
Kinda surprised there aren't more serial killings through Tinder hookups
>she's not looking for a relationship anymore
>posts on a dating website with a picture that centers around her half nig children
Men don't tell women the truth because they wanna fuck them
& if you tell the truth to a woman,she will cross her slags
Yeah it’s a real good idea to leave evidence of you talking to women before they die..,
What about her parents? My parents told me they would disown me if I ever brought home a nigger. They also warn not to be racist in public but having kids with them ruins the family line.
I like your parents.
They know exactly what they're doing, they just don't care. If white men cant keep their women on a leash, a stronger force will step into the mould and fill their shoes. Women are protean, as in they have no intrinsic loyalty to the tribe. This evolved for a reason. Conquering tribes would kill women who didn't spread their legs. We're the ones being conquered. Jews are the facilitators who are harnessing non-whites as buological weapons against us. It's what they do, as they've always done since Roman times.
They do know, deep down. That's why older women and women with baggage will try to make their profile clever and shit, while the few normal girls without baggage can just post the basic shit and not put in much effort. The used up women know that they are less desirable, so they try everything they can to make themselves seem better than they are. What they don't know is that their "witty" profiles don't undo the past, and no man gives a shit about that anyways.
It's a cry for help. She's going to kill herself before 30.
>that meme
>that need to address something arising from your atheist hostility
You have to go back
I'm sure there's a limitless supply of white betas out there. And in any case, women get paid by the state to have mongrel children so they never truly face the consequences of their decisions. You desperately want justice but there is none. This is a fast descent into the abyss, which is just what the Jews want.
Spot on.
never feel sad for a whore, you moron
>so they never truly face the consequences of their decisions.
I'd say being on tinder telling your sob story about single mother hood and why no one will 'man-up' is a consequence
>She's going to kill herself before 30
And nothing of value was lost. Quit feeling sorry for roasties. If you can be so easy brainwashed, then it's better to just stay out of society.
Serves them right for being untermensch.
The brainless followers can pollute their genes and end up the broodmothers to next generation's proles.
>She's going to kill herself before 30.
Good. If she helps the invaders of our nations, she deserves exactly that.
You need to be open about most of your views (not the crazy red pills but the more normal ones) and not compromise. Women want men, so be proud of who you are and your beliefs. Yeah some women are going to be cunts to you back but you can get a woman even if she has absolutely opposite views of you. I first started talking to my gf more after we got into an argument about Trump and started arguing a lot about politics. We end up both falling in love with each other despite arguing like crazy about politics. We still argue to this day but I've changed her views on things and she has changed some of my views. Just be proud of your beliefs and you'll be surprised how women will be attracted even if your view seems 'wrong' or 'unpopular'.
25? bs she looks like 40
I'd say being on tinder telling your sob story about single mother hood and why no one will 'man-up' is a consequence
They don't care. She'll just live on welfare and her kids will grow up to dominate the host society once non-whites reach critical mass. She's already weighed up the costs of staying in the tribe and the benefits of venturing outside it and decided the latter is preferable. This is more an indictment of white men than it is of white women, as it shows how low we've fallen in the eyes of our own women.
i am a chinese i feel sad for this women
for i can't mix my genes with her.
No, it's an indictment of this slag. Typically women with daddy issues chase black men. They do it because they hate themselves or want negative attention.
But this doesn't make them happy. I am saying that they do know it makes them undesirable, but by that point, it's too late. The only way to fix this is to have strong father figures to prevent them from making the mistakes in the first place.
They know our position, they don't like it, and want us shunned and prosecuted for it.
>and she has changed some of my views.
I'm in my 30's, when women like her get older they get blunt about having black kids. I was a total degenerate after my divorce and would go to the bars to get laid, on the very rare chance I met a chick with a black kid they would let you know upfront and always tell you that white guys aren't interested in dating a white women with black kids. Once they leave the tribe and go that far, even normie white guys aren't interested. The sad part is they know how bad blacks are, they hate it, but are stuck.
I've come to accept this. It lines up with evo-psyche too (how humans acted for probably 900,000+ years).
Our women are stupid fucking cattle and get treated the way their herdsman let them get treated.
You could also kill the devil's spawns, but it's sadly illegal.
>oldest child is 7 at least
This means she's been letting niggers cum inside of her since high school. Awful. Despite the near infinite levels of information available on the internet she couldn't manage to learn safe sex practices. Then, she repeated the same mistake. She's looking for someone to fix her shitshow of a life. To repair her mistakes, to babysit while she gets shitted by Taquan. My sister-in-law is like this.
My sister-in-law:
>oldest child is 11, not memeing, half Philippino
>second child is 7, white
>third child is 5, mulatto
>habitual drug user
>currently homeless, crashing on her mother's couch with 1 of the children
>mulatto kid with drug dealer father
>Philippino kid with paternal grandparents
>white kid sleeping on same couch she is
>CPS involved bc 6 people living in 1br apartment
>"p-please adopt m-m-my daughter"
>wife agrees to distance ourselves from sisters trouble
>CPS comes to my house
>"i don't know what you're talking about or who that woman is"
>they fuck off
>sister in law abandons kid on our doorstep at 11pm with a garbage bag full of clothes to run off with rando from fagbook to slam gear and suck dick all night
>find out sister-in-law has been selling pussy on Backpage and Craigslist to support drug habbit
>take kid back to mother-in-laws apartment
>"b-but your guys h-h-have a b-big house, just take her"
>lolno, not my problem
>CPS and Sherrif are coming to remove child from mother-in-law's apartment tomorrow morning
Yea, don't ever get involved with a woman who has children, especially dumn cunts like my sister-in-law or woman in OPs pic.
raising 2 kids and dealing with the stress of single motherhood will do that a woman
Prime child rearing age also ages parents by 10+ yrs
even betas dont wanna raise niglet kids bro
Bit of an overreach to assume anyone here would raise a nigger's kid for them.
This. How do you change your political views based on the opinion of a woman? The only woman with anything of value to say would be maybe Anne Coulter, and she's barely a woman. Definitely not a regular woman, and not a retarded liberal one especially.
I didn't tell you fags what views but they are minor. If someone has a good point they have a good point. If you think no woman is capable of having a good point then you probably have very little experience with women, hence why you're reading this thread for advice.
It doesn't make her unhappy. She knows her kids are going to grow up and bully the white kids in school, and then go on to dominate he society. White demographics are on the decline, the United States will soon be majority non-white. Blacks and hispanics will inherit the future.
Demography is destiny.
Agreed mate. But what we don't have, is a plan to fight back. What the fuck do we do? Attack the problem at it's source?
niggers and latinos will inherit the us. nice joke.
whites will separate ever before that happens. niggers and latinos hate each other + they will start killing each other long before whites are a minority.
you would think these women will use the magic pill
it's obvious blacks don't stick around
Did she get you to use a different soap? How minor we talking here.
I've never met a woman in person who was even remotely informed politically, even conservative women. Conservative women hold the right positions on most issues, but they still don't really know why they are the right positions. And your wife is a lefty, so she's guaranteed retarded, and made you even more retarded.
I've said on FB that so many stupid moms have it ass backwards by having children then waiting for the right guy to come along.
>this is my third time trying this
Guess the first 2 didnt turn out like expected
Of course they do. I've seen plenty of white women with mongrel kids and cuck fathers. And the more it happens, the less taboo it will become. The only way to stop this from happening is for whites to resegregate our societies, but it's already too late. Whites are becoming second class citizens in the countries our forefathers built. The future will be like Brazil. Small pockets of ethnically pure whites and Jews surrounded by a seething mass of non-whites, with their own caste system. White America is in the past, lower class whites have been sacrificed on the altar of political correctness and will be considered even less desirable than mullatoes/Africans as white demographics deteriorate further.
I wish you would! But it likely won't help. So many believe they r fragile fucking flowers who are therefore entitled to having stuff done for them and bought for them. AND that morality ends where their tits begin.
Women do not have to provide what men want any more. For every man that is demanding there are ten cucks that bend over.
Also if the shit hits the fan they can simply extract welfare and child support. There is no need for a woman to please a man any more.
she's centrist, again I didn't tell you what views, just if someone has a good point I will think it over. I don't know why you're getting so ass blasted but no not all women are completely incapable of understanding politics, you thinking that is a sign of lack of experience with women.
You can legally and anonymously abandon your baby within 24 hours of birth at any ER in the US with zero consequences. Nig-havers have no excuse. They deserve every gulp of the bleach they're sure to drink in a few years.
whites will eventually want separation. there's not a serious push currently but it will happen
True story bud. If she's a single mother either she's a useless cunt or a whore
That's how it starts faggot. You have yielded to the vaginal. In a few years she will change your views on being a cuck, and you will posting craigslist ads begging for BBC in the mw4m casual encounters section.
Pic related is you
>the media
god Sup Forums is boring
If she's a centrist then she doesn't understand politics, which means if she changed your mind on any positions, then neither do you. And it's because of my experience with women that I know how uninformed they are politically. Clearly you're just even less informed.
Would you take a girl seriously after dating for a couple months, everything going great, then doesn't want a relationship (with you), then comes back a few months later wanting to start over.
Im in this scenario and I just feel like Im the second option safety because something else didn't work out. Gut told me it was a guy friend of her friend, when asked though "it was never like that! I wasn't attracted to him at all user!". The more she gets attached now (as opposed to the first time) and says I'm the best boyfriend she's had, the more resentment eats away at me and im going against my self respect/dignity.
Im definitely less emotionally invested and put in less effort than before. I want to feel like when we first dated but also don't want to feel like I whatever I had going for me then wasn't enough then
Guys want sex. They're not going to get intelligent conversation or a friend to watch sports with or play video games with in a woman. It's just sex.
But women deny the reality of the animal kingdom and want to latch onto these illusionary concepts of love and flower giving etc. Guys just play along til the girl is content enough to open her legs.
It's their own ignorance that sets them up for disappointment
you very naive if you think that for me its look like someone want another big war but before it you need divide society so they willing to kill each other maybe im stupid but if there is problem with overpopulation this is probraly best solution i dont think the politic and people in the media are that stupid that they dont see what they creating .. but maybe im the one who is naive also if the goal is one European country and more globalism they also need war
enjoy your prison time for harrassment
I think it's always been pretty clear what men want:
Across many different studies and measures, men have been shown to have more frequent and more intense sexual desires than women, as reflected in spontaneous thoughts about sex, frequency and variety of sexual fantasies, desired frequency of intercourse, desired number of partners, masturbation, liking for various sexual practices, willingness to forego sex, initiating versus refusing sex, making sacrifices for sex, and other measures. No contrary findings (indicating stronger sexual motivation among women) were found. Hence we conclude that the male sex drive is stronger than the female sex drive.
Original study: psr.sagepub.com
Blog post with more information from original study: bakadesuyo.com
>She's already weighed up the costs of staying in the tribe and the benefits of venturing outside it and decided the latter is preferable.
if she stayed in the tribe the children would've be raised by family, friends, and in hard times, charity.
because she let the tribe the children are raised by a single mother and the government.
i would feel sorry for the kids, but they're niglets.
It's too late for whites, generally speaking. We've given our countries away to foreigners, and any attempt to speak out against our demographic replacement being labelled hate speech by the thought police.
Expect the future of white countries to resemble Brazil, with a new caste system with whites at the bottom. This is already happening in London Met police for example, where whites are being discriminated against in hiring. Expect the trend to continue. Wealthy whites will live in gated communities guarded by armed security.
She's not worth your time. Trust your gut. She seems like a whore who realized she has fewer options than she thought. Don't be a whore's second choice.
How old are yall? thats pretty important. that sort of stuff is kinda excusable if you are young.
It's not free. Unless we stop any form of social welfare.
the stuff she has changed my view has been so minor, with none of it changing me being a conservative. not sure why you are all getting so upset/defensive but it sounds like you're just jelly. have fun thinking about your own love life later, pic related
they don't want the right guy
they'd love to keep sleeping around but once they have kids they'll settle for a provider who's willing to sign half his life away to make life a little easier for her. she'd cheat on him if given the chance
meanwhile guys will only go for girls like this if they feel they have no other options period. It's a race to the bottom
found a coal burner ^
show me yer tinder profiles user
Have we been defeated by society? Is it past the point of any hope for some goddamn serenity and order? I feel like a teenager with ADHD because of the chaos going through my head daily that ive yet learned to filter. The institution of marriage is in the state of atrophy and will wither any day now, coupled with the subtle ties of nuclear war, domestic terrorism, and socioeconomic clash, i cannot clearly see an end game, nor any glimmer of one. Western civilization has been torn apart from the inside out and our present state of affairs are hectic, narcissistic, and blissfully ignorant. Nobody even fucking reads books anymore. Ive felt like a sack of dog shit for a while someone educate me. What can we do? Should we maintain any hope for redemption as a society? Or should i not breed because the future is too far gone?
it will never be like it was
trust me
go find someone better
Yeah you sound like a teenager
I'm not mad lol. You're just a pussy who is uninformed and you deserve to be shamed for it. And I'm in a relationship with a very traditional girl. Have fun with your centrist retard though, lol.
All the whites vying for separation are delusional. It will never happen. Want to know why? Because Jews don't want it to happen. They want to dilute us out of existence. All the pharmaceuticals, vaccines, fluoride in our water and GMOs in our food supply - hasn't it sunk in yet? They want us gone. And they're willing to stop at nothing to make it happen.
Have fun trying to get your white kekistani soyboys to drive out the niggers from your white neighbourhoods.
Although I agree, the caveat here is consequences of the same decisions made en mass leads to something more than a conundrum of 'just their freedom of choice'.
islam is the only way
ok, michaela...
show tits
Watch Joel Skousen's documentary strategic relocation. The elites are planning a nuclear takedown of major metropolitan areas and military installations in the United States to prepare the way for a OWG (one world government).
Watch the documentary and read his book and find yourself a plot of land in a nice, homogenous white area in a rural area before Marshall law gets put in place. Here's a clue: uranium one and North Korea are false flags to prepare us for the future
thats pretty black pilled my friend
catastrophe or the end of our nations isn't exactly terrible. the weak will perish, the strong will survive
Trust your gut. I had to be fucked only by one girl to learn. She's monkey branching
>Are you saying that someone who has pity on a "coalburner" and tries to rehabilitate them is worse than the "coalburner" themselves? Because it will only encourage their behavior?
No. I’m just saying that an coalburner who had mixed children is far worse than those who at least used condoms.
But the called “telegony” is scary anyway