
He should know they would use a katana to cut it down

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What if trump wakes up the nips? It got ugly last time

Nips are waking themselves up.

The Jew fears the Samurai


Don't poke the bear! If you push them too far they'll genocide us all.

Well Turks showed balls and shot down Russian jet, and in return Putin gave info on the coup to Erdogan. Balls work magic.

It's lucky that they've only got a small island and don't breed like flies.

Imagine if all of China was full of Japs?

You might agree with him on some stuff but you guys have to admit he is a literal retard


I think he is just slippery troll, retards can't achieve as much as he did.


people have literally zero-sense for humor
fuck those idiots. this shit is hilarious


>mentions the samurai, invoking the warrior spirit and allowing thousands of hikkimori NEETs in Japan to throw off leftist subversion and become men again

>Japan becomes great again
>America becomes great again
>Samurai are real
>Anime becomes real

>Joint space colonization via mecha becomes real

What a fool Trump is. Imagine that trump asked Japan why they are not doing their part in containing North Korea, and then calls them out or not following their past history of being proud warriors.

Good golly, I am so out of sorts I may not be able to finish Hillary's tremendously intelligent and honest book.

Yeah, I'd agree with this to some extent. People on the left are fully 100% convinced that he is completely stupid, and is only successful because he had money. While his money absolutely did contribute to his successes, many people tend to forget that running a business and becoming president are hard things to do, and require intelligence regardless of circumstances.
But, I wouldnt call him a "troll," or some kind of 4d chessmaster that people here make him out to be. Hes made a lot of clearly bad choices that even people here didnt like, and a lot of his political tactics are pretty simple, including acting dumb on social media to gain exposure and popularity.

>The U.S. president said he could not understand why a country of samurai warriors did not shoot down the missiles, the sources said."

Uhm, I think that the point is: Japan doesn't have the capability to shoot down such a thing and must depend on the US for support.

Just take a look at the 4 carriers between NK and Japan.

Real Message to Japan: Daddy is here to protect you.

It is.

Cool People. I think I'll save it

Trump will make Japan great again too. He'll even make Toyota put their cars in Forza 7, just you watch.

Allahu akbar!

I'm just trying to imagine how bad one's life had to be to support a person like Donald Trump. Like how much do you have to hate America to support him? Why not just leave the country if you hate it so much. Go form your own promise land where science and common sense don't exist.

America is #1 despite all the Trumptards, imagine if all the Trumptards got moved out? USA would be a utopia. The GDP wouldn't go down at all and we would get rid of all the welfare states and racist, uneducated morons. Politicians wouldn't be corrupt because the couldn't preach about religion or bullshit to get elected and stay elected. They would be forced to get elected based on merit. It would be a literal utopia.

He became president by acting like a moron and he isn't a successful businessman as he can't even get a loan in the USA because he has gone bankrupt so many times. He's done nothing to indicate he's not a moron who was born on third base. You should read about his past with all his lawsuits and what not. The guy is a grade A spoiled douche. He became president because his supporters are even dumber than he is. They are debt to society.

>Uhm, I think that the point is
I love how every time he says something, this phrase comes up.

>kick out the only people not on welfare
>end welfare state


Red states take by FAR the most federal money because half their states are uneducated white people who have no relevant skills in today's society. Look it up. Blue states + Texas generate all the revenue in America.

You are a debt to society. Sucks to suck.

of course he is retarded. he wasn't even serving his own country, lol.. he had "problems" but is "fit to run the country". Sad!

Americans really are the dumbest nation on earth! "Change we can believe in", "Drain the Swamp".

If there weren't that many smart jews living in the USA it would be a complete shithole.

your white nigger president even didn't serve your own country... what kind of inbred imbecile you have to be to protect this man? At least rednecks wouldn't chicken out when it's necessary to protect your country, the orange fuck would take the first plane with LGBT youth to Monaco.