Is it wrong to kill people? I see a lot of Christcucks constantly shitting on this guy because he killed someone

Is it wrong to kill people? I see a lot of Christcucks constantly shitting on this guy because he killed someone

>hurr durr fucking niggers killing people
>based varg killing a dude woah!

no its not wrong to kill people.

It's not wrong to kill unbelievers/sinners. Varg Vikernes however killed out of malice/egomania, that is one of the worst sins.

why would it be wrong?

No, murdering and killing are separeted things in the Old Testament, knowing Jesus though He'd probably view them both as sinful and unjust

I like some videos of Varg but he's racial and tribalist views are retarded, I'm not gonna give up on the modern world just because some white girls are marrying niggers or because we put the enviroment at risk
Bitch, we humans survived worse, things are gonna get better and better

It's not wrong to kill; humans like everything else on this earth are fundamentally worthless and kill other beings all the time.
we like to think we're special but we're just the smartest animal yet.

I don't believe for a second Varg killed him in self-defense.

That being said, the guy he killed was a worthless piece of shit and (much like Varg himself), and society is better off without him.

>varg killed a dude trying to murder him
>niggers shooting niggers in the streets
there's a difference

Plus the guy he killed was like 5'6" and unarmed, absolutely pathetic.

According to the Bible, killing another human is a sin. It has equal weight to masturbation and having sex outside wedlock.

So, yeah. But every sin has the same weight so it isn't a big deal, since masturbating and fornicating isn't a big deal. They are literally the same level of spiritual crime.


Killing someone irreversibly changes you for the worse. Ordering someone killed does not change you. You must honor the people doing the actual killing because they are sacrificing their soul for the greater good.

Its not wrong killing someone in self defence.

>niggers don't try to murder each other

I'm a Christian. It's not always wrong to kill people.
Murder is wrong.

No. He gets criticized for being a Mohammedan-phile and a retard all around. If he's proof of anything, it's that Nordics are savage beasts that were civilized by Christians only for them to destroy Christendom by Protestantism and are now calling actual white people unwhite for believing in things that uplifted snowniggers from being Turk tier.

Varg is crazy person, but he can still have good points and recount pagan traditions well.

> But every sin has the same weight
Nowhere is this said.
And I can tell you through experience? No....
No that's not true.
Some things weigh more than others.
If you'd ever lived at all you might know better.

Varg killed a communists. Commies aren't people

>But every sin has the same weight
Nope, not at all. Some sins are described in the Bible as grave (as blasphemy), and some lead to death while other can be more easily forgiven (1 John 5:16). There are clearly different types of sins, and different trespasses are weighted differently. However, if you sin INCESSANTLY even though you know it's wrong, like a thief f.e., you will go to hell, that is what James 2:10 means.

Or if you're a Catholic and preach salvation without faith in Christ, then you go to hell as well.