They're onto us
Sup Forums in the Economist
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I am rolling!
What a timeline we are in!
Fucking LOL
Voting in a poll = "hacks"
Lurk moar dumb reporter, lurk , moar
When are we gonna finally start killing journalists
Oh fuck they learned about gamer gate!
Who ratted us out!?!?
>memes are advice dog spinoffs
I hate this meme.
A tabloid for old farts. Don't take anything by those untalented yids serious. The brand should die with the boomers
just do it. Make some chlorine gas bombs and throw it into one of their lobbies
>developed the dark arts they would use to further their agendas
that's a funny way of saying jokes
The Economist is noteworthy for being the Rothschild family newsletter. Someone very high up the food chain of our enemies has taken notice.
what is this, 2006?
something tells me the writer here just looked up the wikipedia page for "Sup Forums" and copied the first thing he saw
Oh, what do you know. It's literally the first thing on 'internet memes'
>A tabloid for old farts.
The Economist ranks up with the FT as our enemies' primary sources of news. We are making waves.
>Contact Hiro
What is our version of "goyim"?
why are they discrediting a Cambodian basket weaving forum? Its obvious that reddit is the place to be of Russian hackers et al.
>often of cats
is this article from 2008?
>marriage/custody equality for men is a gamergate tier meme
they are on to us since 2008 you stupid newfag. you cant troll jewish owned habbo hotel without getting the jews on your ass. with jews you always lose.
I'm glad someone else noticed.
Thought that was really bizzare. Not even normies have any interest in lolcats now.
>yfw "MARBLECAKE ALSO THE GAME" was a Russian ad all along
newfag detected.
lolcats was what they were called, I was actually surprised that the article got it right.
(caturday of course was a thing too)
fuck off ebaums
I know, still, their shouldn't be any positive or appreciatively sounding words directed at them. Killing their brand by memeing it to the same level as the Sun is the way to go. Or as an alternative waging chemical war on them
It's true; ebaums did it.
>dark arts
not a day goes by without a harry potter reference
Pol is what National Lampoon magazine was in 70s.
Are they scared of us yet?
Given the demographics of their reader base, it would be a waste of time better spent on pro-Trump meming. Action, not reaction.
Christ they're a decade out of touch
"developed the dark arts"
lol literally witchhunt language
Sup Forums is teh heretics?
OC plz b gentle
why do they act like it's some sort of hiden underground network when anyone can go here and get redpilled by reality?
The task force is still compiling data on ylilauta, but they've so far only just barely cracked the language, let alone the subtle implications of the memes and the underlying organizational structure of the conspirators.
Sam had something to say about that.
Most people have no fucking clue how the Internet works and Sup Forums doesn't advertise.
The economist is a Soros/Rothschild banking cartel psyop. Every article talks about how mass immigration is necessary for the economy to function. Every chart, statistic, and diagram is purposely invented to brainwash people into believing demographic replacement is both desirable and necessary. Once you decipher the language it becomes clear what their nefarious agenda is.The man behind the curtain can't hide anymore no matter how cunning they are. In the words of Alex Jones: WE'RE BREAKING THE CONDITIONING GLOBALIST SCUM!
You better believe it. We're the barbarian pagan hordes of the uncharted wastes.
Our organizational structure is imposed on us by all the outsiders, shitposters, shills, feds, leftycucks and redditers that shit up all our discussions. Our rank is not just how long we have been here or how long we've been redpilled, but how good we are at seeing through the bullshit
>memeing for a foreign HoS
No thanks. I give a shit if they shot Trump tomorrow. He showed more than ounce that he isn't a pro white president, just a tool to save the JewSA.
>dark arts
We the warlocks nao
you misunderstand, they've been terrified for a while but because they don't understand us, they don't know what to do/say about it.
>Gamergate was their coming-out party
>they've been terrified
Yeah, they are, but not (just) of us. Sup Forums is just one leaf of the growing swing to the right. They can already tell how it will end: people will wonder how and by whom we all got so close to having our nations destroyed. They also know what will be done when this becomes clear.
what the fuck is happening in that gif
schlomo found us out
>Dark Arts
Next thing you'll have liberal loonies training themselves against these "dark arts"
My sides!
>developed the dark arts...
we aren't necromancers, what the fuck am I reading
Dark arts? pol stands for peace and mongolian knitting tecgniques.
40 chicken claws
2 liters of frog blood
1/2 ounce powdered carp scales
>fuckin comped
You realize how insignificant this is? Do you know what populates all of these jew propaganda outlets? Twenty something jews, most often female, that's who you're oo-ing and ahhing about mentioning Sup Forums. With the internet they're just other posters online except they've got a brand to give faux-authority to their posts. Look, can do the same: Now my post is impressive with authorite and gravitas.
The Jews behind this particular paper are significant.
dw user, i got it.
Yes, that's exactly how they see us. Dark sorcerers. Lucifer. The Nephilim. Dark angels bringing dark enlightenments.
>new ways
DARPA was using those 'new ways" to coup regimes USA didn't like for decade already.
they dont know about tendies yet tho.
what can we do to harm their profits?
They'll never get their hands on our roody poos. Stay strong my niggas.
Also note how off they are in their synopsis. That's their level of "reporting;" shit.
jews are mad that the goyim learned their tricks and using it against them
>tfw we are using rules for radicals and the tricks of the jew to jew the jew
We need to start a new anti-Rothschild meme campaign.
Not necromancers; Kekromancers.
>They're onto us
Shut the fuck up, this isn't reddit
It probably runs at a loss and is propped up by Sorosbucks.
Rules for Radicals - Revised Edition
"Fuck, why did I write this shit down in a book!"
There was some of that hidden in the Bogdanoffs already.
They just scratched the surface, they dare not go deeper out of fear of being "Corrupted"
Chimping Out. It's not just a meme. Shit be real, yo.
They’re not even close.
the rothschild
Why do they obsess about my Taiwanese cave drawing forum? It's clearly the hacker known as 9GAG powered by Russia doing those things.
"In normal times, evil would be fought by good...but in times like these, should be fought by another kind of evil."
This so much, once you learn to decipher the articles of The Economist, you realise it's just another massive propaganda rag.
"You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your art of war." Napoleon Bonaparte"
This is why women shouldn't be in government. They have no ability to conceptualize the simplest strategy. They live in the moment, like dogs.
>using 'dark' in a negative way
fucking racist, I shall report that tweet
We're part of their awareness now, there's no going back on that. But they still don't have a clue. It's like when my idiot boomer boss throws around the word "blockchain" like he has a fucking clue what it is or what it does.
Stay funny. The temptation to seriouspost is the path to irrelevance because you instantly become susceptible to their the same old tactics they've been using successfully for decades now. There is no defense against the shitpost.
>Dark Arts
Ah, they know of meme magic. Let them fear.
>muh goobergate
Maximum Kek
>generating funny images, often of cats
Boomer: The article
Agree 100%
The bog meme was started by the rothschilds
>Pic related
Our anonymity protects us from the consequences of the wrongthink we engage in daily.
It's part of what makes us so effective - we can't be pinned down easily.
Like the hydra, cut off one head, and three more converts spring up in their place.
me meme engineer
>from white nationalists to men's rights activist
I have never seen anyone on the chins self identify as a MRA.
Speak for yourself friendo... :^)