Muslim canadian DESTROYS the Alt-Right
>Meme flag
>Opinion Discarded
>I posted it yet again!
contains the word "Destroys"
is about a leaf
Didn't watch but waiting for the thread to explode with modern Sup Forumstards.
t. Hamid
The absolute state of Canada
Watched two minutes but this is just too fucking dumb. Fag 20 year old "cool"splaining with R&B in the background just so we all know that he indeed IS really COOL
Really shitty video and not even good bait. I responded out of pity
im not watching his video but the uploader's comment basically summarizes that the utopia ethnostate is possible, but you shouldn't want it because browns will not be included and nonwhites might get hurt :'(
He basically dictates what whites should or shoudln't do
>muslim canadian
go back to iran you mudslime fuck.
Except he doesn't. Of course a shitskin doesn't tackle any of the alt rights fair and accurate arguments for existing.
Pakis love canada and even some of my friends are thinking of studying there. I dont know whats so good about canada. It's just like america but feels fake and depressed but maybe its good for education.
he's right
incentives and other options are possible to get nonwhites to leave white countries. Its been fucking done before. This YouTube video is autistic and he didn't research any of his claims
we have good marketing
at my college the internationals just sit in their own groups unless they are from a white country
Well he brings up some interesting points... But he lacks imagination!
What are the solution?
that is his only argument really.
I'm not in the ethnostate team, but differenciated laws based on ethnicity (like in the 50's) could be a solution... cutting welfare, being tougher on immigration etc..
Be imaginative ffs!
>muslim Canadian
Wow a shitskin doesn't like white people in white countries organising against him. Why doesn't he fuck off to an oven instead.
sure thing hanz,maybe you should go back to your cuckshed
Just castrate all the violent idiots, problem solved.
You have to go back Mehmet!
I know it's a bait post about a shit skin leaf, but I still hate any article or video where somebody is DESTROYED or WRECKED.
It usually turns out to be unfunny and bland
Mehmeh is a Turkish name
Define what (((alt-right))) is.
It's clickbait mostly
The same bullshit arguments about remigration. You know most people are either too apathetic or will support either solution. Man, most of my friends and family are white and I love to "tirer les vers du nez" of people. And even though they won't admit it in public, they won't lift a finger if either solution were enforced.
As for me, I don't have skin in the game so I don't really care. Only thing I notice is his arguments are weak.
You would know
>You know most people are either too apathetic or will support either solution.
This, in a way
Omg hahhaahahshsh