Why don't city fags move to the country?

Like really? More conservative, more classically liberal, more white, less feminism and queers, more factory jobs,more Christian. I did it 5 years ago and it was the best choice ever. Don't give me the you can't get a job. My monthly bills are under 800usd.

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no work in the country unless you can bring your own. dont want to commute an 2 hours everyday.

Why even get a job? I simply grew my own food when I was living in the woods.

Jobs are overrated and almost always provide only excess.

I used to live in a small town couple years back.
Wasn't bad, but there isn't shit to do besides get drunk, shoot shit and not even fuck your sister because she went to college on a female only scholarship.

folks would rather get a degree in something that will bind them to a city than learn a trade in demand everywhere

Rural and suburban retards voted for Trump. City people voted for Hillary.

does have benis :DDD

Well just don't be a lazy ass. Buy a chainsaw, trees need felling. Houses need building, tobacco needs chopping, roads need plowing, rich farm girls need marrying.

They do. When liberal whites get tired of their pointless lives they often want to settle down and have kids, but they want those kids to grow in a "good" school district (ie: no niggers), that's when they move to the suburbs or less populated areas.

In fact good school districts are the main reason housing is so ridiculously overpriced. They aren't really buying the house, but also an upbringing and education free of minorities for their children.

Most liberals don't believe any of the shit they spout, they just do it for virtue signaling. Some of them even vote democrat (aka the plantation party) with malicious intent. After all, if it was for conservatives planned parenthood would have stopped killing unborn niggers long ago.


I slowly watched as my small little rural community of paradise turned into a suburb, then a small crime ridden city. Too much heartbreak to do that again, user

Because the rural areas actually have good women that haven't ridden the carousel and havent been programmed to suck off Mohammed and Jamal. So you can actually start a good white family.

This is the dumbest thing I have ever read.

I'm actually seeing this happen to the town I'm closest too. Multinationals moved in, but the cops are all good ol boys and knock the nignogs and keep the "white"(read as degenerate tweakers) in check. High levels of private gun ownership (KY, step up and die) solve the rest.

No good paying jobs for my degree.

I still regularly visit my small hometown in the countryside from time to time.

please no, we don't want them here, they should stay in their socialism infected shitholes.

Literally what I did lol. Left SoCal to move to south. Worked one job, fuck that shit, bought chain saw, cut trees for lumber and property purposes, saved bought truck to haul it, bought stump grinder, etc etc and now I'm chilling. Have white blonde, greeneyes GF from small town, go to church. Chill.jpg

Their socialist views tend to change when they don't have so many bylaws and laws and taxes. They start seeing criminals as welfare cases instead of poor oppressed. Taxes as excess because they can't even keep the roads clear, no cops to watch you all the time so they eventually break their wrongthink conditioning.( In my experience)

rural and suburban retard here, moving to the city very soon to flip democrat seats in the house. me and my buddies put a bunch of fliers establishing our plans into harry potter books at bookstores all over the state, and now we're planning a mass flip 1 by 1. first, we take the house. then, we elect harry potter president.

brace yourselves, city geniuses.

this, the only reason i live in the city is because I can get to work in under 10 minutes, some sad fucks in my office commute 1hr to work. fuck that noise.

>mfw I live alone in a rural village in the middle of nowhere
life is fucking great.

This is retarded. We are outnumbered. To flip California (even if it fucking never got another illegal or shitskin) would take my entire state(extremely red)

No internet and no jobs.

I only see them coming to the neighbour village, because land is cheap their and they all bring their socialism with them, which attracts more urbanfags because so many nice liberal people are already there.

>>Commute 1 hour each day
>> Miserable in every aspect, kids from toastie(or none if meet) marry dindus, suicide

Genius. Glad you didn't have to commute an hour through the beautiful American country side.

In which case they can help grow food too. It's rather easy to grow enough food to feed people.

But when the locals refuse to deal with them and they are helpless because they can't operate anything with a PTO or use handtools. Le 52% flight

you’re delusional

True and that's why you should show them that they are not welcome here.

Cityfags keep out

It's definitely on a case by case basis. A poor white boy, kept down by the ((man)) yes. A liberal family that's too chickens hit to live with their terrible voting decisions and economic choices? Shun

And let's not forget the Internet speeds!

I literally did that. I don't have a bunch of shit. But I got 2 mid 90s trucks, a small house in the middle of a field with no neighbors(still renting, land/house next), a bunch of tools and skills and not burdened by any man besides the one that was put on the cross and those I choose to be bothered by.

I hope you realize that you are basically inviting all the queers commies liberals and city republicans.

Making the exercise pointless.

Jobs are usually for cucks anyway. Taxes are remarkably inexpensive in the woods, so you can pay ~5 years of taxes on a month of minimum wage work. Growing the food to feed yourself and your family is the apex of living in the woods.

Don't let the wagecucks living in excess convince you otherwise.

The only reason to move to the countryside is for incest or to beat your wife.
City people all voted Hillary.


FUCK no user,

We don't want any of you freaks out here, country is shit, terrible quality of life, you are all MUCH better off living in one of those lovely cities. Leave the country to us poor schmucks.

I'm rural as hell and still on an internet coop. Fiber internet. Move to an area this at offers that if it's important to you

who is her?

Rural living + telecommuting is the way to go. Extremely lost cost of living with big money from non-Pajeetable tech work


cities are population destroyers though, lower birth rates and higher mortality


You could just say "more backwards", you know

>every blue city is just like california
no, you are retarded. very retarded.

sorry abdul, not everyone is as progressive as you.

i need sauce


Live in a apartment or a row house stacked on top of each other. Or have land and freedom? Haha there is a reason why idiots voted for Hildog. Bc they are idiots

Honestly though the best is to live near a small city or smaller metropolis in the countryside, that way you get the best of both worlds
I lived near that absolute JUST RACEMIX MY SHIT UP city of ~120k Champaign, IL, and it was perfect since i could get the nice amenities i wanted like nice wine and good restaurants while living practically on a beautiful prarie in the countryside. I loved it. Too bad it's in Illinois.
I'm in Chicago now and i want to blow my fucking brains out from the stupidity and city politics aka weapons level virtue signaling here.

Is there a name for that chub around the edge of the sock on a girl's thigh? That shit is boner fuel to me.

Stay in the city, no one wants you anywhere else. You're all insufferable cunts.

It's called fat, you stupid burger

Dear Lord that is a turn on.

>rural areas actually have good women that haven't ridden the carousel

You poor larper. There are no women who haven't ridden the carousel.

>more factory jobs
No, cities always have massive industrial sectors.

>Don't give me the you can't get a job
dont use legitimate excuses!

>My monthly bills are under 800usd.
this just means you're a poorfags and shouldnt be taken seriously anyways.

It's not as bad in rural areas, because community is still important.

When there's a strong enough societal pressure to make women behave reasonably, they do.


That's what I'm about to do. Why should I watch my surroundings getting enriched and clog up some living space. It's better I move out of the city and let some leftie move in here and get enriched. It's better for everyone. I'm working in software with electronics background so I could even work from at home if I wanted.

>There are no women who haven't ridden the carousel.
qt chink working drones

I'm young and moved from city to country because I have never gotten along with city people in that respect. People I knew thought I moved to mars and can't visit without getting ankle deep in cow/goat/goose/dog/cat/chicken/pig shit. I can blow off rounds into the woods at will. These New Jersey motherfuckers keep showing up crowing about pastrami on RYEEEEE BREAAAAD. I make life as uncomfortable as humanly possible and start going nuts about politics whenever detected in my presence. Eventually they will starve or leave because not enough jew food is around.

>City people
No; dead people voted for Hillary you troglodyte

Can a burger clear this to me: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Metropolitan_Statistical_Areas

Do people living in those areas consider themselves cityfags? D.C. is 600 k, but D.C.'s urban area is 6 ml.
If you zoom in it on Google maps it kinda looks how do cities look, like Mexico city or Istanbul or Moscow.

I'd do this in a heartbeat if
>Internet wasn't laggy
>There were jobs

>Right in the feels

My town isn't small, but it used to be. Now it's getting more rough because the place is getting significantly bigger and there are much more minorities. RIP Scandinavian community

does this thing have a penis?

show me the penis!

Stay in your commie block with that mentality. People in rural areas figured out how to live by themselves.

>Do people living in those areas consider themselves cityfags?
Sometimes, sometimes they're suburbanites. It depends on exactly what kind of urban sprawl they find themselves in.

Don't be a jobcuck. If you can grow the food to feed yourself and your family then you will make it without resource problems.



based penis

I swear this guy is always posting the same thing, if you eearch for the string "Rural and suburban retards voted for Trump" most of the posts are made by this aquafresh.

i am 100% straight but i fucking love penis, lads.

Cityfags belong in the city.

Even when cityfags move out to the country, they keep the country at a comfortable distance. They don't homestead. They don't have gardens, poultry, or livestock. The closest they get to the country is when they walk their faggy dogs. They commute to the city every day and that's what they'd rather interact with.

Eventually someone opens a Dollar General nearby to cash in on nearby suburbs, roads get widened to 3 or 4 lanes, non-residents start using the road, a gas station opens up, a new development here and there, old Farmer Morgan dies and his family sells the family farm to yet another developer, even more thru-traffic etc. Now nobody is happy. They cityfags hate their long commutes and the peace and quiet is gone.

I know a place where they put in a suburb, and then all the cityfags started complaining to the county about a farmer whose family farm they considered an eyesore. They harassed him and also made him get rid of his chickens because they were loud.

Keep cityfags out of the country.

>and then all the cityfags started complaining to the county about a farmer whose family farm they considered an eyesore.
feed cityfags to the pigs.

>feed cityfags to the pigs.
I endorse this comment.

I moved to the country from NYC and couldn't be happier. Broke 6 figs as a chemical engineer here, which is a lot more money here then in the NE.

Everyone is right wing, family-oriented, strong religious values. The ones who aren't usuallu came from up North.

My friends in NYC are paying 2k+/month to share some shithole with some dindus, while working their ass off - and I have a lakeside luxury apartment with nothing but scenic nature all around me and good-hearted righteous folk. Even the dindus here are well-mannered.

I'm never moving back North. Pic related, that's the refinery I work in.

You like the dick too much, faggot.

As long as there's no bass in that voice then this is pretty my the only type of trap I would go for. Damn that body is perfection.

What did you do to get the entrylevel job in your field?

Fucking hell

>being gay
I am sorry you had to find out this way

oh god

i live in queens nyc, but in a relatively beautiful place - lots of old folks around. i really wish i knew what i wanted to do with my life, because right now i'm just working in a pharmacy as a tech and i don't like it. really want to move out of the city soon and pick up a trade or a career, but hell knows which one.

i recognize that bulge

This is the real good stuff

You have a good point

Imagine being so irrelevant in the world that you follow another nations politics...

I live in a rural town, there is plenty of job offer but for some reason most youngsters rather spent time in concrete rather than on a country side.

I am about to take a tour with my car through this beautiful landscape, in the city I would probably just watch TV or shoot myself.

>looks like a beautiful woman
>sounds like a beautiful woman
>has the mannerisms of a beautiful woman
>has a penis that I could care less about
>Hurdur you like men fgt

I hope people who think like this aren't really this autistic.

>in the city I would probably just watch TV or shoot myself.
You can do that in the countryside too. Preferably the latter.

Create your own business or means to earn. You wanna be a fuckin wagecuck forever boy? Suckin your jew daddy bosses cut cock every day of your life till you retire?

>has a penis that I could care less about

That's actually a girl so if you aren't attracted to that you are a literal homosexual. Sorry you had to find out this way.

My man.


yeah it is

OP russian troll trying to divide USA.