Why is modern architecture so revolting?
Why is modern architecture so revolting?
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It's not modern, it's commie
Because like everything in the modern west all meaning and identity has been scrubbed from our culture
Instead of architecture being a reflection of the culture it’s a simple form/function. And worse the arts now celebrate true nihilistic nothingness we inhabit.
It’s sick, a reflection our degenerate and doomed society
I really like modern architecture, especially since I played Mirror's Edge.
Cuz today everything is about practicality. The world as become soulless and revolting. Previously, people went to great extra effort to make something look beautiful and meaningful.
All our money goes to immigrant welfare and the EU so there's nothing left for proper architecture, we just build the cheapest, most practical solution
Secularism, your country is a perfect example of it destroys culture, religion, tradition, etc.
You think modern architecture doesn't take effort? Instead of over-decorating shit over and over again it actually does something new.
It's commie architecture. Germans blew up that bridge during their retreat in 1945 btw.
The Nazis blew that old bridge up by the way. So you can stop blaming the Jews and commies for it.
Bracing myself for the ROM.
I don't want to have to be the one that posts it.
I'm already mad thinking about it.
They over budget use dull and cheap crap and steal the leftovers for themselves
I don’t think anyone is suggesting modern architecture can’t be impressive or beautiful but that’s not really common.
There is something interesting artistically about a design that forgoes form and celebrates function, but that’s only interesting if it is an oddity. Instead everything is a celebration of nothingness and a design with meaning and beauty is the exception.
The white one was built the comies you massive fucking retard
How does that excuse replacing it it with a barren, brutalist piece of shit bridge?
So? It's not their fault it was destroyed in the first place. Also, you expect them to build it like it was before when they have other shit to do, like rebuilding the entire country?
In the case of OP's pic, the one on top looks prettier but awful to maintain. Think of how disgustingly moldy those brick pillars get and you have to walk around it. Trusses get filthy too.
It is the commies's fault that they rebuilt it in this style. Also, rebuilding the country? They ruined it
gee i wonder why they did it
maybe because the jews declared war on them and manage to bring the entire world to destroy Germany
>but awful to maintain
Thats the problem, people have become too lazy to take pride in and maintain anything of value including their own countries.
they had to sand down the metal panels of that building because that design directed sun rays all over the place and blinded drivers
Yeah, they rebuilt it in that style because they had other shit to do. You can't expect them to put so much work rebuilding that old, outdated too by the way, bridge. Imagine how much it would cause to maintain that thing.
What's so revolting about my cities new footbridge design?
You're right, we shouldn't celebrate any form of aesthetics to our architecture because it's difficult to maintain. What a pathetic utterance, kill yourself.
Erzsébet Bridge, 1945
Yeah, the other shit they did was mass murder and robbing people
But even the Romans constructed for cleanliness and efficiency. Imagine just taking a few minutes wiping in one direction, that's all they needed.
You pay for it then.
Those arches remind me of aladdin lamp
I get modern art. But, especially when we are talking about architecture, the concepts and design have fallen far behind the engineering. Take this design - I understand that it seeks to free itself from traditional symmetry and straight lines. It's almost a statement of that.
But it looks like shit.
Because you're a faggit who cares about appearance over function.
- Yours truly /diy/
That's just your opinion. It looks fantastic to me. They also took into account the acoustics of building by the way. Since it's a concert hall.
Yeah I'd expect some autistic engineer to understand the importance of culture and artistry. Fuck off.
(((They))) do it intentionally to rob us of our national heritage and demoralise us.
*melts your car*
What exactly does Sweden have to be proud of anyway? Look at how generic this place looks.
Leftists seek to deconstruct and destory beauty in any way possible because it deeply offends their egalitiarian inclinations. It also probably has the psychological effect of demoralizing anyone who's not a lefty bastard.
they even mapped out the danger zone hah
Compare that to this.
I've actually walked on that Helix Bridge and the skyline from there looks so out of this world, it's insane.
It is my opinion. It's also the opinion of a majority of people. If you let them consider it for a while, they would decide that the exterior is a lazy and somewhat awkward collection of poorly realised forms. The interior and the actual design are only made more difficult by the awful exterior. It's almost a miracle that engineers can overcome such poor design
>Commies build bridges
>Commies are on welfare
Hmmm.. i thought Commies don't work.
>Random city in a small country
>Capitol city of a billion gooks
I'd still rather live in that Swedish city. The architecture can actually confer meaning on to you, and give you a sense of its history merely through proximity.
Commie government
>skyline from there looks so out of this world, it's insane.
i prefer a daily comfy view, myself
How much cheaper (in relative terms) is the latter one.
Function over form, C.R.E.A.M.
Good job, you acquired the smallest possible amount of, incorrect, I shall add, knowledge about Singapore you could when you googled it.
>Designer Pál Sávoly
I guess not.
>Comparing humble Sweden to fucking Singapore
Yeah, that's a fair and unbiased comparison. I'm glad a place like Singapore exists; it's naive to think everyone would want to live in a place like that. I would rather live in the former. All I ever wanted was a simple life.
Fucktard, in that time, just like in slovenia, the commies had the power
I don't know a god damn thing about Singapore and I've never googled it in my life.
What I do know is that you made a retarded comparison.
Practicality is not the only fucking virtue in the world you autist.
idk, that one I dont mind as much, but its because it saves money and (((they))) get to keep whatevers left over.
Every European country got places like that.
wants to destroy anything with historical past becouse only past you can remeber now is 6gorrilion jebs
That took literally no effort.
Some GRIDS faggot put in an architectural position he never should have been in got home from his standard 120 man fuckparty and shit that out into some CAD program.
It's garbage for broken minds. No symmetry, no tradition, no inspiration, just abstract shapeless nothingness. Like a mind and soul of the fag who shit it out in CAD.
I could see the appeal of that comfy view, I won't lie. But still, I would find it much more comfy if I woke up in an apartment with a view like this.
live with niggers and you cant have nice things.
And? Clearly says Pál Sávoly was the designer, not Communist government. You think democratic government doesn't hires people? Government never builds directly, politicians don't go out and dig holes. Communism works like this: people vote what they want and they voted wanting that bridge, unlike in democracy where mayor decides it 100%.
Leftist architects
>it's a mind reading leftie episode
Really hope you're trolling. You can't believe this bullshite while you lie in a post communist country
Maybe in a homogenous society.
There's only one problem, industrial revolution started decades before Communists and then they started to build such buildings.
Not all modern architecture is bad. Chicago for instance had great buildings of both the modern and classical variety. Cyberpunk (what we see in Japan, China, S. Korea post WW2) also has its place in the world, I feel like.
You're thinking of Postmodernism, which attempts to make everything ugly and stupid as some rebellious attempt to disrupt artistic establishments.
The base of the bridge was untouched. It was only the middle part that got damaged and it easily could have been rebuilt. Commies willfully destroyed the whole thing.
Because it's cheap garbage.
What exactly is appealing about seeing opening your curtains and seeing rectangles with holes in them?
Is it just because they're big?
Why not put a little bit of detail into the big rectangles to actually make them interesting.
What bullshit? You are full of bullshit. It's reverse, in democracy mayor decides, in Communism collective owners of city vote for plan they like. You decide jack shit now, don't tell me you make decisions.
>inb4 modern art cuck responds to this with "yeah but the favelas are just as beautiful, i would rather open my window and see shitcaked favela blocks. Its just cool lookin man."
the one i posted is Québec city, it's a rarer view on our side of the pond
too much concrete. you've been to singapore, you know what a good skyline is like
You sound like some retarded rural redneck who knows absolutely nothing about architecture, let alone engineering.
This is Seattle 1910, long before Commies.
Fuck off witb your blatant shilling Paul Joseph Watson
Cus nobody cares anymore. Humanity is fucked. I hope we all die soon.
look what they have done to my hometowns art museam ...
we used to be the city of volkserhebung
Why don't you fellas have taste similar to the president? Don't you like this charming tower?
Half of the tall buildings in that view are very old. NYC's best buildings were built before the 1950s.
Nobody said that. They're saying it looks like complete and utter shit, constituting a wasted effort.
Which it does btw. It's bland, uninviting, and incoherent. It doesn't lead one into a sequence of inquisitive thoughts. Much like a loud and "rebellious" teenager, it just repeatedly annoys everyone with the same shallow attention-whoring posture.
Dear God, what am I looking at?
haha, is that caterpillar?
It literally looks like some sort of cancerous evil being that exploded into existence after some scientist failed an experiment in an anime.
>giant retard has a giant ego
Who would have guessed?
I'm in a love hate relationship with modern architecture.
Swedish architecture looks like it was designed by a fucking child. You barbs went from nigger tier huts to living in kid playhouses.
and who do you think designed the new bridge you fucking idiot
Pic related is my town's library before and after it was destroyed.
The bottom picture shows the new library in the background.
Our beutiful Spanish style building (which reflects my states history) was replaced by a brutalist, concrete cube.
roman building were actually painted with bright colors when they were functional. the colors just wash off during the centuries and when people "rediscover" them during renaissance they mistakenly thought that they were built all white. The same goes for roman and greek statues, that were also being painted.
Read Leon Krier's works
Sorry, here is the picture!
This is gamla stan and I've unironically lived in one of those houses. They're pretty comfy desu
Well then I guess we should blame the allies for damaging the palace of the prussian king, as opposed to the communists who took it apart completely and the greens/libshits rebuilding a soulless version of it dedicated to "world" (african) history.
all this modern architecture is basically German
Is there even a tree in sight of where you live? Or is it just a huge claustrophobic cluster of over-decorated, badly coloured, rowhouses? NYC's brownstones are better than that shit.
>you expect them to rebuild that bridge when they have other things to do like rebuilding the country
Do you even comprehend what you're saying?
Rebuilding that bridge the way it was is part of rebuilding the country.
It just so happens that the communists are disgusted with Germans, with nationalism and other such natural phenomenon, so they didn't rebuild it properly.
Are you sure?
Here's an almost exactly same building from 1840 England, that's 100 years before Bauhaus.
I feel like modern architecture including Bauhaus, could've contributed to music as well. If you listen to Kraftwerk, you don't really get an image of some dusty old European city.