Humanity is doomed.
Humanity is too shortsighted and disorganized to clean up the massive shit it took on the ecosystem.

microplastic with BPA are fucking everywhere and they don't disintegrate on a molecular level, they just get smaller and penetrate easier into biological systems, THE FROGS ARE FUCKING GAY NOW. THERE IS NO METHOD OF REMOVING THESE TOXINS FROM THE ENVIRONMENT.
Humanity is dumb as shit, have you ever talked to people, they are incapable of seeing the big picture and of organizing. people are sheeple, they can't be fucking woken up to the truth they can't even comprehend it. The reason there is a global elite is because people are fucking sheep. People don't question authority and believe in feel-good myths.

Don't be a wageslave, don't fall into the trap of having a family. This whole fucking shitshow is going to be over in a couple of generations. Let the breeders inherit the dying planet overran with sheeple.

>but If everyone has 5 white kids who are redpilled everything would change

not it fucking wouldn't, What would happen is you get 5 white kids born to struggling white parents who raise children in poverty. Struggling white people have no power, the power dynamics will be the exact same as before. THE CHILDREN WILL GROW UP WITH THE SAME GOVERNMENT AND MASS MEDIA AS BEFORE. Except you will have 5 new white people who will be taught breeding is the number one priority. They too will breed but they too will struggle. The net effect of breeding is creating more wage-slaves and depressing wages, making it more difficult for the non-elites.

Other urls found in this thread:

Shut up

Breeding is not an action of protest, it is the biggest act of support for the system. It means you think the system is serves you, and that there is a future for your children in it.

>but Muslims took over by breeding a shit ton
The BRUTAL part of the blackpill is that this is Nature's decree. Zerg rushes fucking work, then the Zerg collapse collapse because the hosts are dead.

I refuse to be a host and to breed future hosts for parasites. So should you.

I don't have a biological weapons the destroys the parasites or renders them infertile, So I am fucking ragequitting this shit planet and going to enjoy the time I have on it in complete freedom from the parasites and from pointless struggle on a dying planet.


shut the fuck up kike

dont shove your bitter virginity on us becuase you never had kids or scored with a bird

fucking virgin mgtow loser

spare me the reply that you are a chad 7 foot 12" dick thats drowning in pussy,dont humiliate yourself further

Kill yourself, OP.

I look forward to your genetic line ending with you. Nihilism weeds out the mentally weak.

Do you already have children? Your post has the tone of someone trying to rationalize a previous bad decision.

>not having kids = not having relationships
lmao, childfree relationships are more free and beautiful. If I don't like a chick I can just dump her. If we are together it is because we love each other.

Don't get me wrong. I would love to have children, but I look at the world and have decided to bring a new life into this world is just to extend suffering. If we lived in Victorian Britain I would absolutely have children. My children could become doctors, scientist, settlers in a new land.

nowadays my children would face unemployment, debt, low wages, Islam, terrorism, toxins everywhere.

some of you have the mentality that you are a warrior against these thigns by having kids, but in fact you are just passing the responsibilities of cleaning up the shit world to children who will be in an even less powerful position than you were in.

>child: dad/mom if you hate the world I was born into, why didn't you change it? and create me
>parent: lol that is your problem kiddo, go fix the world, I did my part, I created you

If the chuild has the same mentality as the parent and also breeds, all you are doing is creating a powerless bitter underclass, who will be forced to participate in the system

the results of this are clear in the rural White opioid epidemic

I am not a nihilist.
Nihilism requires mental fortitude and a dogged pursuit of truth.

You still believe in a hope for this species.
It is natalist fairy tales and their weak minded believers that have been selected for in nature, and that is the pathetic truth.

Nihilism is the polar opposite of religions such as Islam, are you implying Muslims are mentally strong?

Not at all. I’m calling you, as an individual, weak and detrimental to society. You, whatever your name is, whoever you are as an individual, are scum. Take your black pill and disappear.

Microplastics is a disproved theory. The plastic is being metabolised by algae in the oceans. It is totally safe. If you are concerned about the environment look to China, Africa and India. If we nuked these countries the benefits on the eco-system in the long run will never be the same.

forgot pic

>I’m calling you, as an individual, weak and detrimental to society.
please explain how this is the case.
lmao no source.
What does you flag mean? It must not be ancap-ism because ancapism is very compatible with the blackpill

I don't dispute that

>if you are truly blackpilled kill yourself right now.
explain your logic

You dont seem to realise op that the majority of pol is 15 year old kids who think they can save the world with posting a cartoon of a frog while having identical post digits. Pol is the autism containment board.
Your not changing anyones mindset with your pills here.

>don't have kids because it's hard for you and them!

wtf kind of life have you lived where struggle and work is a worse alternative than death? do you have a job?

I am bored, I want to post some truth before I go finish some chores.
>not being born = death

Remember goy, always report the kike threads

Yea, it literally is.

Struggle is eternal. Every animal that ever existed struggled for food, struggled for shelter, struggled to reproduce. Those that didn't, died and went extinct.

The fact that you think this is unnatural is truly degenerate, in the evolutionary sense.

You are a broken human being, you should be the first one to get the rope.

We must fullfill our reproductive duty untill we are able to reach the stars, only then i hope they call exterminatus upon this planet and the billions of degenerates like you.

Only then mankind will be able to thrive.

>*supervolcano blows up
>*trying to talk wife into getting pregnant
>*wife asks wtf is wrong with me
>Life is a le struggle

being dominated by your animal instincts is what makes you a degenerate

>We must fullfill our reproductive duty untill we are able to reach the stars
baseless optimism


I really don't understand why blackpilled people just kill themselves, or are you waiting for ultimate habbenings?

Worst example you could possibly have given. Even when the planet was hit by a meteor and wiped out nearly all life, the life that remained still reproduced.

I'll tell you what though, let's compromise. How about YOU don't have kids. I think we can both agree that would be for the best.

>wah wah wah everything's hopeless everything's ruined

boo fucking hoo

don't just kill themselves*

Your oppinion is pointless, you are no different than the gay lions or the “beautiful one” rats. You are a mistake for mankind and your existence has no meaning, i would tell you to kill yourself but you are a fucking coward incapable of harming yourself or others because you dont have a purpose. You are more pathetic than the niggest nigger.

>, you should be the first one to get the rope.
And yet, we keep waiting.

I don't care about your blackpill kike.

To lose hope is to live a fate worse than death. There is no point in existence for you, nothing to strive for. You will fulfill your mundane basic needs until one day you disappear. Your genetic line, having survived from the birth of life itself into the present day will die with you.

Why postpone the inevitable. Do the right thing, end it all now instead of infecting the world around you further with your pointless nihilism.

Tldr: kys

are you literally biology incarnate, all you want to do is reproduce? nevermind the suffering of the last two generations and the wasting of your own time and resources.
Let's not forget, nothing will improve if you have kids you are just making more wage-slaves for the system.
it is only pitiable if you are attached to this awful system.
does your existence have meaning? Will your children's? Think about it realistically. Dedicate a couple of neurons to contemplating before you reply.

Ok OP.
>You have awoken on a planet of apelike creatures, to all appearances you are also an ape like creature but you keep having dreams and suspicions that you are some how out of place but say nothing of it lest your fellow apelike creatures deem you mad even though many of them experience similar things.

>The apelike creatures decide in a sometimes insane and arcane fashion how to organize themselves and distribute resources. No one has really tried to optimize these systems as selfish motivations easily override logic in the minds of even the best of these apelike creatures.

>Some of these creatures are gaming the chaos in the system and taking semi functional systems and breaking them to cause more chaos to profit from. This is counter productive but the apelike creatures are distracted by play acting delivered by communications systems, the apelike creatures are easily distracted.

>Your stuck here the only exit is death or being lucky enough to see interstellar travel in your lifetime (iffy). Enjoy the ride user and try and make this dirtball just a little less shitty while you're here if you can.

>not having kids = not wanting to live
Muslim detected

the world is an amazing place, I am going to enjoy it while I am here.

Have you watched that video on xvideos called "ten shemales destroy one guy"? if so, what did you think of it?

>they just get smaller and penetrate easier into biological systems
stopped reading there, get a real education lmao

is this OC pasta? pretty good.

To not feel any imperative to carry on your genes or your civilization is to shrug off any responsibility and to live in a perpetual state of infancy.

You will never contribute to something greater than yourself but will live in a state of pure hedonism.

I pity you. Your ancestors who have built the modern world for you to enjoy are watching, and they are disgusted with what you are.

Bioavailability of nanoparticles in nutrient ...
Bioavailability of Engineered Nanoparticles in Soil ...

it is basic biology

weaklings, nonwhites, and Christians are doomed. Not the purest of Europeans.

keep jackin your dna off the future table nigger. I'll be fuckin pussy and having kids!!!!

you give up. go ahead

>To not feel any imperative to carry on your genes or your civilization
This civilization is garbage, I see the trends and I don't see hope for mankind.

I am not going to waste my time and resources and create future wage-slaves. There is no point.

The blackpill is BRUTAL

One wants their species to continue, but when one see that it will not, and reproduction only serves to create an underclass to serve the elite. One should encourage revolt against this untenable situation by encouraging people to not reproduce.

you are going to be an amazing father : )

he's right though, plastic breaks down even further but ever actually dissolves or goes away

this is all fine.

Multiple ancient texts say the earth will be destroyed. You can tell it is coming soon, look at the magnetosphere for example is in complete disarray, it really looks like the poles are about to flip.

cool picture, are these the same people that got cucked by the mixed shitskin roman empire?

no they were the guys who lost to the massive 95% white army who had recently got alot of loot from people north Africans and spent nearly 100 years building an army

>roman empire
pick one, that empire was one of the most mongrelized places at the time

That's a real messy neetdungeon you got there.

Nano aerosoled aluminum in your lungs right now due to geoengineering programs and they have literally found dolphins with alzheimers recently. So, yeah, there is going to be a widespread ecosystem collapse and most people are already too mentally deficient to realize what's up. Algae is dying in the oceans and they produce more oxygen than trees. Runaway greenhouse effect will be much more in your face next year.

It is.

This is what happens when a retard pushes himself hard to obtain a STEM he's unemployable and wants to spread his suicidal impulses.

>Humanity is doomed.
No it isn't. Some humans are doomed. Probably quite a lot of them, but certainly not every human, and probably not many humans outside of certain specific regions.

This whole concept that humanity is a single collective group that must either thrive or perish together is absolute nonsense.


So what happens if this poles flip?

>"the net effect of breading is depressing wages..."

Completely missed economics 101, what drives purchase power down is the printing of money out of thin air aka "fiat money", something your masters are very good at (((OP)))

Too bad. Fuck leftists and fuck the brown hordes. You won't demoralize anyone here.

based quads-squared of truth
I am trying to save you time money and resources, and deprive the elites of cheap labor
your statement would be more apt if A) the shitty people(Muslims) weren't hellbent on a worldwide calipahte and B) we had off earth colonies. We all share the same ecosystems and it is kill.

more labor supply = less labor cost
simple supply and demand

this is my last post, not going to kill myself I have chores to do.

Enjoy this one life you have, don't waste it wagecucking to maintain some shitty system that will inevitably collapse and take humanity down with it.

What did they mean by this