> be childfree and single >have my own place and car just for myself >have savings because I don’t have any kids to feed or take care of >have free time for myself to do whatever the fuck I want , working out , going out , studying technology stuff, relaxing... >I can spend all of my money in whatever I want just for myself (no children birthdays, no children tuitions fees, children clothing , etc) >I don’t have to waste my own time listening to my gfs problems since I don’t have a gf anymore (sex is totally overrated and not worth your freedom) >have free time to hang out with my friends , play video games at home and work out together >have total freedom about my life , no kids or wife on my way to freedom > I can sleep all day long when I get home. No children to take care of or annoying wife to listen to. Just me , myself and I. > I can take a hot bath with the lights turned off , aromatic candles all around me while listening to my favourite relaxing music during hours. I could never do this with a wife or children.
Somehow I am a degenerate for living a quiet and comfy life according to Sup Forums
I don’t even earn much money , I work part time and have loads of free time since I work very early in the morning
Why should I sacrifice this freedom ? Why should I live by the script and throw my life away ? Why should I settle down , work on a relationship and raise my kids when I can be free ?
You guys keep blaming the Jews for all of your problems but truth is you guys are really free to do whatever you want with your lives.
Nathan Hall
How about you invest some of you shekels into a user group that creates something that will make it possible to create Sup Forums styled threads about any website without even leaving the original website?
The ability to comment is getting taken away from us at increasing rates, YouTube censor, media online pun]blication censor or disable comment section. Facebook ect.
Join us as an Engel investor
Owen Richardson
Why should you wither away and die alone? Why shouldn't you spread your genes? Or continue your family name? Why shouldn't you combat modern degeneracy by raising good children?
If you want to do nothing with your life and bathe for hours a day like a faggot that's fine by me but don't pretend it's a good thing.
Dominic Powell
>Why should I settle down , work on a relationship and raise my kids when I can be free ?
Having kids is not slavery
Alexander Morales
>hot bath with the lights turned off , aromatic candles all around me you might just be a fag?
Brody Butler
Such is life user. The beauty in life is choosing to say fuck you to everyone. I'd love to have your life, but I have a girlfriend who makes me miserable.
Bentley Hernandez
>Why shouldn't you combat modern degeneracy by raising good children? what does the first thing have to do with the second thing?
Oliver Mitchell
Shitty people grow up into degenerates.
Mason Lee
A man who has sacrificed nothing doesn't know what being a man is yet.
Asher Phillips
How about you spend your time and money creating a loving family around you? You will have enough free time if you have a career and a good family, because you will want to spend your time with them instead.
This obviously doesn't apply to everyone, if you have some crazy personality flaws that make a relationship impossible you might be better off dying alone.
Luke King
And your story ends with you!
Daniel Mitchell
Nah, it's a good life. You came to the conclusion that marriage/relationship has more negatives then positives. I have my own place as well but I still like to fuqq so I order Escorts sometimes. I also don't give a shit if females are fucking niggers or rapefugees anymore.
Joshua Johnson
I don't hate your life user. You're successful. You contribute to your society. I assume you have a good career which means you probably have an high intelligent as well. Unfortunately it seems that you won't breed and pass thoughs genes onto a new generation.
I've always wanted to live the life of a bachelor. Not having a care in the world. Then I want to travel the entire world. Maybe then I will settle down and have a wife and kids.
Chase Ward
I'm 37. I have two day jobs and I work 11 hours a day. I make 1200 euros a month, minus taxes.
Show me the way.
Brayden Reed
Because what's the point, brother? What's the point of bettering yourself, creating a better life, becoming something bigger than your parents, if you're not going to pass it on to your children?
Without a virtuous purpose, all of this is pointless hedonism.
The only real purpose in life is to leave behind a better world for future generations.
Now is the time to find a female and breed. Men like you are the ones we need reproducing in mass. Not for the betterment of yourself or of us, but for our future generations.
Jonathan Reed
> Same life here. GO on I really like this life.
Jaxon Phillips
meanwhile jamal has $-28,483 and 9 kids from 7 different baby mamas
Justin Morales
And now for the arguments...?
Cameron Adams
I love how when people make these lists of all the stuff they CAN do, they throw this one in. > I can sleep all day because the reality is you CAN do lots of things but because you have no reason to do them, you end up doing nothing most of the time.
Connor Young
That money will not console you when you get the cancer.
Christian Peterson
How old are you OP? By the time your friends are like 30 they are going to ignore you since their kids and husband/wife is more important than some childless numale who thinks videogames are more important than having a family that love you. Also why does it seem these anti children people assume your kids are only going to act like babies?
Jace Ramirez
People who don't reproduce shouldn't have the right to have a pension.
John Nguyen
If you were happy about it you wouldn't be here seeking validation.
Xavier Powell
You should not have kids, you are a child.
video games....baka
Nathan Garcia
So satisfied that you needed to vindicate yourself to a bunch of nazi neckbeards on Sup Forums right?
Also >toothpaste flag >money not in euros
Ayden Ross
Think of all the alimonies you can pay with that OP.
Angel James
The best part about people like you is that you won't realize the mistake you've made until after it's already impossible to fix it
Colton Ross
You're a degenerate because you clearly benefit so greatly from the society past generations has made for you, but are willing to do nothing to continue that society for future generations. Despite your economic input, you are a leech.
David Brooks
The arguments are right here:Your taxes pay for Mohammeds 7 kids and all you care about are your aromatic candles. There is more to life than instant gratification.
Blake Watson
The tax burden of single men (who basically get zero tax breaks) funds the entire social welfare system. If everybody who failed to reproduce were to suddenly reproduce the entire social welfare system would collapse. KYS you fucking welfare faggot.
Ethan Perry
>18+ years of raising a shitting, drooling retard
how is it not
Asher Parker
Thomas Russell
>I can take a hot bath with the lights turned off , aromatic candles all around me Tandpasta, are you me? Youre literally describing my life (youre more ripped money wise though, I spend too much money)
Xavier Hill
Just wait for the day the accounts are (((hacked))) and the culprits will be, "the Russians!"
Juan Lee
So what's your endgame?
Zachary Rogers
>drive by OP >dutch >shows USD balance >takes phone pic of 150k sitting in a savings account as if that proves he didnt edit the element, and as if anyone with that sort of money wouldn't be leveraging it in the market
lel whatever faggotron
Michael Lee
Nobody loves you. Die old and unwanted surrounded by old people that shit themselves.
Robert Gray
>keeping that much money in your savings Stupid
Adrian Murphy
>shitting, drooling retard are you planning on having a severely handicapped child???
Aaron Fisher
I can take a hot bath with the lights turned off , aromatic candles all around me while listening to my favorite relaxing music. Dude, that says you are a faggot, so of course you have no need for a wife.
Henry Parker
>Become our Patron, MGTOWs please 2 months ago: >fucking MGTOW, saving all their money by not getting married >Going MGTOW is degenerate I like how the Germansthat usually rip on the MGTOW now beg us for money
Lucas Sullivan
Ask your parents
then off yourself
Gabriel Wright
Kids are a direct reflection of their parents and upbringing >kids end up drooling shitting retards >you are drooling shitting retard
Jack Bailey
Gib source
Liam Clark
I wonder if there's a discord of aquafresh where they coordinate when and what to shitpost, because to be honest most of the posts from these guys are quite terrible.
Anyways, to keep on topic: childfree is the rick & morty of adulthood.
Jeremiah Perez
You need more of those men to keep the system going, it's that or based Pajeets.
Daniel Williams
Depends on your interest rate.
Owen Lopez
Yes it is.
What’s your job? Is it fulfilling?
Jacob Williams
cause hes a numale fag.
Camden Gomez
>Germany Bet your ancestors would be real proud
Leo Gomez
well babies are exactly that
then you are on the hook for 2 decades at least for them, financially.
Noah Johnson
No, it's not.
Brody Roberts
Depends on if your interest rate is automatically adjusted to inflation rate.
Dominic Ramirez
I work in the med field. Elderly are usually abandoned by their children anyway. Very often the elderly end up dying alone and getting eaten by their pets who also die weeks later.
Christian Garcia
Move to a capitalist society you Eurofag. You’ll never get anywhere giving the government 50% of what you earn. Jesus.
Julian Mitchell
Why would I respond to non-arguments with arguments?
Lincoln Diaz
>like nihilism is cool man >unironically pays for barbarian children imported into his country >unironically going to die all alone and unwanted >will realize this when he has cancer and realizes his chance at anything meaningful is over >freedom to die alone and not even be noticed
Jordan Davis
If you are not making this shit up. Which considering this is 4 chins I don't believe it is. You will reach 40-50 and eventually regret your decision. But you have free will so make your own hell if you wish.
Nathan Bailey
>uses childfree unironically >takes long candle lit baths >doesn't care for sex with women >sleeps all day
Don't see the issue here fellow Sup Forumssters, the gay gene will die with him.
Landon Powell
Having kids would be fun if I was rich but since I'm not it just sounds like hell that forces me to do nothing but work and sleep the rest of my life desu.
Matthew Martinez
You live a meaningless life.
Also, you can do all of those things with a wife and children as well. You can take your fucking gay bath time while your wife is riding your dick every fucking day when you have a wife.
Austin Ortiz
what do you mean, you can code that in less than a week, including testing etc
Cameron Sullivan
Also true. But it still doesn't take much to have a tidy passive income.
Easton Ortiz
Sup Forums is full of insecure people that constantly need a pat on the ass and a wink from other more successful men. Get out while you can before you make them cum. They probably have daddy issues which doesnt help and just want to impress the daddy they never have.
Too late you already make him cum now clean it up
Dominic Fisher
Don't have kids goy,p-please!
Henry Nelson
>well babies are exactly that For like 5 years then they can be come more and more self sufficient.
Michael Ward
Can I borrow 500, OP?
Landon Robinson
Sounds great op. It really does. This is my ideal life if I end up hating gf
Lincoln Brown
Holy shit, only $835,644.59 more and you'll be a billionaire!
Nicholas Edwards
Read again, you goddamn weed lmao faggot. Clearly OP only cares about himself and will never know what it's like to me an accomplished man. That's his choice, but he'll die alone doing so.
Chase Adams
Life isnt about happiness, it's about doing meaningful things.
What you're doing keeps you happy, but you'll die alone living a meaningless life where nothing matters.
Asher Morales
They are that for like 16 months lmao, and if they stay that way it's because you're a fucking retard and a failure.
Angel Scott
look at all the wise people of Sup Forums trying to tell you what to do lol
they love being enslaved
Adrian Turner
I don't see any problems with your life. Seems like you're pretty set and desu I envy you. Keep living like you have been and enjoy your life because you only get one. Who knows anyway? I'm assuming you're young so maybe someday you might find a woman who will be worth your time who you'll want to enter into a relationship with (Just be careful not to give her access to your finances).
Basically. don't let what random anons tell you to do ruin this sweet deal you've got going on.
Alexander Sanders
On suicide watch yet?
Landon Bennett
I had the same exact idea actually, I am interested in your project, provide link.
Ian Barnes
Its sunday here, im lying in bed shitposting and listening to radio talk show. Yesterday I literally had a 3 hour warm bath with the balcony door open for that Scandinavian feel. Meanwhile, pic related its you.
Jaxson Gray
>worthless selfish piece of dogshit At least the problem will fix itself in your case. The fix for society as a whole is to raise taxes on selfish pieces of shit like yourself to fund our future instead of your shallow hedonism.
Lincoln Gonzalez
Even if that’s the case, the market does better than inflation in the long run, there’s literally no point in leaving so much money in the bank since you’re playing the long game anyways
Cooper Barnes
Nothing attracts the cryptoshills more than threads about having children. Like a moth to the flame. I reckon, there's no place the schlomos are more aggressive than when trying to convince younger guys on this board that kids are a bad idea. It's so transparent and half the time these beatoffs are just talking to each other. They cannot help themselves. It's the one thing they know for certain will help their cause. LESS OF YOU. Less well adjusted, dual patented, western children to slow down the change they want to bring about this world. Go ahead, start asking them questions. You'll only get the most absolute of answers. "Kids are for suckers"! You have all been warned. If any of you want to combat the bullshit that gets shipped on this site. This is the place to do it. They're all here. Enjoy!!
John Williams
>Scandinavian feel
So you want to feel extra gay?
Nolan Lewis
Kevin King
>the market does better than inflation in the long run If you play it right. Usually prudent to keep at least half in savings, earning a comfortable interest rate to support living, while the rest you can risk.
Jackson Williams
I really don't get this. Being Volga German the first thing I would teach and preach is that family always comes first and this is a constant for every relative I have. Blood is thicker than water but I also know no one that is related to me that hates their parents.
Jaxon Cooper
No It’s browser based, it’s the only option to make it accessible as a pop up that appears over the original website.
iOS,droids need to be redicted to the app.
Condensing all of 4chans best attributes Into a lightweight p2p, blockchain integrated multi op-system isn’t lightweight one weeks job pal
No hard feelings, if you want to keep masturbating to yaoi and feeling empty without achieving real world victories for freeesp4ach sure buddy.
Carson Gray
Thanks for doing your part for ending racism and white supremacy. Keep up the good work.
Samuel Adams
my point is, kids are a financial burden...you have to take care of them constantly.
im not saying kids are bad, im saying not everyone has to have them.
Charles Wright
> I cry myself to sleep at night
Sebastian Scott
Having children is hard work and involves many sacrifices. But we need to have children for the future of humanity.
Cameron Anderson
>you'll die alone
worst argument. everyone dies alone. even if you are married, your wife will die before you do probably. or, you die in your sleep.
either way, you are going by yourself.
Joshua Nguyen
He right know
Joshua Hill
Exactly, in less wealthy countries they also get killed by their kids for their flats, or thrown off to the retirement house (you can imagine how good are those). Retards always babble about being alone, and who will bring you glass of water and shirt, but in reality your precious kids you wasted your best years on, might end up not caring about you at best, straight up fuck you over at worst. I'd better love a great life in my prime years, and care for my health so I can be functional later on in life, then fuck my body being a wageslave and hope for kids to not be cunts to me when I wont be able to care for myself.
David Hall
They really aren't that expensive. They are small so they don't eat much. Their clothes are cheaper, and if you have more than one kid they can share or pass them down.
Cooper Reyes
t. Miserable twat who missed the sweet and effortless cryptomoney.
I would be angry too if people told me I should invest in Google but I put everything in Yahoo.
Asher Torres
Dat Drenths gevoel.
Caleb Cruz
>lightweight p2p, blockchain integrated multi op-system that over-engineered mess sure as fuck isn't, dolfi
just make it a browser extension, faggot
Jace Torres
Also, by around age 6 you can start to give them chores around the house, so you have less and less work to keep up with them.
Dylan Ross
It gets really boring after a while.
Also it's better to grow old with family rather than alone.
Joshua Wright
I don't really see investing in my child as an investment in my future, it's an investment in the future of mankind, because my child will eventually become an adult and be in contact with many people and the hope is they will spread the good will with everyone they meet.