To all European people; don't racemix with Americans, they are degenerate sub
humans and ruin your DNA. They are a disease and inbred, don't have unprotected sex with them. If you do you ruin your future generations.

Other urls found in this thread:


True, thanks for the reminder!


so are dutch ppl


RIP merica

This is now a mutt thread



Please stop.

I will never racemix unless she's asian "qt" waifu who's with me only for the money and who will raise our son into a psychopath and cut my penis in sleep and slit my throat when I am 45.

Question: if my boyfriend is almost 100% germanic and Im a north western euro isles mutt, will I be fucking up his gene pool by procreating with him or will we create a anglo-germanic masterrace. I must know.




This thread is racist and communist

You're a united shitstain, do you really have to ask? Besides, men cannot get pregnant, retard. You faggots would have to adopt.



Nah buddy, it's free speech.
Let me guess you're an American hiding his flag because your scared to be bullied.


>To all European people
*** YAWN***



Sure I'm a shitskin but Muslims will be a majority in the EU in 7 years

I am not hiding my flag. I am a Republican! I live in the greatest republic ever to exist.


It's just banter lads.

Reminder that 96-98% of white Americans have 0% of non-european blood.

The vast majority of white Americans, they don't have any noticeable admixture with non-whites.

There's a *very* small fraction of their population that does has mixing, but not as much as you people tend to believe, the average white american has admixture of different european ethnic groups, but very, very few of them have admixture with non-european groups.

Around 96% of white Americans have no admixture with non-europeans, at all.

shut up retard

europe and america are in the same boat only with 30 years of diference, if we dont fight together we are fucked


>he needs to take DNA tests to know if he is really European
checks out


Ahh another you're not white thread.
Meanwhile almost no white person in America mixes with shitskins or has a drop of nigger blood in em.

stop being mean to us :(

Also inb4 you faggots come with the "hurr durr da whitey americans are mutts cuz they have mixing of different white european groups!"

So does literally every european person alive.

You're german? Chances are you have quite a lot fo eastern european blood.

You're french? Many Mediterranean and nordic mixing

You're british? Shitton of mixing between Nords, Mediterraneans, Celts

Dude, you totally forget the extra chromosomes you get from eating fast food all day, drinking fluoridated water, inbreeding with cousins and those GMO foods they eat.
They're an abomination and don't deserve to be called white.


Not a faggot.


>mixing with anyone outside of your Country at all

How do we fix America?

citation needed
pic related, average walmar customer


Saged n reported.

T. Purebred Polak economic migrant by parents choice.

very good

Yes, my dad was adopted and we knew only his mother. Sorry I care about my ancestry while your daughter gets culturally enriched by shitskin cock.

shut the fuck up clog nigger,an american life is worth 100 euro cucks

If i like a white girl no matter where she is from im fucking her, She could be from Saudi arabia if shes white im fucking that bitch

Retarded Euros seem to think that 56% somehow equates to every American only being 56% white.
I mean white America does have a higher mean IQ score than any euro country (excluding Italians)

am i the only american that thinks the mutts are funny? seems other americans just cant stand the bantz


every fucking time

Oh no...

How do we teach americans not to shart in mart?

USA is place where:
Antifa was born
SJW was born
Hollywood was born
Saying "its ok to be white" is something bad

USA = heart of evil and leftist bastion.

Most people who post it are other Americans.


this desu


Americans just can't take the banter


Antifa was born in europe retard and imported to America
Also thanks for giving us all these kikes who helped ruin the entire world

>Ahh another you're not white thread.
>Meanwhile almost no white person in America mixes with shitskins or has a drop of nigger blood in em.

It's not banter, it's just shitty spammed images over and over again. No wittyness to them, just spam. Half these people just greentext an entire American post and reply with an image, not contributing anything at all.

Shut the fuck up tea sucker or we will fuck you up like we did in the Anglo-Dutch Wars

>To all European people; don't racemix with Americans
Why not?


>It's not banter, it's just shitty spammed images over and over again. No wittyness to them, just spam. Half these people just greentext an entire American post and reply with an image, not contributing anything at all.



The Brits have achieved more than the Dutch ever will be.

suprisingly acurate

Wrong retard. Stop being a brainlet and repeat every fucking stupid thing you heard.

how is
>fucking leaf
any different?

Stay mad.


nooOoOooO, have sex with me!

Bullshit. Europeans are nothing but mixed mongrel sheep. The will to fight has been bred out of them. Europe is already doomed. You sheep let your leaders take you past the point of no return.


>Kaaskop wants to call Americans inbred
Neger are you serious? Your country doesn't even have 20mil with more than 10% being foreigners.
I'm an American in Holland and this place is a liberal cesspit. Fags getting married in churches, mosques built in areas where there aren't even Muslims, welfare fraud is thru the roof, OH! And just when you thought it couldn't get worse, OF COURSE they are going to start giving out fines for "online discrimination". So now if I download TRS, I could get fined.
Fuck you and your cuck country.

My fellow Americans. We have to understand this is just banter. The Brits have gone through it. The French have gone through it. The Swedes have definitely gone through it. The Indians have gone through it.

Just have fun with it!

I haven't seen a fucking leaf post in ages

>having a relevant military
Wew lad

>To all European people; don't racemix with Americans, they are degenerate

Shut up eu-lover


We love you really. No hard feelings. But acting butthurt will only keep this meme alive.

Dumbass learn how to read.
I said WHITE america (mean iq of 102)


This just in: Incas are based.

Fucking Netflix releasing it right when this meme is hot. If you ever fucking post this kid again, you'll be sorry, fucking delete this image now.

>using soros paid memes

Pic related is the average American.
We are literally super human, the definition of exceptionalism.
We are a mix of the smartest Brit's the most attractive/strongest German's.
We also mixed in a tiny bit of the toughest Italian's and the most warm hearted Polish.

>Hahaha but user 50% and didn't you know you're all mixed apes???
No, actually if you take away Cali we go back to being 90% White.
Our country isn't heavily "mixed" and barely mixed at all outside of some big cuck cities on the coasts, which are pretty segregated anyway.
Sorry but the 150+ million elite exceptional Europeans who live in America are PURE and we aren't the ape man haha meme.

And even with shitskins taking our score down so much we still beat out a lot of Euro countries.
Brainlet Euros holy shit

>Bullshit. Europeans are nothing but mixed mongrel sheep. The will to fight has been bred out of them. Europe is already doomed. You sheep let your leaders take you past the point of no return.



Why, what's so special about him? I don't watch the show.

>Be Irish, Scottish, and British
>Apparently will fuck up the DNA pool
You serious

Amazing thread. What Yanks don't understand is that their government has forced Europeans into our current mess. Remember is Kosovo when one US General said that it was America's mission to abolish homogeneous European states. The only way Europe can restore itself is if America is destoryed.

Ever since WW1 your Empire has had its scabby fingers in Europe. It's vile, I welcome the demise of the United States. Death to America, death to the great Satan.