The absolute state of germanistan

>be a (((syrian refugee)))
>go on a rampage behaving like an ape
>go to car shop, beg for money
>enter a car, listen to arabic music and claim this to be your car
>when asked how you gonna pay reply 'merkel will pay'
>get thrown out
>go to the next brothel and get kicked out again
>go to the next gas station and steal any stuff you like
>go jet again on a rampage and trash the mentioned before car shop




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Uh... Thanks, I guess. That Syrian just redpilled those people on Refugees, or at the very least those people won't be standing somewhere with a "Refugees Welcome!" sign anytime soon.

Funny thing is she will pay.
Cuz poor refugee doen't have any money so the state will pay the fine and lawyers.

merkel will never pay
GERMans asked for this


>That Syrian just redpilled those people on Refugees

I don't need to continue, do i? You are fucked.

Nah. You fuckers just reelected her. She will make you pay.

>Merkel will pay

I'm a migrant and I jokingly say this to my German buddies as I do a stereotypical migrant.

>mfw another joke becomes reality

for reference

Makes me wish I was a refugee sometimes. You just walk north in Africa until you hit an ocean, then get on some shitty boat and vaguely sail north. You get picked up by an """NGO""" who will take you to Europe and you get a place to stay, money and food all for free. You can steal, rape and rob all you want and just get a slap on the wrist, and some of the most beautiful women in the world all greet you with signs and open legs telling you you're welcome.

Sounds like the life

I know. I post these all the time.

Merkel and the EU will kill Europe for the shekels and for Social Justice. Europeans are letting it happen.

pretty much, yeah

>be german
>laugh at niggers
>get outbred by niggers and go extinct

Unarmed yurocucks BTFO, we know how to deal with this scum

t. 52%



War is unavoidable.Read: Also, what refugees?

Nah, it happend obviously in Landshut. That's a city in Lower Bavaria. It's not at the level of Saxony but could be considered conservative. Also to a Bavarian, everyone not Bavarian got a different Nationality and is a stranger (at least from a feels perspective).

It will be a great example for other countries of what not to do

excluding UK, France and Sweden, definitely

official source (actually more than 40%)

This article was posted 3 months ago and anyone with eyes has been shouting this from the rooftops for literal years. More people have come to Europe than the pre-war population of Syria and this is supposed to be "shocking"

Europe deserves what it gets.

Gibt ihm ein Boot (mit nem loch) und schickt ihn zurück übers Mittelmeer

There's a reason why Syrians kill eachother in Syria.
They are absolute fucklords. Worst shitskins of the shitskin race.

this country will go within the next years.



I like it


Muslims have been killing each other from the moment the religion was born. Muhammad conquered his neighbors and his death sparked a 1000 year internal conflict that is still raging today. I assume Arabic scum were finding reasons to kill each other long before Islam and will continue doing so long after the last Quran is burned.

Welcome to the timeline, dude

And you will pay for the Germans wall against the Slawic East Germans and other scum... Slaws are Europe's Mexicans

>he will actually get the car for free plus an apology

but dont be to happy costa, europa will burn as a whole including your country

For non European countries. Once my country is finished, Europe will become a third world shithole. No Germany tax money for this bullshit.

Wäre zu Schade um das Boot.

I'm already planning to leave, the people here are so fucking out of touch with reality, it's incredible. That's what happens when women get into positions of power while people don't have a clue how our welfare system works.

On the one hand, I feel sad because it's my country. On the other hand, I want these people who supported all of this to suffer.

>Also, what refugees?
Everyone knows that the 3rd world trash filling Europe are not "refugees" unless the you broaden the term "refugee" to included invaders. The use of the term "refugee" only allowed them enough wiggle room to guilt the public into allowing this all to happen. If they were to have called these "rufugees" the proper term invaders the public would have been up in arms. Call them "refugees" and remind everyone of the Holocaust and it allowed without question.

>Them: Oy Vey!!! Aren't you going to help the poor refugees?
>Us: No. They are Africans and Middle Easterners looking to raid Europe.
>Them: Oy Vey!!! Nazi!!!
>Headline: "Seven out of 10 migrants crossing to Europe are not refugees, UN reveals"
>Us: Told you so.
>Them: Oy Vey!!! Hate facts!!! Nazi!!! Bigot!!!

geht mir ähnlich, plane für alle fälle.
Schon ne idee wohin?

Canada will soon look like Germany if P.M
TrueKEK has his way

Baba, it's not too late. Get us Indians in... we are good in hunting muslims

Goddamnit I'm so fucking dissapointed.

0% chance. The agreement we made with the EU says that we don't keep any refugees and isntead send them to Germany/Sweden/France (2 of the Bataclan shooters passed through Greece, look it up)
Meanwhile we sell half of the country to China, now the US and Israel is up next
we get billions in investments in exchange for favors (

this was all planned

I think he does

Alter... Du hast echt keinen Plan...
Lass dir von einem der viel rum kommt sagen:

Deutschland ist immer noch besser als der Rest der Welt... Müssen nur für recht und Ordnung daheim sorgen... Aber ich wüsste gerade kein besseres Land in der Welt!

Wüsste ich wohin, wäre ich schon weg. Es gibt keinen Platz auf diesem Planeten der sicher wäre solange den Juden die hinter allem stecken nicht in die Parade gefahren wird.

Überlege ob Dänemark oder Norwegen, die Sprache zu lernen und die hohen Kosten sind natürlich eine Hürde, aber Dänemark hat halt eine homogene Gesellschaft die Leistung belohnt und Norwegen ist kein EU-Mitglied.

Habe wirklich die Schnauze voll, in ein paar Jahren werden die Leute sehen was sie mit ihrer "Toleranz" angerichtet haben.

Top kek, whatever makes you sleep at night. Some goodperson probably already bought a brand new car for this poor, poor, traumatized refugee (imagine what this psycho fucking drives like LMAO).

I shit you not, i've seen shit like "refugee seeks car for free" on blackboards more than once. Their entitlement knows no bounds.

>Slaws are Europe's Mexicans
Pajeet go back to your designated shitting street

Arsch abfrieren und doch hat sich nichts geändert. Ne, besser einen auf KKK machen und die Flüchltliche die sich aufs Dorf trauen verschwinden Nachts auf mysteriöse weise.

Hmm die betonung liegt auf noch !
glaub mir ich bin mehr als bereit für mein land zu kämpfen, aber die veränderungen die gerade passieren lassen gar keinen kampf zu.
traurig aber wahr
hatte ich mir auch überlegt, vielleicht noch tschechien

Good, this is very good.

You're the entire world's mexicans.

Pajeets are Asia`s niggers.

refugee privilege

keep on dreaming that you wont be botherd by the next clash.
erdo is waiting in the east

sometimes being a refugee looks awesome.

empty threats
turkey couldn't even invade syria properly, they got BTFO and now they're getting cucked by the EU (and nato is always watching, meanwhile they have the Kurds right behind their ass)

and i'm not even being smug here, it's the truth

I just have my fingers crossed that some mad scientists will unleash some KEVIN SPACEY GAS from COD, that targets DEGENEACY (((genes))). Perfect world.

they got BTFO because Russia and Iran are involved, be realistic.
But who is going to help you ?

degeneracy. Ops

they got btfo because their equipment was fucking shit
russia is on their side, if anything
which means that US is on ours, we just made several deals worth millions (one was for 20 millions last week), regarding their army bases here and the possiblity of opening a NEW ONE somewhere

also it's not who's gonna help us. It's who's gonna capitalize on the fact that the turks will try to invade a defensive heaven (i.e. Greece)
answer is, pretty much everyone, especially their neighbors

China has also invested billions in Greece so if turkey tries anything they're probably getting nuked
chinks don't fuck around with their money

we saw it coming and we prepared for it accordingly
you didn't

we will see about that. i hope you are right

Romania will, as long as we wont get invaded by rusians in exchange.

Lmao, you think this is the worst?

Arabs have been slowly taking over the Berlin police for years and openly displayed an aggressive behavior against the actual population and the issue has been known for years and been ignored and will be ignored.

I'm glad desu.

t.half germ

>mfw this is not unlikely

so glad to live in a non-cucked part of bavaria

familiennachzug. poof, aand its gone

2 jahre dann ist sense und es geht rund

Sup Forums still doesn't understand how the german census work - austrians, swiss etc are counted as foreigners - by far the biggest immigrant group. Germans born abroad are counted as foreigners. Germans migrating back home are counted as migrants lel, the list goes on. Completely fucked up by anti-german marxists that system - the private sector has the real numbers.

That's fucking disgusting. The more and more I read such news I get the feeling Germany/Europe is heading right towards a civil war with a big slice of genocide - white or Muslim I don't know yet.

I live right in the fucking Ruhr area. Luckily, I live on the outskirts of my city so I rarely see Muslims around here, but once you head into the inner city they're fucking everywhere.

ich weiß, ich weiß...

>und es geht rund

ja hoffentlich eskaliert es dann wenigstens so richtig, ansonsten wird der langsam aber sicher fortschreitende zerfall weitergehen

Abandon your country and build your homes in the PNW, Germans.

It is without a doubt that you will inevitably lose a civil war in Europe and your last stand will not be remembered in the history books written by mongrels that will annihilate you.

New Year's is coming. Is there gonna be another massive sexual assault? I remember there was one in 2016. Did it happen in 2017?

>Merkel will pay
It's funny because it's true

after you're done spreading your own ass will you be saitisfied or ask for moar?

we never asked for your shit so stfu

you, your shitty warmongering and your soros are the reason this happened but we will pay you back double when the time comes

in the meantime, enjoy your slice of the antifa cake

sad shill, where did you come from?

>your warmongering is the reason we let in millions of economic refugees
No you fucktard you accepting and in Merkel's case even encouraging millions to come here led to this. Ameritards might have destabilised the place but we still let them in willingly.

it's funny because it's hans' tax money who's going to pay not merkel

see and