Because we are the BLACK BULL'S (pbuh) hammer, sword, spear, and shield. Our sole purpose is to create peace for our BLACK BROTHERS to live in a peaceful world free of genocide-o-matic subhuman wh*Tes.
We are willing to see our bones shattered and our flesh scorched, to see our loved ones die in the fires of war, to see our monuments toppled and our societies burn in nuclear fire. Just to see the end of wh*Tes.
I don't expect your pathetic brains to understand this, to understand the meaning of sacrifice. But we do, we are willing to see it all through for the sake of our BLACK brothers.
David Brown
a quality shitpost
Thomas Reyes
we wuz thumbnail and shieeet
Ethan Ross
>We are willing to see our bones shattered and our flesh scorched, to see our loved ones die in the fires of war, to see our monuments toppled and our societies burn in nuclear fire. Thanks for feedback! I'm sure your wish will be granted. Happy to help.
Zachary Rodriguez
Zachary Murphy
David beat Goliath nigger.
Sebastian Gutierrez
you sure about that nigga?
Isaiah Taylor
here comes the black boiiiii
Joseph Evans
You could at least post a picture that isn't for ants.
Charles Russell
>Because we are the BLACK BULL'S (pbuh)
You should not mock the Prophet (pbuh) or else through your impious deeds you shall earn for yourself the title of Kuffar and a place in the Hellfire. If you knew what risks you took with your eternal soul in the sight of Allah the Compassionate, the Merciful, the Just, you would not display half as much levity on this Ceylonian Bottle Comparison Semaphore Table as you do, O Kuffar. Inshallah!