So the whole Nov 4th protest day.... Just fizzled out to nothing, right?
So the whole Nov 4th protest day.... Just fizzled out to nothing, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
The first day is for raising awareness
This is an Occupy Movement. they will keep trying to grow it with each new day.
Most are grounded at home or broke and without transportation
Fortunately socialists and communists are too lazy to actually revolt these days
Fpbp with doubles
Yeah fpbp with doubles
Nothing? How can you call hundreds of people across the country holding signs "nothing?" This is only the beginning. You. Are. Fucked.
is refuse fascism still down?
Hundreds of people, across the country. So like 10 people per city?
It was REALLY low energy yesterday. Big difference from a year ago
No buses & handlers with money showed up! Q deactivated their MkUltra mind control...
>Occupy Movement
top fucking kek, nothing to be afraid of at all then
This is an excellent video example of what the end result of an Occupy movement looks like
*Note the cucked police who do nothing
It was artificially hyped up by trolls
Gr8 b8 m8.
You're comparing Ukrainian rioters with liberal soy-infused vegan nu-male rioters, disgusting
Not to mention they're not infested with identity politics like the (((Occupy Wallstreet))) movement. This will never happen in 'murica because feefees
It's growing every day, and we have the supplies to see it through. It has begun! Soon, the sound you hear outside will be the marching boots of progress, as we remove fascism from this land forever. Will you not join the cause of liberty, brother? Liberty from debt, liberty from racism, liberty from social constraints? Join us before it's too late. We have signs.
it was either a false flag or they pussied out
It's the exact same strategy. if the Ukrainian revolution happened today. It would be about gender pronouns and social justice for refugees
They put more energy into spreading the word of Nov. 4 rather then the actual event
Seems to me like the funding is drying up now that uranium one, podesta and the DNC are being investigated. Or will be investigated
Lol. Your revolution died before it began.
You don't know bait when you see it, do you?
Oops, even antifascists have a budget, and it looks like it's all going to lawyers
Don't count this treasonous Commie scum out just jet, like the blood-sucking vermin they are, they'll retreat to their Mommies basement, where they can eat large bags of Doritos washed down with jugs of Mountain Dew, and plan for another outbreak of their Commie plague.
My guess is that when they crawl out from under their rocks, they'll use the Holocau$tâ„¢ card, bleating that anti-fascists helped get rid of those nasty Nazis and if you don't join us, then you're an anti-Semite.
It'll never happen, they're too busy with identity politics, it is hilariously pathetic
Yep, because you nazi retards again fell for russian propaganda. It's hilarious how gullible you are.
This just shows the wisdom of George Soros. He puts a lot of time and money into building these subversive organizations but he knows when to quietly switch tactics when they outlive their usefulness. We saw this with OWS, BLM, and now AntiFa. The branding and the media coverage were excellent but eventually the normies get bored and annoyed.
Look what happened at Charleston. This was AntiFa's single greatest victory but it was ultumately their defeat. Remeber how the media and celebs fawned over them in the immediate aftermath? But then people starting looking closer and not liking what they saw. That's fine, it was still mission accomplished. A huge segment of the alt-right was permanantly nuetralized. Soros won even if AntiFa had become inconvenient. Unlike the right he will simply rebrand his shock troops and come back in different costumes with different slogans.
The Nov. 4 demonstrations had been planned for a long time so they went forward, just in a scaled back form.
more shills is the new plan costs about teh same per person but apparently it works better
Well it was hyped up by the right way more than it ever deserved, so the real things was always going to be underwhelming mock-worthy mess.
Which is a classic leftist tactic that the right is co-opting: exaggerate your opponent power/capabilities so anything they really do will seem a disappointment.