Help me find my faith, Sup Forums. Why and when did you start believing?
Help me find my faith, Sup Forums. Why and when did you start believing?
Aryan Gnosticism is the way to go, Brother. Christianity is just a pit stop when walking the path of the Logos and waging war against the Demiurge physically, spiritually, and mentally.
It's the path that both a Christian and Pagan can walk, but alas, both sides don't seem to recognize that.
We're all in hell already, there's no escape. Believe whatever religion you like, we'll always return back here in hell to slowly start dying all over again
when I realized that salvation by faith alone was the only path to heaven
and that a just and righteous life was the only path to peace on earth
I started defending Christianity and western civilization from the backwards larpagans on here and I eventually started to actually believe in Jesus again.
By using logic. Around 21 years old.
I started believing when my parents taught me is was self evident. It was a childish delusion that couldn't last me into adulthood. But atheism sucks, so now I seek a faith suitable for a mature mind.
Well, I was meditating and accidentally achieved gnosis, so I'm a gnostic.
Just read the old testament and take good notice of the evil of the god of the jews and it's a path that you can walk with confidence, especially if you then start thinking how the world is a very fucked up place.
The revelation about our flat Earth led me back to Jesus.
They like about it to hide Him from us.
You must follow the true religion of your people.
That's malignant diminishment.
You were given three temples, not one - Body, Soul, and Mind. The Mind possesses the highest point of divinity and is needed to align and harmonize all three Temples in service to the Logos and the Creator.
The Demiurge taught you that only through Salvation can you find God, but Enlightenment is actually the highest form of divinity, and it's needed to ensure that Bodily Joy and Spiritual Salvation are properly anchored and guided by the Logos.
In short, try again grasshopper.
Theology is best studied with some distance kept from established religions. Every religion involves a mix of theology, and as such you may feel compelled to accept a religion because you agree with only one aspect of its theology.
>i've come to the conclusion of monotheism, guess i'll become a muslim
>nevermind all the other aspects of the religion i might not believe
Once you have determined the truth for yourself, consider research into established religions. Other men have made this journey before and it would be good for you to consider their conclusions now that you have your own opinions too.
Someone get's it.
I was raised to believe in God but I always had doubts. Over the years God has revealed himself in many ways in my life. What really got me was pizzagate,which led to flat earth eventually. Started reading the bible and it all made sense finally. Yahweh is real,the bible is true and we are caught in a spiritual battle that we will win one day
All bullshit. Kidding yourselves. But if it helps you endure the nightmare, so be it
user, the universe is a nightmare because we live in a universe formed by dark beings, the demiurge and the archons, that's why all is fucked up, that's why the jews are behind everything, they made a pact with the demiurge.
So how do we escape? I mean really escape. Not just sit on our arses meditating, bragging about how we've achieved enlightenment & how everything feels so much better thanks to whatever religion or spiritual beliefs we have?
Yes I will be buying Mr Ickes new book. But I feel it's all pointless. I think the only real way of escaping is to end all human life on this planet.
You are not actually that far off from the agenda that is being pushed. The world is being destroyed - they believe it will bring their messiah. The bible tells us to love the creator not the creation and be ready for His return.
Faith doesn't "just happen" and sola fide is literally not in the Bible.
You need a structure, a way to discipline yourself and practice so that faith comes. The Catholic church provides that. Humans are fickle and they don't stay on top of spiritual matters on their own without structure of some sort.
The obstacle is the path, and smooth seas do not create skillful sailors, do they?
It's a bottle of wine going through a fermentation process, a butterfly breaking free from it's pupa, and if you're a warrior, it's a piece of iron having the dross hammered out of it.
The knowledge gained on the path is as important as the knowledge acquired when reaching your final destination.
Well, you actually do have to do the meditation part to reach gnosis because it is transformational and you cannot escape without it.
Basically it is just achieving salvation.
Book of Revelation
Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence, and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed. It performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of people, and by the signs that it is allowed to work in the presence of the beast it deceives those who dwell on earth, telling them to make an image for the beast that was wounded by the sword and yet lived. And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain. Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.
>Following the bible
Literally worshipping a demon god, and he doesn't hide, he shows his behaviour and asks you to be a cuck while with jews he shows his true face.
You're worse than gypsies morally speaking if you worship that god.
>why does God allow evil things to happen?
Satan is the prince of this world. He became the ruler of earth when he left the highest position in the kingdom of God as 'the Cherub that Covereth" over the very throne of God.
>why did Satan ditch his office for earth?
he coveted God's most precious creation, man, and the communion that man shared with God in the garden of eden.
>but God is all powerful, why didn't he stop Satan?
God created man in His image. He entrusted total dominion over all else he created, including his counterpart, Eve, and He trusted Adam to make sure she wouldn't do anything stupid or crazy or against His commands. Things got out of hand and here we are.
You are lost.
Exactly the kind of useless, pretentious bollocks I was talking about. God says you have to meditate, shave your head, grow your hair, grow a beard, fast, go to church every Sunday, keep the holy book in a high place, confess sins, pray at this time, go on this pilgrimage, don't eat pork.... The list goes on. I'm sick of this crap. Nothing will save us, we're already in hell & the only way out is to end our species entirely
the probability of victory of a cringe Jewish sect, to become the state religion, (above a myriad of other cults), has always struck me.
I believe that the first Christians must have saw something so compelling that no amount of persecution could silence them.
who told you all that garbage?
What? No, we don't follow comandments, just meditate until you reach gnosis, after you done you can concentrate on other issues because you're already saved.
Meditating ain't gonna do a damn thing except turn you into a pretentious arsehole. It's the same as religion saying you gotta do (this) to get into heaven. Except now it's 'you have to meditate to reach enlightenment' different side to the same coin
It's gnosis and I reached it very quickly without much meditation. No need to meditate any more.
Called religion mate. They all got their share of shite you 'have to do' to reach 'heaven'
Unfortunately, you're the one who's lost, my friend.
The Demiurge has four major armies - Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Marxism Atheism (which is Secular Talmudism passed off as Humanism).
The war for this planet is between Aryanism and Semitism, and before you pull out some bible quotes, you should study and learn how much Aryan theologies such as Zoroastrianism, Hellenism, and Mithraism impacted Christianity.
What is gnosis?
>I don't believe in spiritual things!
Wow, you must be like, an incarnated god on earth by how special you are, like tell me how your worship is done, your lordship.
Experiential knowledge of your divine spark and of the true God, it's an experience where you are united to God basically.
One day you will find Jesus. Hopefully before it is too late.
Luciferian deception.
What the fuck are you talking about? I'll correct all I've said before by adding "in my opinion" shall I? Now shut the fuck up & go meditate your jimmies back on
When I realized that the Rats and the Brown Shirt Media were lying their ass off about everything and the only people with real integrity and principles were the Christians.
religion is garbage that preaches anything of the sort.
obeying commandments was for the lawless. Jesus broke that curse on the cross so that your belief in that act and a willingness to understand it more and more is all you need to do. don't let anyone sell you more than that.
Are you blind, deaf mute and stupid?
1. The Revelation is true.
2. Watch ancient aliens, realize common events happen in most religions (floods, war between gods, sun worship). Realize Revelation talks about Apollion (the greek sun god) as being the antichrist. Jesus says satan/lucifer comes a an angel of light.
4. Go deep in conspiracies (no lizard people bullshit). Pizzagate, masons, etc.
5. All that Jesus says is true.
4 years took me to understand the whole picture. The Jesus pill is the best pill. Don`t think that you just take it and suddenly you get it. It takes time. Here`s a guy who gets it :
first off humans cant forgive sin pray to god and ask for forgiveness
I am a gnostic. Gnosis is the knowledge that doesn't come from logic nor divine revelation. It's the knowledge of the soul. However, I'm not saying logic isn't useful to achieve this knowledge. What I'm saying is that logic will get you so far, and as you hang on the fringes logic puts you on, something can happen, but only if you're asking the right questions. What happens (or what happened to me at least), is that, like lightning, you'll be struck with this knowledge, as if you were downloading it into your mind.
What kind of knowledge I acquired, I cannot tell. To tell you would be to rob you of this unique, precious opportunity of discovery. To reveal it is the same as giving you my clothes to wear, but they're of different sizes, it will never fully fit you, it will never be the same as having the Truth spring directly from you. It's absolutely necessary that you walk on this path alone, and find this treasure for yourself, because it's akin to having explosives inside a house built on bricks of illusion. The explosives will only destroy this house completely if it's put inside it, and not come from outside (only if you acquire this knowledge yourself). As to what constitutes the right questions, I will not say it directly, I'll give you some room for ambiguity: can a knife cut itself? Can the eye see itself without the aid of a mirror?
Maybe a place full of hate and racism isn't the best place to find God. Have you tried going to Church?
Don't do it. Rise above and be rational. Or in other words, an atheist.
Man who can walk on water & turn bread into wine = real
Man who can turn into a lizard = Not real
I'm not sure which of us is more confused
When I realized what the slow death of traditional christianity is doing to my country. When you eliminate God and natural law, Satan takes over your society through marxism, socialism, green ideology and so on.
The only liveable region left in Germany is Bavaria, home of conservative catholicism. I started going to a traditionalist, FSSP run Church in order to rebuild my faith in Chist and my life has improved greatly since.
The christian end time philosophy gives broadens your view on the world and gives you more incentive to fight back against the cultural marxists.
One day you will find the Aryan theologies that Jesus drank from, before it's too late.
Start with Zoroastrianism. Remember that it was a Zoroastrian Emperor, Cyrus the Great, that liberated the Jews, allowed them to return to Jerusalem, and gave them permission to build the Second Temple.
The Book of Daniel (which was written during the Babylonian Captivity), is also when Prince Michael is introduced into the Abrahamic religions. Do some research on an angel called Mica in Old Persian, you might be surprised.
When I realized that every deity was the same, and that the gods were aliens, and they're coming back one day to judge mankind. So if I don't adhere to as many religions as possible they'll judge me unworthy and send me to the moon.
start by this :
pray in the morning, in the evening, before a meal to thank God.
The first and most important thing to do is to understand and believe what Jesus Christ (God) did by bleeding and dying on the cross. It's the ultimate sacrifice to wash away all sins.
It doesn't mean that sins don't exist, that you can sin without consequences.
^^^Semitic middleman angry over the fact that an Aryan found the proper path to God.
I met Jesus in a dream and he gave me his heart through a door which he stood within. Never read the bible, but once I started looking for answers I found this scripture.
"I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.
"And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart."
And welp, that's when I realized, everything was damn real about the bible. Get saved bros, he's waiting for you to talk to him directly, right over your shoulder, he's wondering will you say something to him from reading this. Go for it.
i started believing in christianity when i realized that the coalition of atheism, marxism, and secularism is designed to decieve me into destroying myself, my family, and my lineage.
With all the lies, layers upon layers, I had to default to the first Truth. Everything seemed much clearer since then.
I was a Fedora from 14-18 but I gradually started understanding Christianity and believing God. Now I'm 20 and a Christian of sorts I'm working on going to a local Catholic church soon.
I'm not angry about anything, friend. What's your dog in this fight?
>everything was damn real about the bible
You mean the murdering of children and the raping of women and the taking of slaves for the jews? Yep, all true.
>It was a childish delusion that couldn't last me into adulthood.
The lizard people theory pushed by David Icke seems to bring low quality evidence. I`ve read his book sons of the matrix i think it is called and the beginning ( where he explains how things started and their origin) seems fake. I am not saying the chance of a creature that can transform itself in human and into lizard isn`t impossible. All i am saying is that the lizard people theory is optional and shouldn`t represent the focus of a conspiracy theorist. One should mess with other bigger titles and leave this theory the last on the list.
My "dog in this fight" are Semites stealing Aryan knowledge, coating it with a layer of Jewish shit, and then selling back to the Aryans at ten times the cost.
So many of the guys on this thread are on the right path, but the Final Archon they have to defeat before they find God is a devious bastard.
Do you pray daily?
See, you don't understand why that happened if you never even read the bible in the first place.
Angels left their first estate, I.E Heaven and became human and mated with human women. They created offspring, abominations which were giants and savages, these abominations contradicted God's original plan for humans, humans and angels were never to mix, thank the devil for that.
God chose a people to destroy these abominations, every time the israelites came upon a Kingdom it was one filled with giants spanning 12 feet tall. Now if you believe in the slaughter then u must also believe the giants, and if you believe the giants then you believe they were creatures never intended to exist on Earth, thus were eliminated.
Slaves had a right after 7 years to be freed from bondage, people starved to death back then, they willfully became slaves because they knew they would die otherwise, and they knew they would be free after 7 years.
Says nowhere in the bible but you will gladly pull it out of your ass to justify the injustifiable.
When i started reading Carl Jung.
The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.1 Corinthians 2:14
Jesus was a master of dharma. His god sounds very different from the god of the old testament. To 'carry one's own cross' was a message to pursue enlightenment.
Hinduism and Christianity are synonymous. The Talmud teaches that Jesus was an evil magician burning in a lake of shit in hell.
Anything the Jews are against is pretty much good shit at this point.
I started believing when I realized God is, essentially, the force of causality that orders the entire universe. Once I made the connection between His commandments in the Scripture and what happens in our lives (and why He gave us free will), it became self-evident.
I've believed all my life, my mother was always praying for me and talking to me about Jesus, but I never really took it seriously until my mid 20's.
I started looking into arguments for God's existence so I would be able to defend myself against Atheists, and I was surprised to find that pretty much all of the arguments support Theism while the Atheistic view is very weak and unsupported by science and experience.
Then I started finding lots and lots of videos of God healing people and setting them free from their sins, and I watched many testimonies from all over the world of what Jesus has done, which really touched me.
But, this didn't change my heart, I was still living like the world, doing drugs, visiting prostitutes, using bad language, etc... One day I got tired and really wanted to start seeking and serving God, so I started listening to Christian music, I remember the first song was "Shout to the Lord" by Darlene Zschech, and I started crying so hard for a long time. This was the moment I truly repented of my sins, I believe.
After this moment, I immediately stopped using drugs and didn't even crave them, neither did I drink or watch porn at all. I was still smoking cigarettes though.
Fast forward a few months, I meet a girl who would soon become my wife, we went through some tough times and we fell in sin with each other, but then I decided that we are going to a Christian event all the way in Holland because I wanted her to get saved, and I wanted her to see, with her own eyes, the power of God.
I'll continue in the next post...
begome ordodox
interesting, go on
First understand that you are naturally good, existing as a material representation of God, holding the divine spirit within. This is your original state when you entered this realm. You embodied the faith in the beginning. Remember.
Start over.
Acknowledge the harmful actions and thoughts you commit against yourself and those around you during your life. Cease those thoughts and actions. Try to mitigate the damage.
Practice righteous, justice, and morality. Do no harm to others. Instead, do good to others.
Forgive yourself and forgive others so that you will be shown mercy and kindness in return.
Awaken the divine spirit within. Ask for it to manifest. Let it be your teacher. It will show you the way and will liberate you from everything that degenerates and degrades, everything that conspires to make you less than you should be.
In this manner you will grow into the perfect image of God.
(This is what I learned from my teacher, who was betrayed and murdered by one his students.)
Yes catholic, all these people whom can blatantly see the devil-god your worship for what he is are deluded, only you see truly.
So after speaking everyday with my girlfriend on Skype, long distance (she went back to her country after we were together for a few weeks because she can't stay in Finland) I bought the tickets for "The Last Reformation" kickstart meeting in Zelhem, Holland.
The day came to meet up, and we did in Amsterdam, she ran over and gave me a hug because she missed me, never had that done to me before, felt really nice. Anyway, we took the train to Zelhem, a little town in the middle of nowhere, and that is where a lot of people were gathered for teaching, prayer, worship, baptism, etc...
The very first day, after getting good teaching, prayers started and people were praying for each other and Torben (the main teacher) and his team were also praying for everyone, and so many people were crying and getting set free.
We couldn't stop hearing screaming coming from people getting prayed for, squirming on the ground due to demonic manifestation, but in the end getting set free and being baptized and receiving the Holy Spirit. It was an awesome sight to behold, I felt like I was in the Book of Acts.
During time of worship and music, my girlfriend was crying all the time, and eventually when Torben prayed for her, she fell down and was also set free. She told me she remembers hearing inside her "I hate user and I hate Torben, run away from here", which wasn't her, but the demon oppressing her, that was resisting. She got baptized the next day, and is now a born again Christian who loves Jesus.
There was one guy in a wheelchair who, on the third day of the event (last day) got set free from a spirit of fear that was holding him down, and immediately he got up and started walking, and we were all praising God for what he had done, he got baptized later that day, and his wife was also set free from demons.
I'll continue a bit more in the next post...
Just gonna put my opinion in the thread.
I think we choose to believe in something because we want truth (and a feeling of purpose).
So wether you're muslim/christian/jew or pagan you are on a path of seeking truth (if you're dedicated to yourself and have the will to be the best man you could possibly be). But in the end it doesn't matter what religion you believe in since it's so fucking complex to understand and we're 5700-2000-1500 years away from our "prophets".
I believe that your will find truth within yourself with basic understanding of religion, read about them all and make up your own mind about what you and others deem a "good person".
Having a hard time associating with religions but the most important is to respect others and most of all, respect yourself so that you can be the kind of man you would want your son to be.
I'll pray for you friend. And I love you too.
I don't need nor want your prayer, I'm already saved.
Through gnosticism, not through your falsehoods.
I forgot to mention one more thing about that event:
During this event, on the second day, we went out in groups to the center of Deutinchem and prayed for strangers, I was kickstarted then by a guy called Daniel who made me pray for a Muslim girl who had pain in her foot, I just kneeled down and said "Pain go in Jesus name right now, go!" and it went away, and the girl was in absolute shock at what just happened.
This was the first miracle, and I was super euphoric and couldn't believe what just happened, even though I've seen plenty of healings on Youtube.
After this, she went back to her country, and I went back to Helsinki, and we were still in touch every day. One day, I proposed to her on Skype, and we decided to get married. She was super happy about it.
Now we are a happily married couple who love Jesus, and we have prayed for people and gone to Church a lot together, sometimes we have house church with other believers we've met.
I've now prayed for 4 people who got healed, one was an Iraqi immigrant in Helsinki who hurt his knee playing football, he was healed and absolutely shocked, saying "Is there magic in your hands?" and I just said "Nope, we're just regular people who believe in Jesus", then he said "If I post this on Facebook, nobody will believe me".
Then another Vietnamese guy who sold us our bed, I prayed for his neck and he got healed.
Hoping for many more testimonies! Sorry guys I had to cut it short because something urgent came up but I'll be right back if anyone has any questions.
To conclude, God is most definitely real, and he has revealed himself in Jesus of Nazareth, and he loves you all very much. For those who truly want to know, will know. Seek and ye shall find, but unfortunately nobody seeks.
be right back
>Hinduism and Christianity are synonymous.
Please stop fooling around with mysticism and idolatry. It has nothing to do with Jesus. Jesus`s message was plain and simple and was explained in the Bible. If you really want some explanations start studying the Bible verses.explained.
Sure bro. Great testimony, congrats on getting married and saved too.
I have the same issue. Actually frustrating to not have any faith or where to begin. I can't remember having any spiritual moments, and I have an overwhelming atheist mindset.
You seem angry friend. I'm simply going to need you to get angrier.
Thanks for your story finn-user. Do you consider baptism essential? I was baptized as a baby Roman Catholic but I moved away from that church years ago and will never go back.
Hinduism in monotheistic.
Jesus taught in parable and had advanced teachings for his more ardent followers.
• The Second Coming of Reb Yhshwh: The Rabbi Called Jesus Christ
• The Cipher of Genesis
• The Hiram Key and The Hiram Key Revisited
• Sanatana Dharma: The Eternal Natural Way
Transcendentalism is a key component in Orthodox Christianity when considering the Lord's Prayer... which is intoned much like a Japa and/or mantra meditation; the method, as explained in Bishop Kallistos Ware's The Orthodox Way is synonymous with Transcendental Meditation.
Don't fall for unnecessary compartmentalization, it's what (((they))) want.
Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.
Through Passion I gain Strength.
Through Strength I gain Power.
Through Power I gain Victory.
Through Victory my chains are Broken.
The Force shall free me.
Religion creates civilisation.
I studied History.
Thank you user!
I would say it's very important, but I wouldn't say that without it we can't enter heaven, because we know that only Jesus saves.
Baptism is a public declaration of your faith, where you bury your old sinful self underwater, and a new man comes out, so it doesn't make any sense whatsoever for babies to get baptized, so really, you have never really been baptized. Also in a real baptism you get baptized to Jesus Christ, not a religious organization.
This might help you: