For most of human history up until 100 years or so ago, the only thing most people cared about was making/buying food long enough to have a family.
Today's equivalent is a minimum wage worker doing 2 jobs. Why is this a bad thing?
For most of human history up until 100 years or so ago, the only thing most people cared about was making/buying food long enough to have a family.
Today's equivalent is a minimum wage worker doing 2 jobs. Why is this a bad thing?
because we had no choice in our money inflating
You can't support a family on two minimum wage jobs, not even close. Not only this, but Americans fought for years to build up unions and rights for blue collar workers, only to be sold out by their elected representatives. Being completely screwed over by illegal immigration, NAFTA and MFN for China isn't negated by your saying "Hey, at least you aren't dead while I enjoy my upper middle class lifestyle and look down at you, amirite?".
Jews, also the dumb fucks need to get a trade
Amazing how so few people then could reflect on their lives and realize it was a net suffering. Why subject more children to it in the future? The only gift a past generation has offered its successors is a slower, more miserable death.
Then go live with extended family like the smart Mexicans we all bash here. Free daycare and extra income from them if they can work. If they can't work, your waifu can work.
Because life ain't that bad here. At least you aren't a poo
Living like a Mexican is a fate far worse than death.
I also like how your response is basically "We purposely fucked you over and destroyed your way of life, so just take being a newly minted third worlder like the conformist bitch you are."
shill. the Mexicans are dope. go hang with jews u cunt
>t. entitled bitch
it's not, though. the people in that cabin could bust their ass growing food and have more food. the minimum wage worker's pay goes the same distance no matter how hard he works, and the government is probably picking up his meals anyways
Yeah, that's not a response, just gnashing of teeth in BTFO fashion.
>I don't want to make small sacrifices for big returns later
Bitch I lived with extended family for years and paid rent until I got a job that afforded me a family
1. 2 minimum wage jobs.
2. Save enough to drop 1 for 6 weeks and take a trade training course and get into a trade
3. ???
4. Profit
You guys sound like liberals. Didn't expect that from you pol
Yeah you can. Don’t know why this shit gets pushed.
how? not much left after rent and food and childcare and transportation and boy you better hope you don't get sick or have an accident because those deductibles are murder
Extended family you fucking illiterate faggot
what if you don't have any
There are a lot of really cheap places to live in the country that still need minimum wage workers. I have family in the Deep South that get by on 1 job alone. Though most of them only did the minimum wage deal long enough to get into a trade and now only have to work about 4-6 months a year
You guys are so resistant into looking for opportunities wherever they may exist. It's no wonder the US is turning brown
do they already own land/a house? because that's a pretty big leg up anywhere. my point is that either being or debt or starting at zero means that minimum wage is just enough to keep from starving to death but not much else.
OP's cabin people owned their land. yeah they had to scrape for every inch of survival but their work was theirs, not some (((investor's)))
>looking for opportunities wherever they may exist
You're saying we should throw away all of our ideals and culture in order to become rootless cosmopolitans so that we can preserve our ideals and culture...?
Why don't you ask the homesteaders in Alaska how they do it? It's hard work but pretty damn rewarding
Nigga what I'm suggesting is literally what Americans have been doing since America was founded
i know how they do it retard. they own their fucking land. mimimumwageworker doesn't own shit, and none of his work is his own. that's why they're not equivalents like OP said
You're ignoring all my other suggestions in this thread.
I'm out. Gotta go enjoy my Sunday
Oh look, somebody with brain cells!
Life is suffering, all parents are evil.