Will you guys be voting for Bernie in 2020?

Will you guys be voting for Bernie in 2020?

yeah, in the democratic primary, for sure

didn't he said he won't run?

This haha

Fuck no. He knew. Weak. Ask Bernie about ACTBLUE(S)


I will literally fight Bernie fags and Corbyn fags for the rest of my life.


For anyone thinking of doing the same, read your states primary laws before doing so. In some states you must vote for the party you voted for in the primary.

I'll cast my meaningless NYfag vote for him if he lives that long.

Voted for him in the primary and wrote in "Bernie" during the general election and I'll do the same fuckn thing next time. He's the only one that's not balls to the walls retarded on climate change.

Um no. With any luck he’ll be in jail or dead

Who would be your ideal candidate?

Bullshit. You gotta be registered with them but you dont have to vote for them obviously. What the fuck do you think a secret ballot is nigger?

As a proud liberal Jew, yes I will vote again for him

AI Richard Nixon.
>tfw still have human presidents
How inefficient

Bernie is going to have some pretty tough competition. Hillary already has her campaign posters made.

Why did Hillary even let this guy live?


he robbed his following. he knew. remember that

Funny you say that, this morning Sanders, Warren and Brazile were taking a private bus together to an event, and it crashed and all three died. Very sad, our thoughts go out to their families.

You're a fucking retarded nigger, my dude.

Fuck no, was a long time Bernie supporter. The second I listened to Milton F and Thomas Sowell I felt my beliefs were retarded. I now cringe at my leftist friends...

fuck no. kys

Bull fucking shit

bernie will be dead by 2020

Yes. The billionaires that right wing retard conservashits worship, serve and obey like Warren Buffett and George Soros, they don't need tax cuts.


Fuck no.


Suck a dick demoshits.

>I was a long time Bernie supporter
Kill yourself

He showed his weakness during the entire blm thing.

He let a group of negros take the stage, they were the warm up act and he let them shut down the rally. What will he do if another country attacks? Just let them?

Sanders is a weak beta male