WinterBall 2017

So Sup Forums has agreed to ask /mlp/ to the Winter Ball due to the april fools joke that brought our boards together, others disagree. Vote now!
Previous thread: POLL

Other urls found in this thread:

I thought we already asked /mlp/.

no we didn't you faggot, i swear animal fuckers are the goddamn most annoying faggots on Sup Forums, animal fuckers are so goddamn delusional


No polls, just repeating digitals, like last year.

Sup Forums hasn't agreed to anything
it's just horsefuckers jumping the shark

some newfags and redditors disagree

/wg/ is cute!

/an/ and /ck/ are good backups.

we did

big if true

WE already had a fling with /mlp/ it was fun, better than fun it was amazing. I don't want to ruin it.

where is the 'op is a fag' option?

this, Sup Forums is taking /o/, the debate is closed, animal fuckers can go lynch themselves

I WANT /o/!

>Sup Forums has agreed
no. stoop flooding the polls horsefuckers, not fooling anyone.

Sup Forums would make more sense.

Well post it in this thread silly. I"ll say it's confirmed next thread.

Someone screencap the trips from last thread for /mlp/?
Polls and digits have spoken now.
Sack up /o/ fags.

We did, but some are angry about it.

/polo/ pls

Bump for inspiration

:^) everyday until you like it.


so many pro /mlp/ digits defeating pro /o/ digits

We didn't deserve these drawfriends.

Shareblue panicking rn


>Sup Forumsacks adventure in beastility land

Haha glad this guy made the jump from the other thread. /wg/ is a slut, I saw her talking to /hm/.

Another year goes by and poor /wg/ sits at home by herself... cropping images and changing resolution sizes while everyone else is at the ball. Why live when my sweetheart doesn't know about me?


naw, we're taking /o/, it's already agreed, now go back to /mlp/ you faggots and go jerk off to animals fucking each other or whatever the fuck you losers do

>i'll call them shareblue, that'll work!
fuck off degenerates, no one likes you

We promised /o/ last year that we'd go with them again. Sorry if you forgot about it.

/an/ is already with /k/


Go fuck a car already if you love them so much

/kan/ do!

If pol is so anti degeneracy why are they teaming up with the very seed of degenracy ?

My kingdom for Sup Forums



You're trying too hard, buddy.

>muhhh shareblue!!!1 help fellow ponypedes!11

No we didn't.
many fags wanted /x/ next year

Sup Forums would be pretty fun desu

These digits say otherwise.

>share blue
Are you fucking mad? Share blue would probably love to see us in bed with the Horsefuckers, what better way to make us look like weirdos, losers and degenerates?

Why can't we have both? Why must we fight?




No one wanted /x/ at all. Stop making shit up.

much better than fucking a horse



We're not polygamous mudslimes, get out

>being a degenerate
We go with one person damn it. I accept a double date with us and /o/ going with /mlp/ and whoever they choose though.

>We pre-dated the Charlotesville attack
>Our 2D pics are becoming 3D events
>anime is turning real

I vote /mlp/. The April Fools merging proved there's a goldmine of meme potential there.

You really want us to pass up the opportunity to convert mlp-tan into a redpilled, natsoc, traditional values girl?


Catalonia is not a real country

>they want us with /mlp/
> shills were shellshocked during the april fool merge
> implying not with /lgbt/


It would be a shakeup, and give the artists something good to work with.

We deserve it, after all the good work we've done

/mlp/ orbits us while we tenderly love /o/

>using reddit lingo

Or this could be a solution to placate everyone's autism

nah, not gonna work sweetie

Oh also last year the whole Wacky Races thing started as a double date between us and /o/ with Sup Forums and /m/ before spirally out of control. We should go with /o/ again and do another double date for that reason.

fuck that poll just wait for quints or something.

Are we popular enough to be the guy bringing two girls to the ball?

Sup Forums is taking /o/, it's now been decided. /mlp/ spergs can go back to their containment board now and go jerk off to dreaming about fucking the neighbors dog like the degenerate fags they are

discussion is now closed

/mlp/ won with a large margin in both polls and there's already a thread from us on /mlp/ asking them out.
So stop fucking screeching already /o/fags you had your time to shine last year.


Half the beard left during the merge. Who the fuck wants to see cartoon pony dick while they're having political discussions?

Who's VR going with?

you are not deciding anything.
Fuck off redditor

>waaaaahhhh! why are you guys suggesting things we don't like! we're not doing that! we're doing what i wanna do! it's decided! i decided it! waaahhhh!
Go back to fucking tumblr, we're having a debate here.

How about you leave instead. Sounds like a certain board may be perfect for you.



>we make fun of left wing freaks for being promiscuous
>this user says we must act the same
Have you no sense of shame?

>not understanding irony

We could be the virgin /polo/ /mlpol/
THE CHAD /mlpolo/

Imagine all the fucking OC boys, we'd be rolling in the memes

Oh so half of the board are faggots who constantly ruin it with slide threads and shill posts?
thanks for proving my point faggot.


It's just a date, user. You don't think anything lewd is actually going to happen? Shame on YOU, get your mind out of the gutter

The rate they're going , they'll pick /o/

If you're not making anything, kindly stop being rude.

See Stop trying to turn us into hypocrites

/o/ here
Pls take us, it would piss off our resident furfags, nigger faggot Alphonse, resident commie faggot prez/o/, and our resident tranny tNEWFAGGAY

let's set this down once and for all
/mlpolo/: YES or NO?


>you do lewds on the first date
Easy tiger.

Only Sup Forumspolar can be allowed here


/mlpol/ is already OTP

Numbers say otherwise. /polo/

>not understanding meta irony

Dude, that's shitty, how do you get all boards to agree. I want a traditional date, even if it's not with sweet /wg/...

We want to, but the ponies are clingy as fuck

Wtf is the winter ball?

>47% /mlp/

Literally the state of this board