Why didn't Q tell us this??


Other urls found in this thread:



he did say that there would be lots of false information coming out to try and subvert what's happening.

>if I'm right, good
>if I'm wrong, they're lying to cover up the truth

Q was a LARP.

he also said there would be a bunch of faggots like you running around claiming larp.

so far more than a couple things Q has said have happened. so you can go be a faggot somewhere else

It’s still real to me, damnit

Have a fucking spine and think for yourself, nu/pol/, his predictions don't involve any elements that weren't already floating around on here or in the media. It's just a LARP.

It was a LARP you dumbass. It's always a LARP.

And the NBC claim is real. This twitter source is shit, but drudge has a link to it.

You retarded niggers always fall for the larp. Every time.