Russian protests update anybody?

News links I found:

^ Eeven the Chinese are reporting it. The numbers are not that impressive, though.

Any updates or better images from people on the ground over there?

Other urls found in this thread:

Another source


Just another lefty libshit (((revolution))). Everything is already over.
pic related

The Chinese again:

>those badges


Actually, I was not interested in more FSB postings...

Their chests say HOMO backwards. Interesting.


Even the Russian government media:

That surely is not from today. These are "nationalist protests" I read, right? What is going on there?

So what the fuck are you expecting? Those liberals are laughing stock of Russia. Ofc western media trying to push it like "EBIL PUTIN PURGES MILLIONS OF INNOCENT FREEDOM FIGHTERS", but srsly nothing serious happened.
You can check street cams of any russian city and see it by yourself.

That is cyrillic and reads OMON, a riot police/Staatssicherheit service in Russia

Oh well, I should check all street cams in Russia? And you think I am stupid enough to waste my time like this?

If you didn't knew: Russia is way bigger then Vatican City.

Few dozen liberal revolutionary faggots are going to spend the night in jail, nothing exciting.

>another lefty libshit
lol, you don't even read article.
there are right protests last few days all around the country.

Here some background on the "nationalist and aarchist" organization that is cited by Russian Sputnik:

All calling that "leftist" or something are for sure FSB shills.

It feels nice to know there's libshits destabilizing other countries through protests and not just the US for once

why are you so stupid to not even read news or article in OP post?
Ha днях был Pyccкий мapш, ceгoдня тoжe пpaвыe выcтyпaют, a нe либepaлы.

>What is going on there?
It's a """violent coup""" organized by Maltsev. The guy is somewhere in UK or something like that by now and he and his followers are straight up retarded. What you should know is that these guys are even dumber than Navalny followers and are completely irrelevant. They are basically just a laughing stock like somebody else said.

>These are "nationalist protests"
I think you're confusing it with "Russian March", the annual nationalist rally that happened on november 4th. It also was kind of a failure.

>not liberal
I know he thinks he's a nationalists and all that, but come on. Pyccкий мapш is a separate event.

stupid r*ssians