Will you oblige?
Papa John's tells racists: 'Don't buy our pizza'
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Papa Johns is /our pizza/
It's a good idea. You shouldn't support businesses that come out against ''racists.''
You're not losing anything by not buying their products, they're the ones who are losing.
Never support anyone who is against racism.
Nobody likes this stupid faggots pizza. This dude is the dumbest fuck on earth. Blacks ain't buying his shit because of the NFL comments and now he's just baselessly attacking white people who agreed with him.
Fuck this moron.
>Papa Johns
>everything is getting politicized
>now its pizza
>soon every petty thing will be a political statement
our end will be a sad wimpering one.
This,he pretty much shot himself in the foot.
Sawdust and fake cheese. Wtf would you eat this literal shit anyway. Papa jones going to tank- he isolated both sides.
I never did
Can I still buy it, or it's just for white racists?
It's ok to boycott Papa
This. Memeing aside, he should have learned from Trump that once you signal against anything left there is going to be an outcry of "dats raysis" followed by us faggots on the internet making jokes about it. No reason to come out and speak against whites. Fucking idiot. Now he deserves to have his brand meme'd
I've been boycotting them for my whole life. I am from New Jersey and that is not pizza
Hang on. Do we support them for making leftists mad, disavow them for apologizing and condemning racism, or support them ironically to hurt sales with a wider audience?
I love my papa but hate papa jones
>papa john's
too much sauce
literally cardboard
>pizza hut
greasy as fuck
if you're gonna eat pizza, support your local establishment, preferably if the owners have italian last names.
what if its a hipster brewpub slash pizzeria?
had a pappa jons pizza once, it ws the second worst pizza ive ever had in my life!
hi there viral PR firm papa johns hired
i will buy any pizza that i want as a consumer you jewish fuck, its fucking pizza not politic statment
When they will come to poland
Yes. Let the virtue-signaling faggots go out of business
who cares, it's not like he has any say whatsoever in who buys his product
It's kind of a free market, racists can order whatever they want
1760 calories in an entire medium hand tossed pepperoni pizza.
According to my calorie calculator, I'd lose a pound per week if I ate a medium pizza every day.
Why is weight loss considered hard?
>Implying I eat the sandnigger-pancake.
also all whiteys are racists desu senpai
That's not enough. That's like a lunch for me. 6'3" 170 pound dude here
fat fucks eat even more than that, and drink a ton of calories
>Papa Johns tells racists not to buy pizza
>Black people don't buy their pizza
Check Mate
I will order online and ask them to do a pepperoni swastika in the comment section. That will solve this argument once and for all.
We need full nazi regalia flash rallies at Papa John’s.
Hand tossed is pretty thick crust, basically deep dish with less grease. If you ate the entire thing your stomach would be hurting
>Potentially make yourself appealing to a new market
>Instantly turn around and tell that market you don't want their business
Should meme Nazi Papa John shit just to teach this faggot a lesson.
who the fuck eats chain pizzas anyway?
This is why I buy little Hitler's.
He can suck my pahpah kawk
I call on all whites to order online and ask for swastika design.
Heil Hitler!
Why is all pizza in Sweden made by Arabs?
I like the way you think
best post
Not like I ordered their mediocre pizza in the first place. Seriously, who the fuck buys their pizza? How are they still in business?
Can't believe nobody has posted this yet. Fuck Papa john and his wanna be Pizzlord ass. Tacky af
I'm just gonna say it:
Anyone who buys chain pizza is an idiot and an asshole. If you buy chain pizza I don't even consider you to be a human being
I don't buy any chain pizza but it is disgusting and overpriced.
some aids riddled nigger is probably going to spit on your pizza
If there's a business we don't like. We could just say we support it. That would course normies to stop using their services.
cringe as fuck.
hope he goes bankrupt and has to forfeit that house.
t.18 years old
Implying anyone would actually eat anything that came from Papa John's
For you.
This, but I'd say the exception is when you need to feed lots of people at a party or something.
Literally who cares
Here you go, you stupid faggot. And how have you other retards not taken charge before? God damn I swear a bunch of 12 year olds use this site now.
Because you aren't going to get a pizza for $7 at some mom and pop's place. Price will be triple and half the time the quality will actually be lower
Is this reverse psychology.
Never bought it to begin with.
If I was a franchisee I'd be pretty pissed off, though.
Why do these retards respond in such retarded ways?
>i am a businessman
>it is a sound business decision to tell a portion of the population to not partake in my business
>i am a broke virtue signaler
>gib gubmint cheddar
What if this is just a faggy version of invasion of the body snatchers?
John is trying to help us... Their pizzas are infused with test-lowering substances
boycott shit chains and buy from small pizza shops
havent gone to a papa johns or a dominos or a little caesars in my life, never will
i'd eat the fuck out of that.
Fuck off, Papa Johns. You can't meme your way out of being shit overpriced pizza.
What else is he going to say? "Racist, buy our pizza?"
>all calories are created equal
pretty much
guy wants to make an enemy? sounds good to me
It was raw dough in the middle
How about not making political statement involving your shitty chain pizza?
Literally who? Only Niggers, fat lefty numales and spics buy that shit anyway
he is just kidding of course
Who the fuck buys chain pizza anyway? Here in NJ it's always niggers and spics. Don't you people in middle America have a local pizza shop run by actual Italians?
I deliver for them - people are spending $23+ per pizza... most of the orders I take are two pizzas; $36-$50.
I feel like this new shitstorm is screwing my tips over because yesterday sucked assholes. God damn it fuck everything.
Thanks, checking for "archive" with ctrl+f was worth it.
>havent gone to a papa johns or a dominos or a little caesars in my life, never will
Pizza Hut guy eh?
Warriors don't put that filth in their bodies
And I thought Dr Oetker was /ourpizza/ for being connected to Nazi Germany
This. Small businesses are fetishized, but they often suck. Most I've been to have rude and bitter owners that treat you like shit and serve a shit product. That's why most of them fail and the deserve it.
You'd be surprised. My buddy in TN actually thinks Domino's is good pizza. I asked him if your question and he just said 'No'. NJ and NY have amazing pizza, never expect anything from other shit tier states.
It's not a political statement, it's a PR stunt. If he said "Trump supporters, don't buy our pizza," then that'd be an issue.
This Hungry Howie's has some of the best pizza in my area
First Little Debbie now Papa John? The NFL is unwatchable too. Oh no how will we ever recover from not being able to eat garbage and sit on our asses. Guess we'll just lift and read instead.
God damn likes are stupid.
He has no other choice, besides...hiz pizza is awful.
I don't buy their garbage pizza so I guess I will.
When it comes to gaining and losing weight without concerning yourself what that weight is, they are literally the same.
This. pick one side of the road to shit on.
you'd only get to eat one pizza a day for starters
When the fuck will people wake up to the fact that cucking to liberals never fucking works? It just pisses off the Right and the Left just laughs at you for bending the knee like a bitch.
>Will you oblige?
Sure I will. Any company that wants to virtue signal to the left is dead to me.
Papa John's pizza is too doughy.
I'll just eat something else.
Papa John's new Nigger Lover Pizza.
>Isn't all of america like my small corner of it?
You're an idiot and a faggot. Enjoy your pizza, I hope all the niggers and spics are worth it.
i dont buy shitty chain pizza to begin with
Which is unlikely since Papa John is openly a Trump supporter
>Schnatter contributed to Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and made supportive comments about his administration in January 2017.
I dont anyway cause it sucks BUT... does that mean papa johns doesnt want niggers and jews to buy their pizza ? Because niggers and jews are the most racist motherfuckers around .
>It's not a political statement
Nigger are you retarded? They're throwing the wide net of "racism" over everyone who was even kinda on their side about the NFL thing in what is obviously a political statement to try and back peddle the other retarded statement they made about it hurting sales. Which even if it was true they should have known better than to say.
I'm a big guy (4u) and I couldn't eat a whole medium pizza in a day. 5'11 215
that's yummy though
>even pizza has been politicised over there in America
US bros, your culture has a serious sickness. I hope you cure it