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"Queer" is the new millennial word for "Awesome"!
Then they are a bunch of faggots not queers
>Race swapped nordic valkyria.
>Are all of these characters explicitly, obviously queer in Ragnarok? No[, just OP.]
"YOU WOULDN’T NECESSARILY know it, but Thor: Ragnarok features three queer characters. One is Valkyrie, the female warrior played by Tessa Thompson. Another is Korg, the Kronan gladiator who befriends Thor and is played, via motion-capture and CGI, by the film’s director Taika Waititi. Then there’s Loki, the Asgardian god of mischief, played by Tom Hiddleston. Three queer characters. Crazy, right? It’s true. You just have to know where to look."
Oh, and their argument for why the characters of this movie are queer? Because the SJW infiltrators that took over Marvel Comics (and are driving it absolutely into the ground) made them queer in comics that nobody reads, that they are basically just writing for a handful of queers and preening queerloving leftists to pose with for selfies on Twitter.
To learn more about what happened to Marvel Comics, and why the Marvel Cinematic Universe makes no reference to and draws no inspiration from any printed comics after 2013, I recommend this channel:
this is your valkyrie now.
In light of Sweden's current ethnic composition, I find it appropriate,
Like I needed another reason to not watch a (((Disney))) movie.
How is this gayer than a bunch of dyke amazons living in the middle of nowhere?
kikes destroying european culture. what a surprise.
>the typeset dangles into the next line of text below it
Fucking quality work.
Shut up peru
I'm not watching it anyway. All movies are full of SJW garbage.
The last Thor movie was shit, I'm done with marvel. It's the same garbage over and over, and any actor in that stupid Antitrump YouTube video gets a life time boycott award.
That's hot!
You could say he was a dumb homo.
What was a gay about it? I thought it was a good movie imo.
Looks cheap. Just the right thing for ameritards
The article did bring up something I always thought though. X-men is super fucking gay.
They're alien's so the race doesn't really matter.
What the fuck is this buy eyed nigger doing
>the film’s director Taika Waititi
fucking diversity hires
He's half maori, half jew. Cohen is his real last name.
moar liek thor: FAGNAROK desu
What about the movie where captain america spends the whole runtime trying to find his tsundre boyfriend?
Tessa has the hots for alpha mam Hulk.
Taika just sounds kindly, kindly != gay.
Loki had hot women feeding him when he larped as Odin.
I wont watch this or any other super hero movie ever again. I use to watch them all, go to the theater and such. Never again tho.
Alpha maN.
the movie is bad, and severely over hyped. has about 10 minutes of great action, and 2 minutes of good dialog. Odin was a joke too.
There was nothing gay about it though
If anything it had a good message in nationalism
I seriously hope you guys don’t pay to see (((Marvel))) products
You are falling for (((their))) plan. Platonic love no longer exists! Frodo and Sam were gay! Straight men can't have meaningful friendships!
I did because I'm not a poor fuck who cares about giving the Jew $20. The movie was still bad.
>The last Thor movie was shit, I'm done with marvel.
I agree with your stance in principle, but I saw the new Thor yesterday and it was a fun movie. They really improved on depicting Thor's character and it had a very strong vaporwave vibe throughout the entire movie.
Worst part for me was the dropped character development for Bruce Banner. There's a scene that's actually a pretty big deal but it gets completely dropped during the climax of the movie and everyone involved just forgets about it.
Loki also became a horse and had a bun in his horsie oven.
No need to be loud about it when you can count on the clickbait circus to scream about it for you.
pls tell me that videogame tier CGI is not from the movie
Loki was pansexual
The good vs. Evil dichotomy is dying out to be honest.. The feel good, good just beat the shit out of evil at its doorstep meme is getting old as is most capeshit. Interestingly enough, after a painful segway movie, it seems StarWars will be breaking new ground in this way...
I'm just making fun of chris evans
You're fucking retarded for giving hollywood ANY money.
You're a fucking slave to pop culture and still a bluepilled faggot.
You do not have the willpower to actually commit yourself to doing what must be done and if you have any of these traits you are part of the degradation of this board.
Alright drumpfkins. It looks like you need some LGBT-cation. All of you seem to think that "gender" and "sex" are the same thing. They are not. Also, none of you seem to know the meaning of "gender is a social construct".
I'll proceed to explain both.
Gender is, in essence, what you identify as. Adapting mannerisms that have been deemed "feminine" and "ladylike" by society, as a man, makes you a "woman". And that goes the other way around, assuming a masculine persona, even if you're female, makes you a woman. Gender is a spectrum, however, so there are a people that identify not with the extremes, but as something around the middle. Surely you've heard of "sissies" (men) and "tomboys" (women). They still retain a hint of maleness and femininity, respectively, but they adapt these personas partly. Genderqueer persons are relatively recent, and they might choose to be in the spectrum at all. Some Genderqueer persons, however, pick a gender persona that is deemed "bizarre" and "degenerate" by drumpfkins like you - for example, a man who is dressing and acting like a woman, but while retaining his facial and body hair. That's extremely vanilla, but I doubt drumpfanzees like you would be able to
i dont think a shot for shot remake of The Empire Strikes Back is really "breaking new ground"
the 90s are dying with laughter
Of course you did
That's odd, looked like Vaporware to me
...right after (kinda during) Sup Forums. How... improbable unless told to look.
>It was a fun movie
Comic books are Jewish culture.
What the fuck is even a queer? A fag? A dyke? Bisexual?
Oh man, a female "writer" squeezing her tits to get ad revenue.
How is this not cultural aprobation?
What a surprise.