I just discovered that my father is a Mason. He won't tell me anything about the organization or what they do. Are they redpilled, Sup Forums? I'm honestly a bit frightened.
I just discovered that my father is a Mason. He won't tell me anything about the organization or what they do...
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Masons are ok.
They are a secret society...I know quite a few...they are really God loving people..the ones I know are anyway
Can you share anything with us, brother? From what I understand you guys do a lot of charity work, correct?
they will just rape and sell children for profit
do you feel sleepy?
They basically ask you for a bunch of your resources in trade for brotherhood and influence, at least here in portugal that's how they work...
>He won't tell me anything about the organization or what they do.
That's queer. No reason he can't.
>From what I understand you guys do a lot of charity work
Unfortunately yes. It comes from a misunderstanding/mistranslation of Faith/Hope/Charity, where Caritas replaced ἀγάπη.
>at least here in portugal that's how they work...
Yea, but there are also legit lodges.
Perhaps they had some influence on the events of the past, but modern masons are irrelevant larpers. He probably does it for shits n giggles.
The Hidden Master of the Masonic Order is the Jesuit General.
There, you now know more than your "Enlightened" father.
>The Hidden Master of the Masonic Order
Which "Masonic Order"?
Join and spill
I'm a mason. There's no super spooky shit, it's just a club. We mostly piss about using allegorical tales to explain life lessons, and shit like that.
But they aren't connected. Like, by definition. So which one? And which part of which one?
300 years too late for that. Look up the Edinburgh Register House for the earliest example.
Roberts was the sole conservative vote for upholding Obamacare, right?
Your dad must be pretty ashamed not to let you join his club.
Satan laughing spreads his wings.
how much did you fucked up that he doesn't want to tell you anything or let you join
your dad is a jewish puppet trapped in a satanic sect
It's literally judiasm for the goyim. No one actually believes in the stuff, but it's a little club full of rituals and then they help each other in business.
Funny lookin burkas, but dude must be pimp to have 3 chicks like that!
I think they just get wasted and suck dick
>It's literally judiasm for the goyim
How so?
Infiltrate you dumb cunt.
Masons make good men, better. Hello friend, whom I later find to be a brother.
t. fellow mason. Twp ball cane.
Masons make good men, better. Hello friend, whom I later find to be a brother.
t. fellow mason. Two ball cane.
>Masons make good men, better. Hello friend, whom I later find to be a brother.
>t. fellow mason. Two ball cane.
i doubt it, most of them are to old to be redpilled. flower gen
You have to penetrate him before he will tell you. And no, him molesting you for years doesn't count, it has to be you in him.
They are red pilled on everything and are siding with the Jews and against their kin. Selling their souls to the demons because it looks like the demons are winning.
Any tips for joining secret societies? The real shit, not daddy paid for me to get into Bohemian Grove
They recruit at reststops on major interstates at night
Lmao @ OP. Your father thinks you are a disappointment because you are a reptilian who hasn't learned how to shape shift yet. Learn, and he will tell you.
They have a secret word you can look up on google. Mumble it all the time.
Masons are assholes. They claim to be a "free thinking man" group but in reality there irony s an hierarchy and you get patronized based on race/age.
T.son of mason cuck
>Two ball cane
Such a woefully unfunny pun.
There really isn't. Hierarchy is advocated, but we don't really have one, since everyone is given equal measure in a lodge.
Freemasons are puppets for the jews
So the BLM flag poster isn't a nigger irl? Niggers can't be real masons.
Though lower-echelon blue lodge fags don't know it, they're literally the bad guys, building the NWO for Satan.
Check out Mark Passio's lectures on their symbology and occult knowledge.
That's not how Mason's are set up.
your dad is just LARPing, all he does is donate money to charity and drink whiskey with a bunch of old fucks.
What degree is he? Anyone on the lower tier is fine, but as you work up the ranks you're asked to sacrifice, humiliate, and eventually bow down to Lucifer
I went to a Mason meeting about a month ago and honestly they are pretty chill people. Besides what Sup Forums spews I knew nothing about them so one day I stumbled into a lodge and, by chance, caught them during one of their monthly meetings. Surprisingly they let me join the dinner part of the meeting and I even got a huge tour of the place.
What I gathered about the Free Masons is the following:
>most members there are small business owners or professionals who want to make connections with like minded people in order to help each other out financially or socially.
>the whole focus of the organization is self improvement meaning they want to turn you into a better man
>no fucking women so you can shoot the shit with your bros and be as vile/politically incorrect as you want and not have to deal with nagging.
>a LARPing element
>have to be religious and believe in God which weeds out all the Atheist and other leftist vermin
>a celebration of masculinity where being a man is valued
Overall I enjoyed myself because it feels like meeting a bunch of Sup Forumstards in real life minus the memes and the autism where you can actually have in depth conversations with people who are pretty genuine. Due to the nature of the organization everyone there is rightwing as fuck and there are zero faggots because it goes against everything that is leftwing in nature.
Literally the most blue pilled cucks in existence, unless your dad was one of the few guys running the show, he was a mindless drone who had to take it in the ass to join.
He probably doesn't tell you anything about it because you're a failure to him and therefore considers you unworthy of continuing his legacy. I'd be suspicious of any siblings you may have, particularly brothers.
your father is likely a closet homosexual. if not, then he's straight but loves the taste of penis
He explained how in the second half of the post.
he won't tell you because he's probably not your father
Yea, but that was wrong, and didn't really explain anything.
It's little more than a vehicle for nepotism and charity contributions and where middle aged man can enjoy themselves and drink together.
Two ball cane
Masons are redpilled my whole family is mason and gramps was like head mason of the dakotas in 1986
user, masons get a bad rep because they are a secret society, and people don't trust what they don't understand. But, one of their beliefs is that they should strive to leave the world a better place than it was when they came into it. You can trust that or not - the secret society shit is on them - but that is my understanding of them.
>won't tell you
LOL say byebye to sponsorship. It's a fraternity of men who get together, drink, whine about their wives, and launder money through each others businesses. That's it.
You must be an extreme disappointment to not be trusted with beer drinking.
Sounds like my kind of club
Gramps was also a shriner which is like the charitable arm of masons/scotish rite
This song is pretty characteristic of them lol and grampa had it on his jukebox
Upper tier Masons are satansts.
The masons I deployed with were weird as hell, and total pricks
They worship Hermes Trismegistos and Lucifer as light bringer and good willed towards humanity under the disguise of Christianity though no one of them actually believe in Christ as Christ but symbol for whatever suits their heretical ideology best.
In very short: They are useful idiots for Zionist Jews. I personally believe that they are part of the Antichrist. They refer to themselves spiritually as stones needed to be shaped perfectly to become part in the spiritual temple of Jerusalem.
Now what happens when the temple is rebuilt? Yes the antichrist will say hello.
>he's so low-level he things the beer-drinking kayfabe is the whole organization
Jesus, you must be a failure if you're still stuck on level 1
Arent they counter reformists?
How would that suit their agenda?
They are globalists and opposite to Sup Forums.
It's just an adult fraternity
>implying anything beyond decons exist in local lodges
Stewardship is nice and comfy desu senpai
The reason your father won't tell you anything about it is because he doesn't respect you as a man. Grow some balls and do something with your life and he would probably sponsor you
Found the cuck who never understood at frat
>>no fucking women so you can shoot the shit with your bros and be as vile/politically incorrect as you want and not have to deal with nagging.
>>a LARPing element
Pretty much this, there aren't many non-women clubs left, and no women is written into the constitution, so anyone who tries to change it is likely to get removed, as they should.
Nope. Christians worship Satan.
God gave man the dominion over the Earth; when man willfully sided with Satan, man became controlled by Satan and sin, and through fallen man, Satan gained power over the Earth. Consequently, Satan dominates the world’s political, religious, social, economic, and educational systems. Hence, the Bible talks about “this present evil world” (Galatians 1:4). Satan is called “the god [or ruler] of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4). The Bible says in 1 John 5:19, “And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.” Ephesians 2:2 speaks of the evil “course of this world.”
JFK was too good for this world..
How much is your festive board lads? £15 here, great food tho.
occultist boy scouts
Your biggest concern should be that your father doesn't trust you.
>Lucifer as light bringer and good willed towards humanity
Well that is the Christian interpretation of that word.
Where do you think Wardens, WMs, and DCs fit, then?
But Deacon is the best job. Saves you from some of the lousier charges, too.
Not even half that. It's a disgrace with terrible sandwiches. We'll hopefully start having it at a hotel just near the lodge, though, and even before the meeting to boot.
Is this ice poseidons friend? Lul
Ask him
>Atleast can you build something made out of stone, you rusty piece of shit?
>they are really God loving people..the ones I know are anyway
Taking secret oaths and threatening to murder and mutilate people who tell anyone else a secret? Wow such nice.
>accepting Muslims
>letting Muslims worship satan in your organization
>literally not allowed to talk about religion
>can't convert them
>literally obliged to help your 'brother' if they get in trouble, even if they are a lying pedo murderer like a congressman who works sedition and needs you to do something to stop him being found out
>muh boring charity meetings
Yeah right.
This is truly a poor attempt to make the devil out of Christ and I would strongly suggest that you repent user. If you read the new testament and believe that Christ is the anti Christ you are being deceived Id guess.
So it's just like Sup Forums only secret.
>Taking secret oaths
Not secret.
>and threatening to murder and mutilate people who tell anyone else a secret?
Doesn't happen. There are allusions to what people in the past would rather have done to them, but nothing which has ever actually been applied.
>accepting Muslims
All faiths can join the non-sectarian degrees. It's not a religious group. Hell, they might be better off if they did join more regularly.
>can't convert them
In lodge? Of course not.
>literally obliged to help your 'brother' if they get in trouble, even if they are a lying pedo murderer
Nope. You promise the specific opposite. As in, help insofar as you feel you should anyone you feel deserves it, but you're required to grass on anyone who has broken the moral, civil, or religious law.
I talked to a freemason the other day and visited their "meeting". I did not swear any oath.
They had plenty of rituals suggesting to praise the Lucifer e.g. they get the light from the "east" and praise it and light candles with it on three pillars everyone resembling an attribution of Lucifer.
Masons pls go...you aren't welcome here.
My great uncle is both a free mason and a member of the knights templar. Slightly eccentric old rich man. Who love cruises and trips to the vatican.
Freemasons are not satanic. They are a continuation of initiatory traditions of the past, let's say they are modern western druids.
Yeah. their belief system is not pure christianity, more like positive gnostic-theistic christianity (YHVH is not a bad guy, see Jakob Boehme's cosmogony). They employ some alchemical knowledge (which is essence is MK Ultra but for good purposes) to transmute average people into good people, open up their inner fire and show them their divine capacities.
They are like Jedi in Star Wars. Those satanic cults that you hear are not masonic, but clandestine lodges, that believe in radical initiatory practices (rape, killings, etc), and those lodges gravitate around Crowlean ideas. They are like Sith. They believe that people can transmutate through transgressions, while masons think that they can do it through good deeds.
11And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
>politically incorrect as you want
Discussion of religion or politics is forbidden in the lodge.
You can't tell mudshits they worship satan, it's in the rules. Christians shouldn't join.
Tpbp to be quite honest family
Is it true that weebs aren't allowed to become masons?
And, jesuits usually are closer to 'sith', see catholic priests diddlng young boys and their aversion to keep people poor and weak, i.e. initiate masses through pain.
Ask him about the nipple thing. He will look worried.
>I talked to a freemason the other day
Bully for you.
>and visited their "meeting"
Well, you wouldn't have visited an actual meeting. Non members can't enter.
>They had plenty of rituals suggesting to praise the Lucifer
Can you cite these volumes?
>e.g. they get the light from the "east"
Yea. Like the planet does. Sun rises in the east.
>and praise it
Eh, not really.
>and light candles with it on three pillars everyone resembling an attribution of Lucifer.
Attribution? You know lucifer is an adjective, not a character, right?
>You can't tell mudshits they worship satan
That would be ungentlemanly and wrong. They're heathen barbarians, but they aren't satan worshipers.
No, plenty of guys on Sup Forums who are members.
The gets
>Freemasons are not satanic.
The definition of to be an antichrist literally means not believing in Christ as Christ. Of course they are antichrist and have a peculiar relationship with Lucifer, the Kabala and Talmud.
E.g. I heard inside the lodge talking about Mary as whore and Jesus as bastard from Panthera. They spill anti Christian propaganda as Zionist tools. There is much effort done to fool the world into making them believe Christ was just a random dude spilling hermetic knowledge or did not exists literally.
>The definition of to be an antichrist literally means not believing in Christ as Christ.
...ergo Masonry can't be anti-Christ.
>E.g. I heard inside the lodge talking about Mary as whore and Jesus as bastard from Panthera.
Sounds like you weren't really in a lodge, bro.
>Christ was just a random dude spilling hermetic knowledge
He was, but there is a _twist_
Come back when you get it
" I heard inside the lodge talking about Mary as whore and Jesus as bastard from Panthera. They spill anti Christian propaganda as Zionist tools. "
It is a tool to impose the change. Just like winemaker crushes grapes first in order to make wine later. Belief system of some person is broken down in order to be rebuild on the next level of understanding.
>they aren't satan worshipers
Then why do they say *llah, pray to a black cube and deny Christ as messiah?
Also, let's imagine hypothetically that words can be loaded/associated with certain meanings using magic, and arranged in such a way that they appear benign yet carry terrible meaning.
Let's imagine that a liar who is cursed and will never be forgiven by God would have a few thousand years to carry out its plan, and decided that they will arrange a bunch of words in bizarre ceremonies in such a way that the people who speak them become cursed.
Now let's imagine that this was called Freemasonry and all those bizarre rituals where you have to memorize hundreds of ambiguous responses which are never adequately explained in an environment of darkness and secrecy while you are surrounded by people who swear oaths to entities which aren't God because God was never known by those names.
I wonder how many Christians were in the middle of their 'initiation' and became brave enough to stop and refuse to continue, and be escorted out or even murdered for it.
I can't imagine what would happen if I was surrounded by weird guys in costumes carrying swords in a dark secret place and I was told to spit on the name of God, or convert to pisslam.
You want to help society? Give to the poor and needy, help widows and orphans. You don't need secret handshakes, silly costumes and certainly will regret denying Christ.