You Wuz comic book characterz. And it was done.....
GOD said
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what the fuck I want to be a nigger now
in 5 years there will be only 5-10 % white actors in movies
Wasn't Black Panther always black?
i am not talking on this movie only. black characters were always part of comics and that's fine absolutely. But black washing characters is disgusting why the fuck is L from death note black ?
that would be reflective of the US demographics so it's fine
Why are you watching that shit in the first place?
Black Panther has enough fans for a movie?
I was at Thor last night and these weird girls in front of me freaked out about it like it was worth watching.
I'm skeptical the movie will be successful unless they made it for less than normal cash
because youtube trending page is rigged and it's popping out every day. Also i have not watched trailer but have seen this pic million times so i recognised character. Also about your first argument if you are trying to make good movie you have to take in mind why characters appearance matters. For example L from death note was weak, pale, insomnia suffering guy and his white pale skin and mess of a hair emphases his lifestyle. when he suddenly became black all the effect was lost
who is that?
Is DC doing a cat woman movie?
There are actual WE
WUZ KANZ comments.
Since we're talking about comics we can't forget about WE WUZ IRONMAN.
The soundtrack will age badly. There were some good elements (where the background track was structured like the roar of a wild african animal), but besides that it's shit.
I know it's a shitty choice myself. I did get a bit angry about that, but the original still exists. It's just an another DragonBall Evolution as far as I'm concerned, a movie everyone will forget soon.
It was also made by Netflix, which have a SJW agenda, too.
Niggers may not have already known about the Black Panther comic book, but they LOVE this movie after the We Wuz Kangz trailer came out.
It's hilarious to see them praising Black Panther. He essentially runs his country full on NatSoc and most of their prosperity comes from a space rock - initially at least.
i just looked it up. what the actual fuck that is why i never watch marvel movies. I know DC is going the same path too but i loved batman so much that i will stick around it longer, but obviously i will abandon that shit too as it turns to SJW propaganda.
that's what i am talking about. i remember when stranger things won the award and actors including children were on stage and they started bashing trump (not the actual children but still you can watch it and get the picture how they are politicising movies, communities, companies and now children)
Iron Mang
Or that time that Captain America became a nazi and was replaced by Captain Diversity.
i don't know the details but have heard about that controversy too
I used to play WoW with some based bastard who used that name