"You've done it again. It's Okay To Be White"
"Congratulations Sup Forums..."
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>posting a video from May 11th
Nice trololol faggot
In the UK we use day/mouth/year
>>posting a video from May 11th
Kek. 5th (05) of November (11). Don't make Americans look stupid, user.
yo yo niggas
How can anyone take this fat cuck seriously? Pretending to be "le enlightened" and "le rational" while roleplaying as some kind of intellectual mesopotamian king when he got completely BTFO in a debate by a fucking gender studies woman and has shown that he doesn't even bother to read studies that he criticizes. When he got called out by the real right for being a cuck, he sperged out and spammed cuck porn on twitter, got banned and then sperged out about "muh censorship" because apparently the SJW who run everything is out for him.
This fat slob wishes he was an ancient philosopher so bad.
>no one will ever make a copypasta about you
Now Sargoy has jumped the train to.
For the future you disgusting alt right discord faggots. Use reddit, just forget Sup Forums exists
People watch him so they can feel rebellious and redpilled without having to having to deal with anything controversial
This 'It's OK to be white' thing has really opened my eyes to a lot of things
I was looking at some friends' social media pages and seeing them post shit like 'Get your racist garbage out of this country,' 'fuck you white scum' 'how dare people put shit like this up which mocks minority activists' et cetera
I couldn't believe the shit I was seeing a hearing. I am completely despondent now, sad all day after this campaign started, because I've realized that 80% of normies hate white people just because we're white, and that includes white normies. I've never seen anything like it in my entire life
people were even telling me that it was stolen from black rights movement (which isnt true iirc) so it was appropriating racial struggle or whatever
Im just done with modern human beings tbqh
Sup Forums is always right and people are just now seeing it. First the lefties fall, then the niggers lose any power they had, then the kikes will be gassed and we'll work on our space programs n shiet. All is going according to plan.
It annoys me that now when people do an internet search for this historical figure they will be drowned out by shit about this youtube personality instead.
Sup Forums is pretty mild on the controversy scale.
>Im just done with modern human beings tbqh
You're hanging around with morons. Consider this a blessing. Cut them out of your life.
Not before BTFOing them with a nice couple of lines mocking their hysteria.
Listen Britbong, it only takes a well armed and well organized 3-5% of the population to overthrow any government. Be the change you want to see.
>mffw all shitskins are crying on their way back home and we beat fuck out of roasties who betrayed us
Maybe in Serbia, but the UK government can arrest you for going on Sup Forums too much
It's gonna be 5/5 bretty gud.
The It's ok to be white campaign made it to some of our italian political discussion normie boards.
Good job Sup Forums.
watch the video retards
it's actually ok
Should change your avatar to have the middle finger raised, because that's what you are doing to us when you use our name and ideas as click fodder.
This, Sargon is fucking based
It was done deliberately to make people uncomfortable and you know it. This is a website which has a swastika banner and people plan for a day of the rope genocide.
>what is satire?
anyone that believes the holocaust happened is openly mocked here, what the fuck are you talking about
You see it that way as a chink, for white people it almost comes across as funny because it breaks the tension a bit 'yeah its felt like white people can do no good recently!'
>people were even telling me that it was stolen from black rights movement
black people even steal activism lmao
get a real job shabbos goy
this is probably the stupid thing you guys have done so far. Most people dont give two shits about race, only you are obsessed with it so much you would go to this length to prove your ignorance.
it's sunday you dumb kraut
Did that banner ever get flown from the helicopter?
its okay to be jewish
"hurr donate to my patreon guys please"
stop shilling here you fat fuck
wow really makes me DENK you turkish faggot
yeah, and you don't think it's strange that this would be seen as uncomfortable?
would this have happened if it said it was ok to be black or anything else?
That was the whole purpose, brit. It was to show how fucking disillusioned people are.
very weak comeback from the Colony of New Pakistan
These aren't really valid criticisms desu. Sargon is one of the few I actually like.
say that to my face fucker not online see what happens
So? you say that like it's a bad thing. Oh, that's right. you fucks are a bunch of cucks that handed over your guns and now can't back up having a white opinion.
Those posters are racist. Here's why.
Let's analyze this. What exactly is white pride? Can you describe it in a way that does celebrate how white people have subjugated and/or murdered other people?
implying that one was any better from the Colony of New Morocco?
have fun with the EU you fucking mainland savage
Just as all religions are not the same, not all identity politics are the same in terms of their logical, behavioral and historical consequences in the world.
fuck off Sargon
The UK can arrest you for not recycling properly.
How soon until this thread gets deleted I wonder
>watch the video retards
>it's actually ok
It's good. Normies will share this and "It's Okay To Be White" will become stronger. This is what we want, faggots. It's working the way it was supposed to work.
>white people have historically been more successful
>this makes white people bad
you got conquered abbo, suck it up
wow, great comeback, very original, did you make that up yourself?
Closed group sorry, but it has 50k members.
>did you make that up yourself?
nope it's just the accumulation of centuries of observance watching you all swap borders like they were your cousins.
you're not seriously stealing a joke this blatantly and pretending it's your own, are you?
jesus christ, just how retarded are you
desu all i do in my spare time is drink wine and read 19th century lit. can't into video games personally but I understand the whole drop out mentality of a lot of younger guys . Normies are cancer
Nope, nice try, pic related.
If you take white identity politics such as the Nazis in the 1940's and compare it to black identity politics such as the civil rights movement in Alabama in the 1960's you should be able to see the difference.
Hey, Sargon, get a Gab account and/or go 14/88.
Then I'll give a shit about your posts
Wow. How edgy and dangerous. Careful lads
Sam Harris is right about many things, especially Islam, but he's a kike. He hates white people and rejoices in our demise. NEVER trust a filthy kike you faggot.
well of course. The one from the 60's had a bunch of useless niggers, who's .ancestors never accomplished anything of note.
Are you mad, my new and savage mainland friend? Are you projecting your own rage over how your tiny little country is being swamped by the EU's "children" and how your country is literally controlled by and grovels to France and Germany?
Kys barbarian
I don't buy into anti-semetism. Name another group who contribute more to society than Jews. Just go by nobel prizes. They're the model of model minorities.
>nazi flag
Oh it's retarded
What are your principles? Is it wrong for a person to express a racial preference and choose what policies to support based on the effect those policies have on their own racial group? Forget consequences for a moment. Is that wrong?
I'm not watching half an hour of this faggot. Can someone just summarise the cuck points he raises?
>30 minute video of an amerimutt talking about some random Sup Forums meme
no thnks
>Faggon of akkad
Ideally we wouldn't think in divisive terms on thinks like race, sex or religion at all
White culture = european culture, which is not a culture by itself, but rather a cultural notions and values that all european nations share. The key points are that first, these cultural values are very important for the stability and prosperity of a european-style society (as opposed to the asian-style society, and there aren't much successful examples beyond these two). And second, they are not present in cultures beyond european. These two make it very reasonable to talk about "white culture" and "white pride", though of course these are not good names, because culture is the key here, not skin color
He names the Jew.
Okay so if someone chooses to think and act in those terms, is that wrong?
>American education
son am disappoint
It depends and on a spectrum. As I said, white identity politics are worse in their behavioral consequences every time we see them play out. There is a reasonable concern. The last time white identity politics happened here 10,000 people turned up to bash anyone brown because some lifeguards were beaten up by some Lebanese. Compare that to Indian cultural festivals or Chinese falun dafa protests.
Shat about Hispanic and Asian pride? Both are celebrated and have days and parades dedicated to it.
>Can someone just summarise the cuck points he raises?
The funny thing is, apart from Asians, what groups have "culture"? Blacks have cannibalism and rap music, Mexicans have nothing but Spanish (aka white) culture mixed with witchcraft, all mudslimes have is barbaric Islam.
Yet white people, who have advanced & civilized the world, WE have to justify our existence to these leftists morons.
feels good seeing Carl getting so angry about this. It's about time someone got mad
Hes 100% right, Jews have the most to fear from white ethno nationalism and for good reason, the weaker our group gets the stronger their group gets.
you took the words right out of my mouth
>feels good seeing Carl getting so angry about this. It's about time someone got mad
He did put more emotion into this one than anything I've seen of his lately.
Its not OK to have a micropenis.
>Compare that to Indian cultural festivals or Chinese falun dafa protests.
Why? The thing you're comparing it to is just an arbitrary choice on your part. The people persecuting falun dafa could arguably be described as promoting Chinese identity politics. The Communist Party of China is extremely ethnocentric. Where's the logic in comparing white nationalist rallies to a tiny cultural festival, other than the fact that it's convenient for your narrative?
Then give me another point of comparison? I can list egregious examples of white identity politics historical and contemporary.
>>Faggon of akkad
Watch the video faggot, you might learn something.
Next up, someone will begin printing out "It's okay to be a Jew" desu
Perhaps because whites don't choose to live in other people's countries in enormous numbers (not that such a choice would even be tolerated by any other race anyway). We just have to accommodate everyone else who chooses to live with us, bringing their identity issues with them because they find themselves living with people who are not their own.
I gave you another point of comparison. The Communist Party of China is just as ethnocentric as American white nationalists, if not moreso. The truth is ethnonationalism is the historical norm on a global scale, and we can find thousands of years worth of ethnic conflicts that don't involve white people. Genocides, slavery, segregation, all of it. I don't think ethnic solidarity becomes more or less evil depending on which race is practicing it, as you do. It's not necessary to count the bodies if we're discussing the principle of the thing, especially considering that disparities in the body count are largely caused by technological advances and other factors that have nothing to do with the ideology. But you're saying that it's somehow especially egregious when whites do it, so by what measurement did you come to that conclusion?
>Perhaps because whites don't choose to live in other people's countries in enormous numbers
t. never traveled
Brace for the civicuck wave.
>we're allowed to attack all white people as a group but you're not allowed to celebrate white people as a group
Hypocrisy, thy name is lefty.
Sargon was a conqueror, I don't remember him being remembered as an intellectual
Name a group that's more nepotistic and subersive of traditional western values.
Still not the worst. All identity politics is detestable, white identity politics is most detestable of all. Body count and how things tend to play out and the historical context in which they play out matter.
Italians, Irish
Look at the fat fuck wearing the MAGA Hat beating his wife's son! Fucken Based!!!
Also, you haven't answered my original question. Is it wrong to practice identity politics? You say it's on a spectrum, fine. I agree. But would you say a black person is committing even a slight amount of wrong by having an in-group preference?