This thread is for discussion of property rights, self-determination, natural order, right-libertarianism and the PHYSICAL REMOVAL of COMMUNIST FAGS from our board of peace. Reminder that this is the Libertarian RIGHT General. Left-Libertarians, Cosmopolitan freaks, Open borders cucks and other assorted libertine degenerates need to fuck off.
Questions are welcome, however many are repeated often. We advise you research the basics before asking.
>Discord & Book Club: Kd2WD2X
>The Machinery Of Freedom: Illustrated Summary (David Friedman) -
>Anatomy of the State (Murray Rothbard)
>For a New Liberty (Murray Rothbard)
>Democracy: The God that Failed (Hans Hermann-Hoppe) -
>Reference - See
>Torrent - magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8d8ec6ef882dee291f119eb69994797574e5d616&dn=Anarcho-Capitalism%20Books
>hoppewave | Hans-Hermann Hoppe | physical removal -
>Against the State - (Hoppewave Hans Hermann Hoppe) -
>I need a Pinochet! -
>Drop it like it's Hoppe -
>Bump for Life, Liberty, and Private Death Squads
Other urls found in this thread:
Use this from now on. No more commie rilfes
>Open Borders Are an Assault on Private Property | Lew Rockwell
>Open Borders: A Libertarian Reappraisal | Lew Rockwell
>Nations by Consent | Murray Rothbard
>Natural Order, the State, and the Immigration Problem | Hans-Hermann Hoppe
>Libertarianism is a tool of Zionism, Invented by jews, ect ect.
The communists want to control every aspect of your life, dont let it happen.
They want to steal your kids so they can be raised "properly" by the progressive state.
Creator of the new AR-15 flag here, Nomad Scavenger, coming in to post a few more variants for us to make use of.
>posting a literal Anti-Fa tier faggot.
every single thread lmao
And the logo itself.
Smash the state, smash cultural Marxism, smash the crony collusion, smash degeneracy!
Pro-white libertarians are the only libertarians.
>when you are a left wing liberal/anarchist but you still want to hang with the cool kids so you become so delusional you call yourself right wing
>Libertarianism is a tool of Zionism, Invented by jews, ect ect.
NONE of this helps Zionist control. We challenge power more than any National Socialists think they do.
Locke, Smith and Bastiat, the founders of capitalism as an economic system based off private property norms, were all Gentiles. Acquisition of resources is a vital part of human action and has brought us such wonders like ancient architecture, art, and technology far beyond what we could have imagined a hundred years ago. Jews are interested because it deals with acquisition of resources, like any other serious economic system.
>"The Jewish Question" by Life Love and ANARCHY
>Documenting Anti-Semitism Within the Libertarian Movement:
Even our favored jews are blasted for being token jews, anti-semites and racists by jews in high places.
You can point out Rothbard (pbuh) was a jew, but you can find no link to zionism or bolshevism. I dare you to call the libertarian philosophy a tool of zionism. bring your evidence fag.
we need the .svg file.
What makes you think we're left-wing?
Friendly reminder that you have become a meme in our circles. Enjoy your status as a laughing stock.
I got it for you here!
Good quote. Saved
populism might be the most plebian thing ever concieved
the fact that you are a liberal. really the differences between communism and libertarianism are minimal if you think about it. their effects aswel are identical. pure materialism in whatever form should destroyed
>our circles
i have more respect for a bunch of sewer rats that for your "circles"
You're telling me there's no difference between people who believe in hierarchy, private property rights, and traditional values, and people who believe in collective ownership and pure egalitarianism?
Mussolini was a leftist socialist. You are a leftist degenerate and you will be physically removed.
Keep digging your own grave, laddie. We're having great fun seeing you pop up in every /lrg/ thread to spout the same shit over and over.
>not inevitably producing a right-wing society
>populism might be the most plebian thing ever concieved
It's kinda in the definition, to be honest.
Fuck off, leftists.
Watch out for that popuism! Jeffery "capitalism is about love" Tucker told me that its nazism in his new book "Right-Wing Collectivism: The Other Threat to Liberty"
Capitalism has never been about the value of material things or even a desire for them. Capitalism is only the free and contractual exchange of property.
Why do statists think they have a monopoly on morality?
You wanna team up and kill commies?
Libertarian is already on the right by default.
Sounds like a plan.
Sure, and after we'll go our merry ways and leave eachother in peace, k?
Hey there boss, when are we making a thread?
I'd say so, but theres a lot of leftist calling themselves libertarians nowadays. its a measure against them getting a foothold in these thread.
>the fact that you are a liberal. really the differences between communism and libertarianism are minimal if you think about it. their effects aswel are identical. pure materialism in whatever form should destroyed
Libertarians aren't materialist, or not necessarily. Liberty is just as valuable to saints and ascets as to entrepreneurs. That's the beauty of it: You can do with it what you want.
Also, Mussolini was a literal heretic and used to be an orthodox marxist. Then he became a non-marxist socialist, but nonetheless a socialist. And his idea of personal and cultural growth was bombing things to shit. He was quite open about that.
This couldn't be fascist-bro could it?
Sounds fine with me. We just want the Pacific Northwest of the US as an ethnostate.
"Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing."
We are loudly proclaim ourselves as RIGHT libertarians.
>You're telling me there's no difference between people who believe in hierarchy, private property rights
they are both empty and utopian ideologies that assume material gratification is the purpose of life.
>traditional values
hahahahahaha is this a joke
>Mussolini was a leftist socialist
he was a fascist
>You are a leftist degenerate
stop roleplaying leftist tard
>and you will be physically removed.
ohh how i wish you would try, with your pacifist cuck ideology
you guys dont seem to get the point. remove the "right" from lrg and i will never post here again. but you sure make me feel intimidated entering your "circle". you faggy internet clicque does really not interest me
Do you even need to ask?
How is it to have a micropenis? I mean people can see it and laugh about it.
lol dude, Im an ancap, but what makes you think I want the original 13 plauged with nogs? we're gonna buy up all the land and move them out anyway.
If our "faggy internet clicque" doesn't interest you, why are you shitting up the place in the first place?
Please explain to me how Anarcho-Capitalism assumes material gratification is the purpose of life? I would never have thought this for even a second.
To me the purpose of life is to find the truth and to do good. I think the best way to do good is not by initiating violence against others, and that self-ownership and by extension property are natural truths of man.
Why are we utopians? And how are we empty? I'm a pro-white traditionalist libertarian. I stand against cultural Marxism, the same as you.
And we'll start with you, national socialist.
>pacifist cuck ideology
Yea, lack of state restrictions on ownership of weapons and encouragement of self-defense sure is pacifist. We're definitely advocating for total non-violence when we say we need a violent revolution against the state.
Leftists cannot stop a united right-wing alliance
*we are and....
Left-wing socialists who cause division between the allied right will not be tolerated.
Reminder that democracy is just the ability of the majority to violate the inalienable rights of the minority, and will always lead to tyranny as well as social decay.
I really hate the Gasden Flag for this reason. It's origin was in the most anti-libertarian message possible, increased political centralization (join or die). It baffles me why libertarians use it.
Join or Die is not the Gadsden flag.
Bumping for private death squads!
i just explained it to you
>Why are we utopians?
perfect comeptition is utopian
>And how are we empty?
individualism is the rejection of struffle and higher purpose. your life ends with your death, there is nothing before and after. the effects of this mindset are observable every day. decadence in the name of freedom
>traditionalist libertarian
yes you are pacifists, embrace it
lame meme
This is kinda old
You do know that the only thing that "libertarian" means is the rejection of force?
How is a traditionalist libertarian an oxymoron?
The first time a snake cartoon was used was in Benjamin Franklin's Join, or Die cartoon. It's cut up snake would later become the snake in the Gadsden flag. The idea behind the Gadsden flag is that the colonies had already joined together. Anyone who uses it is supporting the socialist US government we have today.
>implying there has ever been a successful libertarian state
>Libertarian state
>Why hasn't a fairly new ideology in the history of political thought created its own society yet
alright, well I'll have to read up on that. Sounds like you've gotta point there. Though, I doubt you'll remove the flag from popular usage
>believes in perfect competition
Go read some Rothbard, you economically illiterate commie.
So how do you deal with the neetsoc Jew autism?
libertarianism is a gentile invention. and fuck Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman
>they are both empty and utopian ideologies
Only if you can prove they cannot work. Which is easily possible for communism, but I have yet to see a decisive critique for anarchocapitalism. No one in his right mind can even pretend that minarchism couldn't work.
>that assume material gratification is the purpose of life.
Libertarianism doesn't. Of course, material goods do play a role for the majority of people, but besides a few ascets and monks, no one would disagree with that. Not many ascets and monks in your movement, far as I know. You want goods just like everyone else, and libertarianism can provide them. Don't care about that? Good thing libertarianism also ensures lasting peace, an end to state-supported degeneracy, and the freedom to fulfill your purpose in life.
>hahahahahaha is this a joke
Heretic. Socialist. Former Marxist. You cannot tell me that Mussolini was a traditionalist.
>he was a fascist
That's what he said, a leftist socialist.
>ohh how i wish you would try, with your pacifist cuck ideology
Nigga, do you think we support the second amendment, the right of self-defense and personal armament because we're pacifists?
Imagine being so much of a giant cuck...
That you can't even decide things for yourself anymore...
That you willingly and happily surrender your stuff to other, stronger and taller men because they look cool in uniforms.
They get all the women, all the fame, all the glory, all the fun, and in return you get a promise of a half-decent retirement plan. Until then, you'll get drafted and go die in a war to further their political interests.
I grew out of fascism when I was 17 years old. When did you, or when will you?
National-libertarian reporting in. The future is ours!
>Ayn Rand
>Milton Friedman
Try Cantwell and Bastiat. Rothbard was a race realist who rejected Judeo-communism.
Liberty for me and my nation!