How to avoid becoming a nu-male?
How to avoid becoming a nu-male?
don't visit this website perhaps?
pick up a trade and live in nature
avoid xenoestrogens all you can
Start taking estrogen
eat meat, work out, stop excessive fapping.
Jack off a lot to gay porn
Leave Sup Forums forever
Contact numale. He's a cool guy that owns his meme status
devour red meats
This is the only real answer. Also, work out.
Chop wood.
Unironically isolate yourself.
Society today is about being a massive faggot.
Work out, be right wing, etc
How can this "nu-male" have better beard than me?
Lift weights and eat red meat.
Get your T levels checked, and get on TRT if you are unlucky enough to be a low T soyboy.
...but that's a terrible beard.
I'm so sorry.
>m-muh xenoestrogens
I constantly eat raw soy beans (very gud protein values in small bags) and I'm a man that can cycle 300+ kilometers in a day. I don't have breasts, small dick, nor am I a faggot.
Fuck off with that shit.
consume cum
Lies lies lies
i'm balding Sup Forums, please help me..
>muh anecdotal evidence
Huh? I'm not even close to the records, I realize that if I said that I could cycle 900 km in a day it would seem inhuman, but 300 is perfectly doable if you're in the mood for it, and if you've been doing it for a while.
If I lived in Bulgaria, I'd want to cycle a lot to escape that shithole.
Raw soy beans are poisonous you dummocks.
they're not?
>If I lived in Bulgaria, I'd want to cycle a lot to escape that shithole.
you live in America faggot. You are surrounded by money hungry retards who cannot take care of themselves and are morbidly obese.Fuck off!!
High endurance skinnyfag doesn't necessarily make you not a nu-male. Also being a vegan makes you a pussy. Lift moar
Don't chop your dick off
Le Jimmy Le Neutron
Smoke cigarettes and drink hard liquor.
Work as a welder/carpenter/lumberjack.
Lovingly disrespect women.
shave it off and assume the bald look
/fit/ kill yourself
noice one. fpbp
Shave it off, faggot. Even though I am not balding, I've been shaving my head for years now and bitches love it. It gives you a rough and masculine look, specially If you grow a beard or a goatee.
>pic related is a guy balding that shaved his head. Stop being a faggot.
Don't post in slide threads.
....oh shit
triggered untermensch numale detected