How do we go about stopping chemtrails or "death dumps" as Ted Gunderson called them? they have been spraying since president johnson ((there)) own words. They manipulate weather and poison us all at the same time. Is there pilots or are they drone operated? What company is responsible for this? how to we get our voices heard?
We need to stop this
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bump for cocaine
I feel the same way. Yesterday they were spraying my city like crazy. I always point them out to people. looked up all the planes flying over on flight radar and i couldnt find any information on three of the planes. Ive even called the FAA and never heard back from them.
Didnt they say its for weather control? to keep the planet cool, etc.? I think its beneficial because if the earth continues to get hotter then we'll have a billion nignogs needing a new home in the west.
OP does not understand how jet engines work, nor how aircraft work. This is painful and ignorant. You fucks will believe anything as long as it can be played off as some jewish conspiracy.
What he means is people in shit-poor countries have 20 kids.
If they had what Europe and North America have, they'd have 1 or 2 kids.
We need to help africa develop before they sink the whole fucking planet.
Either that or nuke it. I'm fine with either.
it's really getting out of control, especially ever since they used harvard to launch operation solar shield because a lot of people are catching on so they had to have some cover story so now they say it is to combat climate change. Retards actually believe this and also it is illegal to collect sample for lab tests now. Not sure if you remember the old guy a few years back on youtube who did it with mason jars and got the lab results back showing all types of different metals and chemical but he "suicided" soon their after. Shit is to the point i always have a cough now along with many others around me. You can barley see the sky after a certain time now a days. we need to dig up info on this shit and find out who is funding this and giving the ok to do so. it's past due.
t. kike goldstein
And now you're on a watchlist.
t. ignorant hick
If you spend any amount of time looking at how jet engines work, or any aircraft engine (minus turboshaft), you will see that these "JEWISH CHEMTRAILS XDDDD" have existed since aircraft took flight. Pic related, from the early 50s. I bet you think we've been dumping mind control agents on battlefields too. Dumbass.
it's called operation solar shield but they were spraying long before that and the aluminium levels in the soil are off the charts )supposed to be 0), monsanto aka Bayer felt the need to create aluminium resistant plants and bees so they can create there own GMO eco system, this spraying is not for your benefit, it is for the one world governments, they are using this as a way to push this as well and remember the NWO and OWG are 2 different things, we are living in the new world order but they want a one world government, The factions are just fighting over power over who will be in control of it all, this is the source of most of the day to day chaos and cover stories/ false flags.
Chemtrails isn't even a conspiracy. Geoengineering is very widely known about and there are even public documents entailing it.
The question is what are they spraying with and why.
Fuck off shill
Post legitmate citations that aircraft spray populations with mind altering agents as you faggots claim. Can''t? Then its obviously a conspiracy.
I bet you think HAARP controls the Ozone layer.
If your going to shill at least put in some effort Isaac
>muh chemtrails
it's sad.
They probably think the shit that comes out of their tailpipe on a cold day is mind control vapor too.
Holy shit my dad has been going on and on about chemtrails
This has been happening for years now, how do we get involved.
If your going to enter the argument, post an argument. Saying MUH JEWS doesn't make you redpilled champ.
> muh chemtrails
burger education.
contrails have existed since aircraft could fly over 25k ft in altitude. Pic related ww2 piston engine bombers.
You literally sound retarded, this shit is common knowledge, you can look up for 5 min and see some plays spray and others don't we are talking commercial aircraft here even though they have been known to use smaller planes. you shilling is obvious but your argument holds no water.
Ok Rabbi Goldenschaur.
So what are your thoughts on The Ooz?
Its about height, engine power, and the fuel type. Of course they wont fucking leave trails at 2,000 feet or less. Uneducated amerimutt
you burgers are already fucked
>arguing with the tinfoil hat crowd
stop wasting your time and let them have their circle-jerk.
i started the argument so what are you even on about? even though it is not really an argument of if or why, it is a argument of who and where, this shit needs to stop. you can shill till your teeth fall out but it doesn't change the fact you are being poisoned as well by this shit and probably even more because you blue pilled enough to post for "them" and love using all (there) products you can get you claws on.
You are retarded. Learn some basic science.
t. Aeronautical Engineer
There was a video on YT where some nigga went to a masonic temple somewhere in the US, and said "wtf is this crap, ancient Egypt?!"
Yes exhaust vapors are VERY dangerous at 7,000 feet. Automobiles are a larger threat than aircraft engines.
there are no such thing as chemtrails
the government experimented with aerosolized chemicals over cities in the 50's and concluded it was pointless and ineffective. You can read the declassified report online
Op btfo
My second cousin Works in chemtrails and I can assure you they do not exist.
Jewish Aerosol canisters mounted on American Bomber, seen spraying the ocean.
By god, these kikes have somehow mastered fluid injecting THROUGH the propellars where the exhaust would be! Astounding satantic tricks!
ok bud, they admit to spraying and you still use the argument of what plane, how high it is and fuel type, your dinosaur tactics don't work anymore on this one schlomo , they admit they are spraying and what it is. This thread is to figure out who and where because, it needs to stop.
On that note, Bin Laden died sometime around 2003-2004 due to kidney failure, he had renal failure prior to 9/11 and could no longer get treatment.
He never admitted to 9/11.
>Odd for a terrorist organization.
Him "admitting" to it was from a grainy video where you do not see anyone's faces and has very low quality audio.
Several times his videos that were broadcast on CNN had completely different translations than what he was saying. Ask anyone who spoke Arabic who saw them.
Who is they, and prove it without posting a sourceless jpeg or referencing literal stormfag blogs.
this looks like the OOZ album
thanks for the bump shill
Jesus fuck they must have been spraying us for the last three quarter century. Prop planes do not emit gasses visible at these altitudes! Evaporation doesn't work on a FLAT EARTH FAGGOTS
it's all know, still trump doesn't do shit
there is simply not enough pressure yet, but it will come - when things are too late
Enjoy wallowing in hatred and paranoia for your entire life, Cletus. Must be a shame to fear such wonders of engineering. Nothing is safe from your delusion.
Wow. I'd like to see the shills try to explain this
Its called ignorance bud. His pic, if it isnt photoshopped, is just basic exhaust. Its hard to believe in an LSD-pumping airplane when you realize at those altitudes the jetstream will carry literally anything hundreds of miles off target.
First take this fake shit to /x/. Secondseek mebtal help in your area for schizophrenia because you’re fucking retarded if you believe this shit. Saged
>unironically shilling the same old government line this hard
top lel
It's to poison soil and water tables and also for the dual purpose of creating global warming. Even in canadian towns they spray like crazy all day and into the night. There's an obvious difference between contrails and chemtrails that form long bands of hazy shitclouds. In order to not sound like a crackpot with normies, always refer to chem trails as cloud seeding and aerosol injection.
fuck off asshole
go suck your own ((dick))
Chemtrails are military and scientific tests to gather data on wind patterns for use of chemical, biological weapons and also to study where nuclear fallout will fall. They are trying to perfect the science of releasing an agent from various altitudes and windspeeds/weather conditions to accurately hit a target. Low altitude is easiest obviously. High population density helps as well for hitting the target and for determining how successful they were judging by how many people get sick. This in turn creates the need for vaccines and the cycle continues. I'd get into vaccines too but this isn't a vaccine thread.
There's also the weather modification and pollution side of chemtrails. The planes fly in circles around weather fronts, cold fronts, whatever. I think the purpose is to help the cloud move in the direction of the chemtrail. It could also be a pollution type of spray filled with heavy metals from coal ash reservoirs, the by product of burning coal (insert coal burning joke here). They do this to slowly destroy the farmland. Their goal is to "salt" the Earth as to make all people dependent on government food supplies. A famine will occur and stricter government will follow. That is their goal. Or, you know, maybe the government is spraying stuff in the sky just to make it rain... They also have the ability to prevent rain. Also, just spraying chemtrails over a target country can reduce crop yield by the tons. Solar power could also be affected.
shills in full force
Your telling me the Government has been lying about CORPORATE MADE aircraft since the mid-1930s? A basic function of the atmosphere is a government lie pertaining to jews, intense enough to go without exposure since the 1930s? Ok mate.
Is this still a thing? It was cool 15 years ago when I was a kid, but now this is just painful to read people still believe this.
Propositions, not actual implementation, you complete retard.
The hole in your theory is that we didn't discover the streams until the 1940s and Aircraft capable of leaving trails were around nearly a decade and a half earlier.
watch this video you morons and listen to what the scientists ARE SAYING
obongo admin and clintons and bushes before are responsible for this satanic bs!
its all going to blow around their ears soon enough!
Chemtrails are retarded. Every time someone comes up with a theory about what they're doing with them you could devise a thousand more efficient ways to do it than stuffing shit into the fuel of commercial planes.
It's first class diversion from actual issues.
the fact that you already posted 15 times and are this butt rattled really gets the noggin joggin moishe
I try my best to try to clear up issues on a board dedicated to trying to clean up bullshit, but it seems you are deadset at fear mongering over basic engine performance.
How to stop chemtrails? We need to take samples of chemtrail spray and have it tested. Whatever is found needs to be put up against a control sample of a plane that is not spraying chemtrail/constrail. We need to do this over and over and prove chemtrails exist. When this is done we can tell the people and power and everyone else and put pressure on them to do something about it.
They started spraying in the mid 90s.
Good luck taking samples of something that, even if it did exist, would be blown hundreds of miles off target by wind and basic atmospheric functions. Go spray air freshner straight up in the air on a windy day and see if it comes back to you.
you have asked relevant questions and all they did was call you a shill. They are the shills, shilling for their position when legit questions are asked. Lameeee. OR... is this, a slide thread???
you fucking retarded senpai.
>but it's real I can make image macros and post (((parentheses)) and link retarded blogs! I swear! Look those planes are spewing water vapor I mean chemtrails!
flat earthers, chem trail fags and cretards should be banned from Sup Forums and only allowed to post on /x/ or Sup Forums.
Yet aircraft have been leaving "chemtrails" since the 1930s? Because the trail left by Constellation and Super Fortress aircraft are nearly identical to 747 and Airbus models.
It wouldn't be that hard for someone who has the means to do it... Chemtrails are sometimes sprayed at very low altitudes.
Then explain low altitude contrails...
How often do fucking Boeing 747s fly low enough to where you do not see a visible trail? Because that would require them to be under 1,000 feet. Happens nowhere except near airports.
It's autumn and it's getting cold outside. This is the perfect time to make an observation. Here's what I want you chemtrail" nigger imbeciles to do: The next cold morning, when the temps are in the low 40's or below, I want you to go look at the exhaust of your car right after starting it up. You will see steam coming out of your exhaust pipe. You might even see water dripping out of the pipe. Water is a natural by-product of the combustion process in an efficient, clean engine.
Water is generated by the combustion of the fuel in the car. It comes from the hydrogen in the fuel, plus some of the oxygen from the air. For example, the combustion of octane is $$ \mathrm{2C_8H_{18}+25O_2 \to 16CO_2 + 18H_2O + \text{heat}}. $$ This is just the net result of an extremely complex series of reactions, and motor fuel is not just octane, but ultimately burning fuel in a car will produce carbon dioxide and water in roughly equal amounts, plus much smaller amounts of a whole bunch of other things.
Usually the $\mathrm{H_2O}$ will be in the form of water vapour, but if it's cold then this will condense, and this is the liquid water you see coming out of the tailpipe. That is why those trails you see in the back of an airplane are called CONDENSATION TRAILS or contrails for short.
It is true guys. My uncle works at Emirates he told me.
I think the fibrous material is used to spread biological agent. There are government documents explaining how aerial spraying could be used by terrorists. Sometimes when they use this type of language it's ust themselves doing it rather than terrorists...
Notice how they're already fading. Not lingering for hours and spreading out
Shoot down planes. Easy enough
Ballast tanks to simulate passenger weight in flight testing
Your point?
^This guy gets it
You are correct that the Government has developed air-based chemical delivery systems. However these are employed by low-flying, low-speed aircraft such as Helicopters and its very obvious, and especially audible. A good example is Agent Orange, famously used in Vietnam as a deforester and all around "fuck people" weapon. It was famous for blowing off target, as all gas-based delivery systems are. Now pray tell how an aircraft flying over 1,000 feet, or even 10,000 which is commericial acceptable, can poison entire populations without any concrete proof?
Normally they never leave contrails at low altitude but I've seen it before. I have no idea why they were flying so low but they were not landing or taking off.
>the trails aren't always chemtrails so the elite would never spray chemicals over areas in order to gain control
epic argument totally logical
I'm sorry, but no commercial airliners can physically perform this kind of behavior without anyone knowing about it. They are at all times monitored and hardwired into air traffic computers, IN SHORT, you are not only lying, but ancetcodes aren't argumentative either.
>implying the Elites need expensive chemicals to control the population when a majority of normies can be coaxed by degenerate TV and distractions as easy as smartphones and toys
and who do you think is behind all of this again
(((the usual suspects)))
calm down chaim
Humans are getting dumber and weaker. It is not because of television you puppet.
Same here
do not try to censor me.cuck
Dumber because Americans have poor education and can go their entire lives without a need for education. Dumber because humans have easily accessible distractions from knowledge such as the internet and television. Weaker because strength is no longer required, and our obesity rates through shitty food and poor discipline make us frail and gross. Its not chemical trails that started in the 1990s, its a trend thats been gradually raising since the 1970s, long before the chemtrail theory states this problem developing.