Boomer hate thread
As if they are the worst of your problems
>autistic neet anger thread
stay mad, faggot
Intelligent historians will note that Baby Boomers were the ones to kill Western Civilization.
boomer detected
Scapegoat fallacy, what little kids do.
The worst crime boomers did was create millennials
The only genertation more entitled than them
Sounds to me like some of you entitled millenials
complaining about the economy need to learn how to hit the bricks and knock on a few doors. That's how you get things done
bommers fucked up the economy, environment, gave us feminism, sexual revolution, ended segregation, and on top of that they flooded our country with non-white to pay for their social security.
no wonder they raise trash. they are worse than trash. and yea im a millennial and i hate my generation. i dont smoke and i dont drink and i dont do drugs. ( a lot of family had died due to drinking)
shoo shoo destroyer of america
That's picture is pretty fucking hilarious, not gonna lie
>I won't personally ruin the economy but I'll use services out of my convenience that do ruin the economy
>I won't personally ruin the environment but I'll use services out of my convenience that do ruin the environment
>I will most likely virtue signal to my friends that I'm a good person than do minimally acceptable change in the world by helping others and paying back society through the equivalent monetary value of donations and/or gifts that I received.
T. Greatest geno
what your definition leaves out is that the object banished must be innocent
Millennials kill every industry ever, just like their parents
Any generation without the word "generation" is shit
what really happened is we were institutionalized from early age with computers and 20 or more years later here we still are institutionalized
Shut the fuck up millenial
Why do boomers get shit?
It was the WWII generation that was in power when everything fell apart.
And it were their postwar children who engaged the revolution of 1968.
Rock & Roll was still civilised. Hippies were just a symptom of the first batch of boomers going to university.
Boomer here, born 1961. Fuck off, get out of the basement, and get a fucking job. When I was your age I was married, had two kids, and owned a house you lazy fucker.
It all went to shit when boomers became adults and started voting
>t. LARPing Gen Z
>Why don't you go to their office and tell them you want to work?
I experienced this meme first hand
lol nice b8
I actually told my mother to do that when she got unemployed and it fucking worked.
Both boomers and millennials are equally shit
It's just millennials don't know any better
The truth emerges
millennial lives matter
not all of us are degenerate. most of the women are whores though ...
Not bait. Top of my boomer head punk mother fucker.
Boomers caused so many problems that we have today and have been gaslit into believing there will be enough for Social Security its a huge cluster fuck. This is not going to end well for somebody
Birth certificate or btfo.
This reads like a leftist meme
It kinda does.
How would we do it?
>"get out of my sight, you're 6, old enough"
>"fucking look after me already you cunt I raised you didn't I"
not an argument guy? is that you?
that's neither here nor there.
Imagine being such an awful, despicable generation that both Millenial brainwasged libtards and full fledged nazis, plus everyone inbetween all manage to hate you.
He's not wrong you know
Nah I got it
Boomer wojack who's visibly handicapped fallen down on the floor, leftist art everywhere and CNN on a tv, smug Kek in suit going his own way.
t. Pablo
Sorry not paying for your social security.
And, hey! Thanks for all the rowdy niggers & spics, asshole.
Millennials support socialism over capitalism. Focus your hate there.
no. capitalism and communism are both jewish inventions to keep the populace poor and in poverty.
Im just shitposting, but yes that is me.
>hate people for being dissatisfied with something that is clearly fucking them
Boomers made capitalism tougher to love when they encouraged & voted for things like women in the work force, more foreigners over here, etc.
Socialism won't be any better but, my point is we wouldn't have so many Millennials thirsty for Socialism if the boomers hadn't fucked with the wonderful thing we had going with the American economy by happily inviting competition into the country.
While we can blame a person separately for it`s own deeds, we can not blame "generation" (a term popularized by boomers btw) without judging the upbringing it received and state of things it inherited.
In fact boomer fault is that they did not reform what they should have reformed. They did not stop pillaging other nations for it`s intellectual and financial elites to feed their lazy arseholes and their social security.
Currently, when "west" is feeding on the bottom of the world, pillaging what has left of middle east, previously already picked trough islamization, it is starting to eat itself. By introduction of the destruction of society trough feminization and tribalization everywhere to feed gated communities, inhabited by freemasonry.
"Eat the rich" is the most pending motto today, only it`s not "the rich" local enterpreneurs, who are pillaged by negroes regularly - it`s the 1% of freemasonry, to whom the jews serve.
No wonder "antifa" is clashing with white people instead. - Gotta fill those servant sheds.
True, weebs are worst
A large quantity(perharps the majority) of boomers are NEETs too.
The only fallacy is that you think this is a fallacy at all. The slippery slope is real and boomers ruined everything
Boomers need to be killed off
Drain on society
They’re living monuments to “good times create weak men”. Yeah don’t stand up to the feminists, the rioting blacks, the communists professors, the flood of non white immigrants, or the Jews who control your government and media. Just retreat further into suburbia and vote red. Now that you’re a shriveled prune who put your parents in a home you’ll be put in one too, maybe you’ll get the privilege to be abused by an underpaid foreign worker.
waiting on obamacare to collapse so these fucking boomers can die
Truly the worst generation. Fucking things up for years to come
I only hate boomer hippies and politicians. The rest can be redeemed.
Temporally establishing socialism really looks like a sane way to quit the crisis, that boomers did not prevented.
"Why don't you call and ask if they're hiring?" what's the probably buddy
Cut off Medicaid and their pensions
Every generation has a large amount of bad people who mess things up for people in their generation and the generations to follow.
Blaming it all on boomers is not realistic.
Is it boomers fault that some boomers put toxic television and music out there and brainwashed generation x?
For every bad actor in the boomers, there were countless others... people who were construction workers who built houses, plumbers who kept water and toilets running, road crew guys who built roads. Countless social workers who did their best to try and keep the people who were down and out still alive and clinging for hope.
The real thing is millenials need to look at themselves... who of our generation will be social workers and try and help others?
Not saying people should be social workers... but they are a very selfish and arrogant generation, I dont see millenials feel empathy for others, we just shit talk and make fun of others to make our selves feel better. If there is empathy, its a formality facebook post and it stops there mostly. Maybe they go do something once a month, but its not a regular thing.
Even fewer of millenials do hard jobs, many wanted to be firefighters to get girls and look cool, but very few became cops and actually dealt with trying to keep the community in tact.
With how righteous people are on pol, you would think it's full of people who would want to become cops or join the military and keep society in tact and ticking...
I don't know of any one who became a pastor and tried to keep faith alive( i dont believe in that anyways, but its the point)
Everyone wanted to be sports agent, lawyer, athlete, or some type of business man.
Millenials are a more arrogant and cynical generation, everyone has a little bit of the Kurt Cobain hopelessness and shit talking in them. But no one is actively trying to do anything to make it better. Millenial girls are superficial( so are guys) and social status is a absolute requirement for dating
>Is it boomers fault that some boomers put toxic television and music out there and brainwashed generation x?
The boomer's sin was tolerance. The refusal to stand up and say "No". To let things get steadily worse for others, because it didn't directly impact them. They are the weak men who created hard times. I can only hope gen Z will be the strong men who create good times.
Nice edit, kike
don't know where you are but no boomers here want anything to do with women in the workforce or immigration.
Boomers grew up in a time of unprecedented prosperity. The 1950s-80s was a time when any 85 IQ dummy could get a job at an auto plant and make a decent living and support a family.
It's the prosperity that inexorably leads to overconfidence and decadence. This, in turn, erodes the foundation of a civilization.
The important thing is not to blame the boomers but to understand the forces and mechanisms of history.
Friendly reminder that social security is going to run out of money by 2034. Your income taxes are going into a system that you will not be able to benefit from if you're in your twenties.
Uhhhhhhh except they were the ones in charge when that stuff started?
>Boomer hate thread
>Let's all hate the white people thread
Fuck off.
Dude it was the boomers who pushed their children and grandchildren to NOT get trade jobs. They fed the meme "just go get a degree in anything you want and you'll have a comfy $70k office job starting out just like I did!".
I can remember every boomer under the sun shit talking my choice to go into the trades while they were giving me advice like getting a degree in music, history, art, etc. "My son teaches English in Asia with his bachelor's degree! Isn't that so neat??! You get a bachelor's degree like him and you can travel the world!" Yeah get a 4 year degree to make $25k a year kek.
But it's not even just the trades. They'll shit talk any kind of job that involves physical labor or servicing others no matter how much the job pays.
Millenials may be doing less difficult jobs that other generations (mostly because of just a changing job market though), but there's not the disrespect for those jobs from them that you see in boomers.
Just think. Boomers CONSTANTLY shit talk minimum wage jobs while at the same time complaining about welfare queens who won't get minimum wage jobs. They're the generation of hypocrisy. "Lol that guy makes $150k a year as a welder on an oil rig in alaska? Guy's a total deadbeat. Here meet my grandson, he makes $30k a year with his degree as a clinical lab technician! Isn't he so smart?"
Why didnt we get a vote for fluorinated water? I wouldve expected a vote for something like that.
They're all race traitors so they can hang with the darkies they loved so much that they imported millions of them.
Boomers are the only people that will shittalk the gainfully employed and belittle them like it's a hobby.
Older people 80 + will just say "Always be greatful you have a job" where as Boomers will say "Why are you working here? What are you retarded?" It's really fucking petty.
they ended segregation and gave us civil rights and women rights. they love the negros and are glad their whore daughters are having niglet babies ^^
greatest generation are boomer parents, not the boomers, though they probably do refer to themselves that way