Because what I see is that nordic people are our european niggers. Literally doing nothing for humanity but killing and plundering europeans.
So tell me, how were nordic people the best again?
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Go shit yourself to death, cuck.
LOL Varg is A FUCKING RETARD. Literally destroyed a 800+ year old church destroying history and you like that? Go fuck yourself muhammed. You're probably a fucking roach now be gone from my country roach.
the chr*Stoid fears the NORDIC man
We,Mediterraneans literally built everything,even western values like democracy and liberty,we are the real MASTERACE
>> Implying the pope represents Christianity
Shill thread meant to distract, divide and conquer
1. Go to Options, type in "sage"
2. Do not reply after this line
Nice try faggot im an atheist
>dutch jew
>hurr durr u not ((white)) thread
>people still fall for this meme
fuck off niggers.
We're a tiny group of people in a frozen tundra why do you expect us to compete with countries with 10x the population?
nice try Schlomo, but Europe didn't last to today by Mediterranians hating on Nordics, Christianity united us and we will remain so.
You're a traitor to your ancestors(( greek )) you're probably an ottoman rape baby trying to deny that southern europeans were superiour.
Literally fuck jews and fuck nordics. I hate jews and i hate nordic/germanic fags. Both are leeches
If you ask, "What have the vikings done to the christians?"
The you must also ask, "What have the christians done to the vikings?"
Pic related
united ? so what happened in the 1500s ? europe didn't seem to be to united then
turk detected
Do you see how fucking stupid you make yourself look? Vikings did far more worse things to christians.
And fuck islam and fuck turks and fuck arabs. Now good?
Nordic are literally the WE WUZ ROMEINZ AND SHEITTT
science > shitskin
I never said this. I know my ancestors were basically like ISIS But I grew out of this and I also don't pretend Mozart was actually a Viking and Shakespeere got his tales by a Viking peasant and every technlogy that exists was actually developed by Vikings the rest of the world just rewrote history and stuff
*genocides pagans*
haha we christianz are stronk n sheit
*gets raided a bit*
oy vey remember the six trillion monks
germanics and nordics are cool but its obvious mediterraneans are the master race
they actually arent
according to some people here
scandinavians were the most boring people they have ever met
>durrr what are haplogroups?
useless trash
Also remind Sweden that they went from one of Europe's superpowers, only to be reduced to SJW capitol of Europe.
ironic that you use the word leaches, mehmet
Nordics raided England killing many adult males... perhaps raping a few women. The English christians were quite pissed that they're catholic pedophilia rituals were rudely interrupted by adult male hand to hand combat.
although that may be true, we win nothing with a separated Europe
>Muh magical sandnigger in space, the (((god))) that does not belong to me
Why won't you just kill yourself, faggot?
>Ship building had literally nothing to do with the rise of the west
Idk if this is a meme or not, but I think I read on here that Vikings used to raid countryside villages while tripping balls on mushrooms... any truth to that?
No we're not acting like victims, you got what you deserved. You shouldn't killed christians and we would've let your people live in peace.
for some reason the Pope was favoring the Iberians, but hey, you're not expecting me to complain about it, right?
haplotrash is useless
i think it became so popular because people here are retarded and the bright colors look pretty on maps
>> haha i cant win argument so i just have to throw out bullshit haplogroups out haha... but im still superiour right guys? haha nordic power am i right guys?
seriously go fuck yourself. Go jerk off about your haplogroups while literally being a dumb as niggers. You are our niggers. The niggers of europe
And whose fault is that? ATHEISM!
What of the gauls fighting naked with just a charm around their necks?
it's based on some meme that the berserkers ate fly amanita to induce some sort of trance during battle. there is no proof of it being a thing
You are right. Europe needs to be united. But its not us that started this shit. Its always germanic/nordics critizing southern europeans and claiming that they are rome. We have to be honest, they have done nothing for europe. However i am willing to work together with them IF they only are willing to make europe fully christian, no atheist bullshit or pagan or islam or jews allowed!
>Literally doing nothing for humanity
>but killing and plundering europeans.
They did more for us than you could ever imagine. They were part of the reason why Europeans were undisputed as the most superior of all humans for centuries.
All the killing and plundering forced our people to become strong and resilient. Meanwhile the nignogs and sandmonkeys spent their time picking the shit out of their arses.
Actually it is the dutch and greeks and italians who actually did more for shipbuilding than you retarded nordics could've ever dreamed about
Just like Greeks then
>half of all Christians are Catholics
>papal infallibility
Half the world's Christian population belong to a denomination that has the belief that the pope can't be wrong.
you are hiiding your flag beacuse you are an inferior subhuman
Oh so now we are white and not shitskins? Because every time southern europeans say something retarted germans and nordics and muttfaces say that we're not white. Stay in your fucking lane you barbaric pig
>beacuse you are an inferior subhuman
But I'm not a gyros nigger
I dont give a shit what you think what christianity is. However I would rather have catholics than pagans, muslims, jews/ anything other. You are a muttface btw you have no right to speak
you are a subhuman and hide your flag because you are inferior to Greeks
The only thing below greeks are greeks that don't even want to live in their joke of a country.
we own to the once great Greeks, they created the basis of logic, civilization and philosofy
don't hide your flag when trying to banter if you want to be taken seriously
Check the flag again, friend.
Greeks are better than other humans.
if they were as low as you
you wouldnt hide your flag
>seriously replying to flag hiding subhumans
That must make you a nigger GTFO my country
meme list
meme map
"visible" corruption
stupid finn subhuman
divide and conquer, ignore
Because you faggots leeched on us. you steal everything from us. You aren't even european you fucking mongoloid
finns are subhumans
meme stuff wont change it
Greeks live better than finn subhumans
>You can't refute anything I said and rely with personal attacks.
meme list
finland doesnt exist outside of Sup Forums
finns are subhumans
finns are white trash
EU citizen can move to other countries
finn subhuman
Shut the fuck up you muttface.
>From promoting killing Pagans to promoting mass immigration. Just like the Jews wanted.
Christians could've just left the Pagans be Pagan. But they did not want to coexist next to each other in peace.
Reminder that ancient Christians were like modern day Jihadis and and Europe was christened by convert or die. If you are white and praying to Jesus you're a spiritual cuck.
If you are a Pagan, your biggest enemies are Jews and Jew worshipers i.e. Christians. You should have no respect for Christian/Christianity whatsoever. They might agree with you on few things but at the end they are ideologically incorrect. Christians joined hands with Jews and used violence against our ancestors, so in the end we should not be afraid to use violence against them.
debt is falling
finns are subhumans
meme index 2016
finns are subhumans
meme patents nobody heard of
finns are subhumans
meme list
finns are subhumans
Christianity caused its down fail you fucking retard. Christianity was the cause atheism is just the symptom of christianity.
meanwhile other people have to work
finns are subhumans
Where would you rather live, Sweden before Christianity, or Sweden after Christianity?
Anyone trying to divide whites along ethnic or religious lines is a jewish shill.
meme list
finns are subhumans